All Chapters of A Bargain With The Devil: Chapter 31 - Chapter 35
35 Chapters
Chapter 31
Ethan’s POV Cartwright glanced in the direction of the hidden camera and smirked before he climbed up the stairs to the house.“Long time no see, Cartwright.” Bethany greeted as he walked in. He smacked the door “Babes, missed ya.” I heard him answer through the intercom.I had a good reason to be possessive i assurred myself. Cartwright was an airhead who flirted and fucked anything in a skirt, if he was here trying to charm my wife. It would not bode well for him, or my fake relationship for that matter.Ignoring the crack I heard when the tablet connected to the desk, i kicked off from my chair, forcing air out of my lungs evenly.Just as i breezed into the living room I heard the last parts of Cartwright’s conversation.“…have lunch with me.” He asked MY fiancée. My jaw ticked when she chewed on her lip as if she was considering it. She had a warm smile on her face, one that she managed to turn off whenever she noticed I was in the room. I was the one saving her little town
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Chapter 32
“What?”“You know better. I am very guarded about my property Mae Ricci, and for the entirety of our contract, you are mine. I won’t have you acting like a hussy where Cartwright is involved.” And we were back to square one.I huffed as I jumped from his lap, ignoring the erection he was sporting. His hands slipped off me easily. ” You know what Ethan. you can take your adjusted contract and shove it up your ass because I’m no longer interested.“And then I marched to my room like the bad ass queen that I was. Soon to be very hungry, but bad ass nevertheless.I slipped down the stairs an hour later unable to contain the rumbling of my stomach. Damn Ethan Crowe for making me act like a child. I bumped into Cecilia on my way down.She shrieked startled and then placed her hand on her chest. “Miss Ricci, you scared the shit outta me. I was actually coming to check on you.”“I’m sorry. I thought it would be just me and Ethan in the house.”“It should be, I’m here on my own. I left
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Chapter 33
We drove in silence because I did not want to ask Ethan where we were going, I wouldn't know if he told me anyway."We're late, you know." he said his eyes still focused on the road.“You should have called to tell me you wanted to take me out. ""But we already had plans.""Plans that were canceled because you were being an ass." He glanced at me, "I'm trying to rectify that." "You're doing great.” I told him with a grin.I felt euphoric. I did not realize I was looking forward to spending time with Ethan so much.He pulled up to the Malroy art museum and my mouth fell open. It looked even more fancier that evening, with garlands and other decorations hanging on the walls adding to the beautiful aesthetic of the timeless art pieces in the room. I looked at him for answers.“Julia Mackintosh does a spring show every year, celebrating her favorite time of the year, spring.” Did he just say Julia Makintosh?My head was spinning.“I was expecting some fancy dinner Ethan I didn't
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Chapter 34
When we separated, he clasped my hand tightly. “On to the next activity.”I blasted Mitski from the speakers as he drove us to our new destination. Once again, my breath was taken away by the sight. It was a small cozy restaurant that boasted of one of the classiest decor I had seen, with low hanging chandeliers and a low lighting.“I didn’t know if you wanted a private dinner or something more public.” He spoke into my ear. His hands gripping my hips. “I chose this because I don’t want to think of what I’ll do if i was alone with you.”When I looked up at him he was close enough to kiss. I swallowed hard and riveted my gaze, taking a wide step away from him.I crossed my hands over my chest. “You’re going to have to do more than sweet talk me, Ethan.” He smiled at me. “I’m starting to realize that.”We took our seats away from most of the other guests. When the waiter came to take our orders Ethan was in control of the conversation, frowning slightly when the waiter’s gaze would
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Chapter 35
The drive home was the same. I shivered in the passenger seat, as he sped through LA. We marched up the stairs together till we stooped by my room.“I had a good time at dinner.” I told him as I searched his eyes for the kinder Ethan. The one who had a soul behind his eyes.“I’m glad.” He responded shutting me out.Desperate for some kind of connection, i pressed my body flush against his and kissed him, waiting for him to respond. He remained frozen for a second, and then he gripped me tightly against his body.I wasn’t sure i wanted to make love to Ethan that night. I felt alone, even with him.“My new favorite thing is you kissing me.” He said hoarsely against my lips while I trembled at the ferocity of our kiss.He groaned as he pulled away from me.“I need to leave. I have a work emergency I need to attend to.”Discomfort snaked it’s way through my chest and found it’s home in my heart. All evening I hadn’t seen Ethan touch his phone. How did he hear of an emergency then?
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