All Chapters of Married By Agreement: Chapter 11 - Chapter 20
44 Chapters
Chapter 11. Make Him Unsuspecting
"Are you guys up to something with me?" Damian asked, his eyes wide open and teeth bared. Mia swallowed nervously. "You deliberately accepted a deal with me to get revenge. And behind that, you have Stella and Mr. Marvin helping you," Damian said. "I only found out about Stella and Mr. Marvin's relationship this morning, and I told them about our deal," Mia replied. "Stella was furious at me, then revealed that the debt had already been paid by Mr. Marvin." Damian's brows furrowed. "So?" "This morning we met with Mr. Marvin, and asked for his help in canceling the deal with you. Unfortunately, that damn Marvin didn't want to help because the deal was already signed, it would be very difficult to cancel it. He was afraid you would demand a lot from him later," Mia said, pretending to be annoyed. "So he won't help you?" asked Damian. "No!" replied Mia, looking annoyed. She sat back with her arms folded under her chest. "He said he's already spent a lot of money paying off t
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Chapter 12. Preparing for Wedding
A few days later. Stella and Mia got into the car that was waiting in front of the apartment. One of Mr. Marvin's bodyguards picked them up to take them to the company. "Why do you think Mr. Marvin asked us to come?" Mia asked Stella, who was sitting next to her. "Probably to talk about the wedding. What else could it be?" Stella replied in a casual tone. She turned her head to look out the window and saw that the streets were very crowded even though it was already working hours. "Aren't you happy to be marrying Mr. Marvin?" asked Mia when she noticed Stella's indifferent expression. Stella immediately turned to look at Mia. "I'm getting married to a man I've only known for less than two weeks. What's there to be happy about? I don't love him at all. I never even imagined that I would marry a man this way." "Mr. Marvin is so perfect as a man. Aren't you attracted to him at all?" "He's still stuck in his past. He agreed to marry me to take revenge for Lily's death. He said Lily
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Chapter 13. Make You Fall in Love
"That quickly?" Stella stared at Marvin in shock. Marvin nodded. "The sooner, the better." "But how can it be done as soon as tomorrow?" Stella asked softly. "Nothing is difficult for me, everything is easy. Especially when money rules everything," Marvin answered. "Oh, okay," Stella nodding in understanding. Marvin was right. "Anything else? Any more questions?" Stella shook her head. "No." Marvin turned to Mia. "Any progress with your agreement with Damian?" "Not yet," Mia replied. "He hasn't talked about the wedding, he just said he would prepare for it soon. Yesterday afternoon, after I got back to my apartment, Damian asked to meet. I thought he wanted to discuss the agreement or the wedding, but it wasn't about that." "What did he talk to you about?" Marvin asked. "Your relationship with Stella," Mia answered. "He said he found out from Mr. William. Mr. William blamed him for the canceled contract with Esther. You were careless, Sir. Damian was suspicious of us." "Susp
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Chapter 14. Fascinated by Stella's Beauty
Stella came out of the bathroom, walked towards the walk-in closet. "Stella...!" Her bedroom door suddenly opened. Marvin stood there, looking shocked and stunned when he saw Stella’s body covered only by a towel. He swallowed hard at the sight of her, her wet and messy hair stirring his instincts as a man. "Couldn't you knock first, Sir?" Stella asked, clutching the towel tightly over her chest, speaking through gritted teeth. "Wh—why wasn’t the door locked?" Marvin responded with a question instead of answering. Stella narrowed her eyes at Marvin's question. "O—okay... sorry," Marvin said, closing Stella’s bedroom door again. Stella rolled her eyes, then continued choosing her clothes. "Wow!" Stella looked in awe at the clothes in the closet. "Did Marvin prepare these?" Stella tried on various outfits. Although she used to be well-off, her wardrobe mostly consisted of t-shirts and pants, with only a few skirts that she rarely wore. Finally, Stella picked a dress and put it
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Chapter 15. Meeting an Ex
"Okay, if you understand, I’m hanging up." Click! Marvin ended the call and looked around as his driver stopped the car in the restaurant parking lot Stella had mentioned. For some reason, he had asked the driver to take him to the restaurant instead of the office. Even though what Stella was doing wasn’t part of his plan, he still felt the urge to follow her. After a short moment, he got out of the car. He saw Stella walking quickly, deliberately bumping into Damian. "She's started her act," Marvin murmured, crossing his arms and watching as Stella extended her hand to Damian. Marvin stayed where he was, calmly observing the scene in front of him. He noticed Damian’s shocked expression as he saw Stella’s new look. Marvin's eyes narrowed when he saw Damian looking at Stella’s body with an intense gaze. "I think he still has feelings for my wife," Marvin murmured. His eyes narrowed further when he saw Damian’s lips curl into a reverse crescent. Finally, Marvin walked closer to t
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Chapter 16. Carrying Out Missions One By One
"Mia said her meeting with Damian at the restaurant yesterday was to discuss their wedding," Stella said as she ate breakfast with Marvin. "Damian got angry at Mia for not telling him we were already married." "And? What did your sister say?" Marvin asked. "Mia told Damian that the wedding was private and that you requested it not be publicized. Damian wasn’t suspicious at all since you had said that before," Stella explained. Marvin nodded. "Good." "Why not spread the news of our marriage? Wouldn’t it be beneficial if Fanny heard about it? Why keep it hidden?" Stella asked, placing her spoon and fork on her plate and looking at Marvin seriously. "We need to tackle our mission step by step to ensure it's easier, well-planned, and thorough. Let’s deal with Damian first, then we’ll move on to destroying Fanny. If issues arise simultaneously and we’re not well-prepared, we’ll lose before we even start." Marvin placed his spoon and fork on his plate and looked at Stella. "Fann
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Chapter 17. Stella's Stupidity
Marvin entered his house and walked towards the living room, which was empty. Not a single person was there. "Miss Bertha?" Marvin called out, half shouting for his housekeeper. "Yes, Sir?" A woman in her mid-thirties suddenly appeared, approaching Marvin. "What is it, Sir? Are you ready to eat now?" she asked. "No," Marvin replied. "Where’s Stella? Is she in her room?" "Mrs. Stella?" "Yes, where is she? Is she in her room?" Marvin asked again. "Mrs. Stella is upstairs, Sir," Miss Bertha said, looking flustered. Marvin frowned at the woman’s flustered tone, then he walked towards the stairs and climbed up to Stella’s room. He knocked several times, frowning when there was no answer. "Stella? Are you in there?" Marvin asked, but there was still no answer. He opened the door, and the room was empty. "She’s not here," Marvin muttered. Marvin walked back downstairs and approached Miss Bertha, who was in the kitchen preparing dinner. "Stella isn’t in her room. Where is she?" Mar
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Chapter 18. Dinner with Ex and Husband
"How do I look? Am I beautiful?" Stella asked. Marvin looked Stella up and down. "Not quite perfect yet." "Then how should I dress, Sir?" Stella looking disappointed by Marvin's comment. Marvin scrutinized what might be wrong with Stella. The dress she was wearing was perfect. It was a short, sleeveless dress with straps on the sides, ending slightly above her knees. Marvin glanced at the heels Stella wore, and they were also perfect, matching the color of her dress. "What’s wrong, Sir? My makeup? Is it too thick? My lipstick? Is it not bright enough? Should I use a bolder color?" Stella asked again. Marvin examined Stella's face closely. There was nothing wrong with her makeup. It looked natural and not thick at all. "I’ll change into something sexier. Tonight, I have to look very beautiful in front of Damian so that he regrets hurting me," Stella said, about to turn around, but Marvin grabbed her wrist first. Stella immediately looked at her hand that Marvin was holding. "Yo
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Chapter 19. Clumsy
Marvin cut the steak in front of him, then slid Stella's plate towards himself, while pushing his own plate towards Stella. Stella looked at the man who was now smiling at her. "Eat, darling," Marvin said. Stella frowned, nodded, and smiled hesitantly. "Thank you," she said. "You're welcome," Marvin replied, stroking Stella's head, causing her to lower it slightly in surprise at being touched. "He's good at playing a drama," Stella thought. Meanwhile, Damian, watching the scene before him, began to feel annoyed, his hands even clenching tightly. In contrast, Mia looked relaxed, enjoying the meal on the table. The dinner was truly perfect. It had been a long time since she had enjoyed premium quality beef. "How is it? Do you like the food?" Marvin asked. "Very much," Mia replied with a smile. "We're enjoying it, Sir. Thank you," Damian said. Marvin smiled back. "I'm glad to hear that." He propped his elbows on the table and clasped his fingers together, looking at Damian very
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Chapter 20. Set Up a Plan
"Since you're married, let's plan this," Marvin said, joining them on the sofa. "The first page is just a diversion. The following pages contain the actual property transfer documents. The real purpose of our plan. When you ask for Damian's signature, tell him it's an agreement regarding the shares he promised you. Just say you want to finalize the share transfer." Mia looking at the contents of the folder, furrowed her brows in confusion. "Ah, this piece of paper." "Yes, it's just to divert Damian's attention," Marvin replied. "Can't we just explain it straightforwardly without all the convolutions? Divert his attention from what?" Stella chimed in. Marvin exhaled sharply. He looked at Stella and Mia seriously. "Listen to me carefully." Stella and Mia looked at Marvin with serious expressions. "The first page outlines the benefits of the agreement between Mia and Damian. The subsequent pages are the actual transfer documents for the company, the house, and other assets. The fir
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