All Chapters of A Bargain With The Devil: Chapter 21 - Chapter 30
35 Chapters
Chapter 21
Ethan leaned back in his seat while I remained frozen in mine.“Ethan.” She said coolly. “Can we talk?”“I’m occupied right now”“Surely, you can make time for an ‘old friend’, just a few minutes.” He watched her quietly like he was considering it, and then to my dismay, he stood up. I felt the spindly claws of jealousy wrapping its fingers around me.“I’ll be back, beautiful. “ He told me, brushing a strand of hair out of my face. Ava’s eyes darkened at the gesture but she said nothing.I watched them walk away before I realized how alone I was at the gala. I was grateful the room was dark around me, so no one could see me or my embarrassed face. I emptied my glass of wine and looked around for Cartwright and Wynona. I could not find them anywhere on the floor. That was just great.Maybe they were hidden among the other dancers. As I contemplated leaving the comfort of my chair in search of them, a waiter approached me with a bottle and fresh glass in his hand.“Gift from Mr E
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Chapter 22
He wasn’t joking about taking me home. We pulled into the drive of a house secluded in the forest, while I watched in amazement. I was staring wide eyed at the dark building when he stepped out and rounded to my side of the car.“Can you walk, Mae.” Of course, I could. I might have enjoyed the ride in the wheelchair at the hospital but it did not mean my legs were incapable of movement.I stepped out, still wearing my dress from the gala, my heels were in Ethan’s hand. After he closed the door to his car, he watched me take a few steps to the marble doors of his home. The first steps were easy, but then the world slipped under my feet and in a split second, I was falling forward. My hands shot out to catch my weight.I never made contact with the floor because I was swept up by Ethan and crushed into his hard chest. I sighed in relief. That could have been a nasty fall.“Thanks.” I muttered, calculating my path again.He let out an exasperated sigh before he lifted me, bridal sty
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Chapter 23
While I’m sitting there sipping the rest of my soup slowly, A young woman walks in, in shorts and a baggy shirt. She paused when she saw me sitting by the counter.“Oh hi! I’m sorry, I heard the car leave, so I assumed it was both of you.” “Are you Gladice?” I asked cautiously. She gave me a toothy grin.“No, that’s my mum. I help out here a few times, to take the load off her. I’m Cecelia.” She extended a hand towards me, which I shook lightly. “how’s the soup? The boss said you were feeling under the weather last night.”That was an understatement, I could not recall a good chunk of the evening. This brought me to a question I had been avoiding, something I was too shy to ask Ethan.“Did you…help me out of my clothes last night?” “Oh no, we came this morning. I guess your fiancé did.”Of course. Or maybe I changed myself but didn’t remember it.“Miss Ricci.” An older woman announced as she walked into the kitchen, a small duster in her hand. She shared similar feature with Cec
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Chapter 24
His eyebrows drew together in a scowl as he took in the sight.“Ethan! I would say ‘what a surprise’ but it really isn’t anymore. You seem to materialize whenever Mae’s in the house.”I looked down at my cleavage spilling out of the ill-fitting dress, hoping my red cheeks were properly hidden. He cleared his throat.“Some tsked in disapproval. “Your grandfather needs to take a break. Sometimes I feel likeEvelyn’s enabling his actions.”“I’ll look into that.”He took a final look at me before he made his way up the stairs, unaware of the four pairs of eyes that tracked his exit. I gave the women, Emma and Olivia the stink eye. Fake marriage or not, Ethan was off the market, they did not need to stare at another woman’s husband like that.“He’s absolutely smitten with her,” Grace told the girls with a grin “He’s constantly looking for a reason to be here, whenever she’s around.”They looked disappointed by the information and I tried to overlook the delight their reactions stir
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Chapter 25
I followed Ethan’s advice but instead of the brooch he suggested, I went with a large veil covered in small cream colored flower details that went perfectly with the dress. By the end of the evening Grace was dabbing at her eyes, pure joy written on her face. I found myself sharing in her excitement too. I was getting married.Several times I would catch myself admiring the full look in the mirror, and picturing whatEthan’s face would be like if he saw me. As soon as I noticed, I would shut the thought down. The lines between reality and out pretend marriage was blurring quickly. “It’s becoming harder to keep my hands off you”. I looked around guiltily like I suspected everyone could see my thoughts written on my faceWith my dress packed up for the reveal for my parents, I left to find Gideon to take me home. I found two men standing outside his car when I got to him.“Goodday, Miss Ricci.” The dark skinned man said, stretching a calloused hand to me. “My name is Hakeem, and thi
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Chapter 26
It was only when I was in front of Ethan that I admitted to myself that I actually missed him. He came, with another car in tow to convey me, my family and Lisa to his mansion. Naturally, we rode alone, in a quiet so intense that it was almost tangible.My anxiety for the engagement and my move into Ethan’s house forced me to break it. “How was your week?”“Good.”“Did you tear down any small towns?” -He glanced at me with an irritated look.-“I was joking.” “I noticed.” There was silence again.“Are you still searching for the person responsible for the gala incident?”“Yes.”“Do you like my dress?”“What is this? Twenty questions?” I was impressed that he knew the game show.“You said you wanted me to relax around you, how do I do that when your face is set in a permanent scowl and you refuse to have conversations with me?”He sighed. “Yes, I like your dress. It’s stunning, but you would look great in a potato sack, so it’s not so much the dress as it is you.” I basked in hi
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Chapter 27
When his words sunk into my head, I found the strength to push him away from me. His surprise about my reaction bought me enough to roll away from him and scoot to the edge where I stood.When Ethan recovered from my actions he rolled off the bed stalked me again.“What are you doing Ethan?”“What does it look like I’m doing?”“You said there would be nothing physical between us. You specified that in the contract.”“It can be easily changed, what do you want? More money?”In essence, he wanted me to sell my body to him. I remembered all those nights ago, where he had dropped wads of money to ‘appease’ me after we had slept together. I had refused to take his money then, there would be no difference now. Especially, when he still thought so lowly of me.“I don’t want your money Ethan.”“Could have fooled me.” He snapped, as he trapped me between the door and his body. He grabbed my hips and pressed me into him, where I could feel his hard length. I bit my lip, willing my body
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Chapter 28
I was waiting. Waiting for Ethan to break the silence during the car ride, but knew it would not be possible with Gideon driving us to his home. I fought the urge to fidget in my nervousness. I didn’t want any part of my body revealing how apprehensive I felt. This was it, i was moving in with Ethan. As if this wasn’t difficult enough, he had the gall to suggest a change in our contract.My hands gripped Wynona’s gift tightly when the car slipped through the automatic gates, gliding to halt in front of his doors. Again I marveled at the beauty of his home. It had the outward appearance of a cyberhouse. With its smooth edges and sharp cuts. In a way they mirrored their owner. I spared a glance in his direction and found his head forward.Soon it would be just the two of us in the house. For all the hope i had that Gladice would be around, i knew she only came during daytime.I rolled my shoulder when i got out of the car and Ethan’s attention slipped to it. I froze, till he walked a
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Chapter 29
I plastered a smile on my face and walked towards them. The tension that was in him when he left my room last night was gone, and replaced with a warm but calculating expression. I wasn't sure if I liked this side of him either.I smiled and said good morning to Gladice, brushing my hand across Ethan's shoulder in my unwillingness to get any closer him. Gladice watched my awkward movements impassively. A split second after I thought I was in the clear and just before I was to take my perch on the stool beside him, he grabbed my hand and yanked me towards him. His eyes burned with a hint of desire and mischief as he lowered his mouth to mine.With a simple kiss, he claimed me. It was a statement that I was his to take, to gladice it may have looked like a normal kiss but i knew a threat when i saw one.I hated him for his cockiness, but my hate did not stop my body from molding into his andsubmitting under his ministrations.When he pulled away, he brushed his lips against mine,
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Chapter 30
I shrugged. “I donno, for starters, why you’re such an asshole.”He smirked lifting his hands to my mouth. His hand swiped against my bottom lip and it darted out to get whatever he was trying to wipe off.“You have quite a mouth on you. I bet I could put it to use in other ways.”“Ethan…”“I have agreed to your terms Mae, We’ll play by your rules for a little while.”“How about dinner tomorrow night?”“Why not now?”“I wasn’t lying when I said I have work to get to. I’ll be holed up in the office all day.” I felt a twinge of disappointment.“Fine. Tomorrow.” Was I really agreeing to this? A date with Ethan Crowe. We might as well, He wanted to get get in my pants, I wanted him in it too, and I know sooner or later it would happen. It was best that we had some semblance of control over the situation. I was starting to see why he liked having power so much.Ethan left me downstairs to work in his room and i had the whole downstairs to myself. Gladice had not come back in so it
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