All Chapters of Unexpected Baby From The Alpha: Chapter 21 - Chapter 30
32 Chapters
Chapter 21
Ariana Belle "Hey Jackson." I grinned as I threw my purse on a chair and went to give him a kiss on the cheek. "Hey Darling. How's everything?" He smiled setting down some papers as he pulled me into his embrace. "Great, actually." I grinned "Well I think. I'm worried about Joey.." I trailed off biting down on my bottom lip. I could feel him sign before he pushed me gently off of his chest. "Well I've got answers Ari." He motioned for me to sit while he went behind his desk and sat in his big chair. Following his instructions I followed suit. "I was doing some research for a while now. And I couldn't find anything. Not a single pup has been born with two Alpha parents. Its unheard of." Frowning I bit down on my lip to keep my questions from bursting out of my mouth. Then why did you say you had answers? I wanted to shout. But out of respect, I kept my mouth shut. "And then I .... I spoke to the vamps." My eyes widened as he squirmed in his seat. Vampires were off limits to
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Chapter 22
Ariana Belle "Why didn't you tell me Ariana.... Fuck!" Caleb growled throwing his office chair across the room. "I - I'm sorry .... I thought I would ... I didn't want to.." Wringing my fingers I looked up into his flashing eyes. I could see his wolf fighting for control. His eyes widened once more as he caught on to my stuttering. "You were going to give yourself to this sick fuck?" His voice had dropped and his eyes were mixed between his beautiful Caribbean blue eyes and his Wolf's coal black eyes. It was truly a beautiful mix. Light and dark. But it also scared me to death. Caleb had never been this upset with me. And his body was tense like he was ready to attack anybody and anything. I had never seen him like this. I had always heard stories of how frightening he was but he had never shown that part of himself to me. Until today. Once I uttered Heath's name, Caleb dragged me into his office and made me tell him everything. Throughout everything he stayed silent but my w
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Chapter 23
Ariana Belle It had been two week. Two weeks of our pack chasing out Rogue's from our territory. They were becoming a hassle and more threatening as they challenged us. Running close to the pack house as another ran by the recreation center. Threatening our pups, the future Alpha of this pack. It had us all going insane. Especially Adrian, Caleb, Quin, and I. We all had something to lose if Heath managed to sneak though the patrols because they were distracted with Rogues. Marina woke up a couple days after the incident and she proved that Heath was the one who had attacked her. She was on her way to my house when he got to her, thinking she was me. When he saw that she wasn't he flipped out and attacked her. Left her for dead, just because she looked like me. But she was tough. Waking up before Jackson had even thought she would. And taking off her cast off within a couple hours of her awakening. Maybe it was because we weren't fully wolf. We were hybrids to some extent. "
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Chapter 24
Ariana Belle "Viper! Oh my God! Is that you!" Marina squealed running across and jumped into his arms. "Hey baby girl." He laughed wrapping his arms around her shoulders. "I thought you went off to Washington!" She gushed kissing his cheek and looked up at him with bright eyes. "Psst!" Turning around I looked at a confused Quin. "Why is she hugging a leach!" She growled her fingers curling into fist.Without realising, I growled in response. "Sorry!" I blushed covering my mouth with the palm of my hand. "Who is he?" She urged keeping an eye at Viper and Marina as they kept talking. I could feel his gaze glaring at the side of my head but it was hard to take in. Here he was, our cousin. Our vampire cousin. Our family seriously couldn't get more messed up. Squirming I bit down on my lip and glared down at my feet. "Ariana!" "He's our cousin! Happy!" I hissed glaring into her eyes. She gasped and her eyes shot back and forth between them and me. "That's impossible..." She bre
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Chapter 25
Ariana Belle "You let him come?" I muttered staring wide eyed at Caleb. He sighed and ran his fingers through his hair. Standing up he began to pace back and forth in front of my bed. "He came without warning Ariana. Once he heard Marina was attacked he came. When I stopped him at the border ... I couldn't bring myself to reject his plea to pass." "Why not." I interrupted sitting up. I frowned as Caleb's face paled. "Caleb.." "All I could imagine was Zoey in another territory. Broken and bruised, with strangers. And the Alpha not letting me see my baby." He whispered. His eyes glazed over like if he was stuck in that imagine. Wincing I stood up from the bed and walked over to him. Grabbing his hands I leaned over and kissed him softly. "I understand Cale. And that will never happen to our baby girl." I smiled reassuringly. Frowning he nodded. "He wants to meet you. Its been three weeks Ariana. He can sense you every time you enter the house. And its tearing him apart." Shaking
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Chapter 26
Ariana Belle I wish I could say life was perfect. With my children growing stronger and healthier by the day. Zoey finally knowing that Caleb is her daddy. When we told her she smiled and replied with an, "I already knew that Mommy." And Joey. He followed Caleb around anywhere he went. His eyes wide open to catch anything new Caleb did. Caleb, my mate. Our bond grew stronger by the day. I could feel my wolf awakening more and more with Caleb around. I felt stronger. My wolf grew taller and began to strengthen. Roberto and my dad, both were trying to get along for my sake. Because now, I couldn't imagine living my life without my fathers. Without my sisters. But Heath was out there with his blood thirsty pack members. On top of that Glen and Yolanda with their pack of Rogues. The territory didn't seem safe anymore. Patrols ran every minute of the day. Curfew was enforced until our problems were cleared. Which meant Caleb stayed in the pack house more often. He began to run pat
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Chapter 27
Ariana Belle My lips burned, my cold finger tips kept running over my bottom lip as I walked back to the pack house. My feet stumbling over rocks and branches on the ground. And my mind kept running back to that kiss. The feeling it held. Out of all the things I could feel through it, love was the most prominent. And it scared me. 'Don't be an idiot Ariana. We have our mate who we love.' I know I do love Caleb. I replied to my wolf calming her from her outburst. 'So why are you thinking of that pathetic lower class dog.' She growled. Anger swelled in my chest as she talked ill of Jake. No matter what I knew Jacob, and I knew he was better than half the Alphas out there. He's a beta for goodness sake! Don't Rose. I growled back quickening my steps like if I could outrun my mind, my wolf, and my feelings. 'You forget we are the same person, the same wolf, and I can see how much you are thinking of him Ariana!' Shaking my head I burst into a sprint, not caring if branches c
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Chapter 28
Ariana Belle Silence. It surrounded us like smoke. Suffocating me I hugged him tighter hoping that he would respond but I got nothing, nothing but the suffocating silence. "Caleb ..." "Please tell me you rejected him."Squeezing my eyes shut I clung tighter onto him. Praying to the moon goddess that he wouldn't hate me. "Fuck! No... no ... this isn't happening." He hissed unwrapping my hold on him. Turning his back to me he pulled on his locks and let out a yell. "I'm sorry ... please stop ... I'm sorry!" I cried as his fists began to plummet the bookshelf causing all the books to tumble down. Rushing over to him I pulled his fist down and stood in front of him. Squirming with fear as his black eyes glared down into my own. "Please Caleb..." I whimpered keeping his gaze locked as I cautiously edged closer to him. I had no idea what I was begging for. For him to calm down, not to hurt himself. To forgive me. To forgive Jacob. Not to reject me. That he wouldn't hate me fo
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Chapter 29
Ariana Belle "Heath..." My arms tightened against the twins. Wishing, praying that he wouldn't set his wicked eyes on them. They stood there silent, already feeling the tension and fear. What do I do? Looking around the room there were only two exits. One, Heath was currently blocking with his body. His broad shoulders took up most of the space and his arms of course didn't help the situation. And the second was behind me, leading into the woods. What the hell am I going to do! "My beautiful mate." He chuckled his eyes brightening as he looked my body up and down. Finally resting his gaze on my neck. "Good you have not been marked. I would have killed that pup." He grinned opening his arms to me. Flinching at his words I pushed the twins farther behind me. "Heath wh-what are you doing here? Your family is worried sick about you?" I tried to sound normal only raising my brows in question. His arms flopped back down to his sides and he began walking in farther. "They are n
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Chapter 30
Third Person The morning light had began to fade throughout the Crimson territory when they caught the scent. The same scent they had chased like dogs for a month. Alpha Heath. He had been there and he was close. Adrian had been the one to catch his scent, and without a second thought mind linked Caleb. 'We caught his scent.' He could feel his alpha's anger through their link and shuddered at the thought of being in the receiving end of his fury. 'Where are Ariana and the twins' Adrian froze in fear before dashing through the woods, pushing his paws to their full extent. How could he have forgotten that his Luna had left the pack house. His heart thumped uncomfortably and he prayed that the security she had taken was enough to protect them. 'Adrian...' the growl echoed through his mind made him stumble on his paws and cower down in submission. 'I'm on my way to her Alpha' Caleb didn't have to say anything to Adrian. He already knew that if the Luna and the twins were in a
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