All Chapters of The Rejected Contract Luna: Chapter 1 - Chapter 5
5 Chapters
1 - The Rejected Luna
[Rosie's POV]“You're crazy! You humiliated me at our sacred ceremony! Can't you see the entire pack’s elders are scolding me for your psychopathic behavior!?”“Sorry,” was all I could say. His slap marks still hurt on my face. How should I tell him? I'm doing all this because my body belongs to someone else.“I have to reject you,” he said, finally giving in. “I, Beta Mike, reject you as my Mate, Rosie Mauvelous. Answer now. There's a lot of mess you've made that I need to clean up tonight.”“I, Rosie Mauvelous, accept your rejection,” I retorted with a downcast face. Mike dragged his feet angrily, leaving me still in my wedding dress. Alone.I staggered back to my mansion alone in my reverie. It would be a lie if I wasn't hurt after being rejected by my Beta mate, for so many times. But what could I do? It was all better than having to endure the hatred of my own family. Arriving home, my step mother and sister greeted me in the living room, rather than my father who had been indif
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2 - Charming The Alpha
[Rosie’s POV]“There's no way I'm jumping out of this window to escape, right?” My eyes darted to the only exit in my room.“How about making yourself look as ugly as possible?” Liliana, my wolf, suddenly came up with a hilarious idea. “Whoever that Alpha is, he must be eyeing your face. If he sees that the Luna he's arranged with has an ugly face, he'll cancel it!”“Hey. You're smart,” I said with a laugh. “Why didn't you think of that earlier?”The door to my room was forced open, creating a commotion. On the first floor, my father sat waiting with a Beta with a dragon tattoo on his hand. My father's hopes and pride were dashed instantly in front of his daughter who humiliated him with a face full of black spots. Using watercolor ink, I crossed out my face with my painting skills, making me look as ugly as possible.“Rosie! What are you doing!?” my father snapped. His hand immediately pulled me inside. “Change your clothes now! Are you going to embarrass the only Alpha who wants to
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3 - The Contract Luna
[Rosie's POV]Hesse's attitude towards me confused me. A dozen horse-drawn carriages were prepared to carry my luggage to the palace. The maids dismounted and changed my clothes. This dress I'm wearing, isn't it too luxurious for a slave?“This way, Miss.” Hesse opened the carriage door, accompanying me into it.Hey. This kind of treatment, almost makes me think Alpha Charles is a good person. But just thinking about it, already makes me almost laugh. There was no way Alpha Charles would go to such lengths, ordering his subordinates to serve me, without an ulterior motive? No shit He would do that.“We have arrived, Miss.” Hesse referred to the palace gates that had opened to welcome us.The sun had already risen when our carriage arrived, so I could see a grand feast being held on the palace's front lawn.My father's words were no exaggeration. Alpha Charles truly lived in a different world from me.The palace that stood in front of me seemed to have been born from a dream world. Wh
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4 - The Agreement
[Rosie's POV]“Then give me The Contract Luna,” he said, seriously. “Just like your mom, you have it in your womb too, right? Give me that. And I'll fulfill whatever you want.”Alpha Charles, he... He knows everything! Damn it! I know he’s the killer!He knows the secrets of my mother's pack that not even my father knows!“Rosie... This is serious. The Luna Contract... No one has wanted to do it for a century. It's a terrible agreement! You have to reject it!” Liliana woke up, panicked and trying to get my consciousness.“I know,” I said, whispering. “If even my mom won't do it, then it's a terrible deal, isn't it?”The Contract Luna was an agreement between Alpha and Luna that exchange the baby in her womb over a contract agreement.My mother died without successfully carrying out that agreement. And passed on the power in her womb to me. In other words, I'm the only Luna in this world who can fulfill the treaty.But Legend says the contract can only be done once in a lifetime. In ot
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5 - The Curse
[Charles' POV]Knock! Knock! Knock!“Who dares to disturb me!?” The sound of a servant knocking on the door forced me to stop what I was doing. My temper had been boiling since that damn Luna's arrival. “You! Come out! How dare you touch my chamber door with that rotten finger of yours!” I growled at the door as it opened on its own. Whoever it was, I would kill anyone who deliberately played me. Unfortunately, the door opened and revealed the face that had been filling my head.“Hey. Isn't she Rosie? How dare she set her face here.” Darwin, my Wolf, laughed at my misfortune of being visited by that Luna on this hot night. When I wanted to avoid her.“Are you looking to die?” I snapped angrily at her. “Have you forgotten that I rejected you? How many times do I have to tell you I don't want to see you in my room?”“S-sorry, Alpha Charles. It's just that, I was ordered to come to your chamber tonight.” Her voice fearfully trembled with my anger. But, fear is not enough. I wanted her
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