All Chapters of Married By Agreement: Chapter 31 - Chapter 40
44 Chapters
Chapter 31. Still love Damian?
"I want to believe that you're not what I imagine, but unfortunately, my mind can't accept that. My mind is already convinced you are like that," Stella said flatly.Marvin swallowed hard upon hearing Stella's words. "But I truly didn't do anything like what you saw or imagined.""Enough," Stella said, pulling her hand away from Marvin's grip. "You're normal, right? Obviously, you'd be tempted by a beautiful woman like her, especially since she has an attractive body. Even with me, who's ordinary, not pretty, not sexy, you still touched me, even if it was just on the lips. So, how could you resist someone more perfect than me?""But I really didn't do anything with her, Stella. Why don't you believe me?" Marvin asked, upset that Stella refused to believe him and kept thinking the worst."Because I clearly saw you two looking at each other, and she touched your cheek. It’s the same as what you did with me. You looked at me and touched my cheek, and then our lips met. And earlier, I'm s
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Chapter 32. Fall in love
"I swear to you, I no longer love him!" Stella responded when Marvin accused her of still having feelings for Damian. "I've forgotten him, and there's no trace of affection left in my heart for him. I just want to repay the pain he caused me! What's wrong with that?" "The problem is that you once loved him. There's a thin line between hate and love. You might get caught up in your feelings again and fall back in love with him. Sometimes love blinds us. You might end up forgiving all his mistakes and get back together with him," Marvin replied. "What about our agreement then? Will you break it?" "Then let's make another agreement," Stella suggested. "One in which I promise never to fall in love with him again and never to forgive him for his wrongdoings. During my revenge mission against Damian, I start to waver, you can do whatever you want with me." "What could I possibly do to you if you waver? You have nothing to offer as collateral," Marvin said, narrowing his eyes. "Take you
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Chapter 33. Implementing a New Plan
"You're not leaving yet, Sir?" Stella asked when she saw Marvin enjoying his breakfast at the dining table, then looked at the watch on her wrist. "Is my watch broken? But it's the same as the one in the room. Is the room clock wrong too?" she frowned in confusion."Your watch is fine, Madam," said Miss Bertha, who was pouring water into Marvin's glass. "Mr. Marvin has just come down. Even I am confused, it’s unusual for Mr. Marvin to come down at this hour. He usually leaves for the office by now."Marvin didn't respond to Miss Bertha’s words and continued to focus on his breakfast.After Miss Bertha walked away, Marvin looked at Stella, who was just about to sit down. His eyebrows furrowed when he saw what Stella was wearing. The woman was already very neat in a knee-length short dress with short pink sleeves."Why haven't you left yet, Sir? Did you oversleep?" Stella asked."Where are you going?" Instead of answering Stella's question, Marvin asked back, ignoring her question.Stel
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Chapter 34. Still in Love with Your Ex?
Damian saw Marvin, who looked upset and was holding Stella's wrist tightly."Is the stress Stella mentioned because her marriage to Mr. Marvin isn’t going well? Do they often fight and it makes Stella stressed?" Damian thought.Meanwhile, Stella looked at Marvin with a confused expression. Why Marvin suddenly appeared?"This is not your business! This is between me and my wife!" Marvin said."But what you're doing is hurting Stella, Sir," Damian said.Marvin immediately looked at his hand, which was holding Stella's wrist tightly."It hurts!" Stella said through gritted teeth, annoyed. She wasn't angry because her hand was held tightly, but Marvin had ruined her plan.Marvin quickly loosened his grip on Stella's wrist, but he still held it, although not as tightly as before."What are you doing here?" Stella asked through gritted teeth."Are you seriously asking? I came to pick you up." Marvin said, "What are you doing here so early, huh?"Stella frowned. Didn't she tell Marvin this m
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Chapter 35. Have Feelings For You
"Why are you staring at me?" Marvin asked Stella, who was now sitting on the sofa in his office."I'm just watching you work, so what? Can't I?""Stop staring at me like that," Marvin turning his attention back to the papers on his desk, getting busy with work again."Why not?" Stella asked."Because what you’re doing might make me fall for you," Marvin replied without looking up from his papers."Hm? Wh—what?"Marvin shifted his gaze to Stella. "Because I might fall for you," he repeated. "And I don't want to fall in love again.""Why?""I don't want to feel the pain of separation again. Once was enough when I lost Lily, and it hurt so much. It took a long time before I could return to normal life and accept that she was no longer in this world. I was truly devastated when she was declared dead. I loved her deeply, and even now, I still can't forget her. So, I don't want to experience the pain of losing someone I love again."Stella remained silent for a moment after Marvin spoke, un
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Chapter 36. A Kiss for Marvin
Stella showed the phone screen to Marvin so he could read the message from Damian."He says he's worried about me, which means he still cares about me, right? And you see the content of the message, it looks like someone concerned about their lover. So, I think Damian still has feelings for me," Stella said, then opened her phone's camera and looked at her reflection.Marvin frowned at what Stella was doing, starting to feel annoyed by her enthusiasm over Damian's message."My makeup is ruined, I’ll go home now to freshen up and change. I’m sure after this, Damian will ask if I have time, and then he’ll invite me to meet. I need to look pretty, right? To attract him," Stella continued."Are you this happy to receive a message from him? Are you wavering?""Wavering? You think I’m happy to get a message from him because I’m starting to fall for him again? Tch! You’re overthinking, sir. Of course not! I’ve told you that it will never happen. I’m happy he messaged me because it means he t
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Chapter 37. Perfectly Devoured Trap
“I thought when you got home… he would hit you.”“Huh?” Stella looked at Damian with a confused expression, then remembered the incident in front of the restaurant that morning.Stella looked away and thought, "So he saw the argument between me and Mr. Marvin in the parking lot this morning? He was paying attention to me?" she smiled with satisfaction. "Thank you, Sir. You actually made it."Stella looked back at Damian with a blank face. "He... didn't do anything to me when we got home. As soon as he dropped me off, he left because he got a call from the company.""Thank God! I thought he would do something bad to you," Damian replied."If he did something bad to me, so what? You would be very happy, wouldn't you? My life would be even more miserable and that's what you want" Stella turned her gaze away from Damian's eyes and rolled her eyes. "You're really cruel!""It's not like that… please don't think like that," Damian said, "I was actually worried about you.""I won't believe th
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Chapter 38. Another kiss on Marvin's cheek
Stella heard footsteps outside and immediately go straight out of the room. She saw Marvin walking up the stairs."You're home already, Sir?" Stella asked Marvin when she was standing in front of him.Marvin, who had just set foot on the second floor, frowned. "If I weren't home, I wouldn't be in this house. I'd still be outside. Your small talk is pointless. Such a strange question."Stella squinted her eyes, "Making small talk with you is clearly not necessary," she snapped irritably. "You've ruined my mood. I was so happy today.""Why? Did you get an unexpected windfall?" Marvin asked, walking past Stella."I don't like durian," Stella replied, following Marvin's footsteps from behind.Marvin, upon hearing Stella's answer, immediately stopped, causing Stella's forehead to accidentally bump into his back."Ouch…!" Stella held her forehead."The windfall I meant was getting good news or an unexpected blessing or something? Not the actual durian."Stella grinned. "Joking, Sir. I under
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Chapter 39. More adventurous
Marvin held the cheek Stella kissed, looking at Stella who was smiling sweetly at him. "You!" "Why?" Marvin didn't answer Stella's question because he was confused about what to say. "You were going to take a shower, weren't you? Go ahead now, Sir," Stella said. "And you? What about you?" "I'll sit here for a while. Once my ankle doesn't hurt anymore, I'll go back to my room." "No need to force yourself to go to your room, just stay here until the doctor arrives. While waiting for the doctor, I'll take a quick shower." "Okay," Stella replied with a smile. "Or should I just carry you to your room?" "No, no… there's no need, I'll just sit here." "Alright then, stay here and don't force yourself to go to your room. I'll be quick." Stella nodded. Marvin got up and walked to the bathroom to clean up. 10 minutes later. Stella, who was sitting on Marvin's bed, looked towards the door when she heard it open. She saw Miss Bertha and an elderly man who looked to be over
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Chapter 40. Leave Your Husband and Stay with Me
"Put on your clothes or you’ll catch a cold, sir," Stella said with a smile after exchanging kisses with her husband."Are you sure you want me to put on clothes? Won’t they just come off again soon?" Marvin responded.Stella furrowed her brow, trying to understand Marvin’s words, and after a few seconds, she caught on to what he meant.She narrowed her eyes and looked at Marvin with a scornful glare. "You're such a pervert! I would never go that far with a man who doesn’t love me. It’s too precious.""Then what about what we just did? You gave me your lips. Isn’t that precious to you?""Huh? Hmmm…" Stella thought for a moment to find an excuse.She had allowed it because she had started to have some feelings for Marvin, so she was willing to kiss him. But going further than that, she wasn't ready. She wanted to do it with Marvin, but only when he confessed his love for her."That is also precious, but you already took it before. So, since it’s already done and it felt pretty good, I’
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