All Chapters of Unexpected Baby From The Alpha: Chapter 31 - Chapter 32
32 Chapters
Chapter 31
Ariana Belle Blood coated the cement, intoxicating the air around us. Blood from Heath's pack - from my own. All of this because of Heath's obsession. Looking around the mess of blood, injured wolves - I spotted my mate on the other side. Fighting the man who had told us that the plane was under attack. Caleb's grey t-shirt was now smeared with blood and ripped showing off his tanned stomach. Tiny pale pink scratches were visible as he fought Heath's pack. He was quick, even in human form. "Ariana!" Snapping my gaze away from my mate, I swiftly moved away from the attacker. Making him slip and crash onto the floor. "You bitch." He growled jumping to his feet. Rolling my eyes I caught Henry's glare. "How's the bite?" I smirked making sure my bloodied fangs were out to view. I could see him shiver in fear as he glanced down at his bite. It was already spreading up his arm - heading to his heart. A vampire bite to a wolf was deadly. I could only imagine how Heath was dealing.
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Chapter 32
Epilogue Ariana Belle Two Years Later Since the fight, the pack has become stronger. It took months for us to regain our strength. We all lost loved ones. Our family. We grieved, we wept, and we became a pack filled with anger. But we overcame it. Slowly, but we did. It's strange to think that a couple years back I wanted to get away from my pack. I couldn't dream of leaving this town, my people. My family, that seemed to pop up in every direction. Like my baby doll Sunny. She's such a strong little pup. It took her almost a year to open up to Caleb and me. It was heartbreaking seeing her shy away from us, from everybody. Pack members who had known Peter, had came to visit Sunny. But that only made her pull herself farther into her shell. She wouldn't come out of her room. Unless Joey assured everybody was gone. Only then would she go out to eat, bathe, and play. Only with Joey. And then slowly she let in Zoey and Natalia. And then one night she crawled into our bed and be
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