All Chapters of ASSASSIN LUNA: Chapter 21 - Chapter 30
32 Chapters
Chapter Twenty-one
I was in a dilemma watching the phone ring. It's not possible for Cain to be calling from the dead; did someone find his body already? Even I have no answer to the question, and there is only one way to find out. "Hello," I spoke into the receiver, praying to the moon goddess for help this last time. "Number 2" I heard a female voice from the other end; it sounded familiar, but I couldn't place the voice. "Yes," I answered immediately. One thing was indeed sure: whoever it was, speaking from the other end of the call was from the organization.My heart began racing, my imagination was running wild, and I couldn't stop thinking that they might have figured out that I killed Cain; whichever way it was, things weren't looking good for me. "When last did you make contact with your handler?" she asked."On the night he gave me a fresh order," I quickly said, trying not to sound nervous. "My name is Ellen, and I will be your new handler from henceforth." Handler Ellen, we nicknamed he
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Chapter Twenty-two
"Good morning, beautiful," Agnar whispered into my ear, waking me up. His intoxicating cologne drove me nuts, but I wasn't going to give in to my feelings. I opened my eyes, and he was already dressed up."You're up so early," I whispered, pretending like I cared."Am I early or are you late?" he whispered, kissing my forehead. I grabbed his wrist to check the time but screamed at the realization that I had overslept."You didn't wake me?" I said, getting off the bed. He grabbed me from behind and kissed my forehead, burying his nose in my hair. He took my scent in. "You make me mad," he whispered to my ears. My heart began racing but quickly calmed down.I can't begin to imagine having him on top of me when I know that in a matter of weeks, he will be pounding his best friend the same way."I will be down in the dining room; you should go get ready," he said, smacking my ass.My mouth opened in shock. He winked at me, giving me a sly smile before walking out the door.* * * * * * *
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Chapter Twenty-Three
I was busy at the office checking some documents when I heard the message notification go off. I picked up the phone to check, and it was about the guests. I was almost late to the meeting. I hurriedly packed up my stuff and headed towards the conference room. I was almost at the door when I noticed the guards were standing at the door. I could hear voices coming from inside the room, but I could only recognize Agnar's voice from the few people talking inside the room. Immediately the guards saw me; they pulled open the door, and I walked into the room. It was a well-lit room with a small number of people in attendance. I was so concentrated on Agnar that I didn't bother with the other guests. I went over to him, and he held me so affectionately before releasing me. "Meet an old friend of mine," Agnar said, pointing to the man standing behind me."Vivian!" The man called out, staring at me like he saw some ghost. He came over to where I was standing with Agnar, and he grabbed me
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Chapter Twenty-Four
"Who is she?" Darius asked, staring at me for answers. I don't blame him for directing the question to me since, you know, the bitch is yelling my name right outside the pack house.I didn't say a word, but I kept thinking of one thousand reasons why Kira showed up at the gates of Crystal Lake Pack, but I just couldn't quite put my finger on it. I didn't move an inch, hoping she would stop yelling my name when I didn't answer, but instead, she increased her volume. It seems like every single one of these lunatics is out to ruin me. I grabbed my phone from the table and made to leave. I glanced at Celine, and her gaze was fixed on me. "Does she have a hand in this?" I asked myself, making my way to the door. "Luna, Alpha sent for you," one of the guards said, cutting my thoughts off. "I'm coming already," I internally said, making my way out the door as he held onto it. I couldn't shake off the feeling that Celine had a hand in this mess, but I just had to check first. I came ou
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Chapter Twenty-Five
CELINE POVI was getting tired of seeing that bitch, Katya, prancing about the pack house answering Luna. She doesn't deserve Agnar by all standards, but how do I make him see things from my perspective? How do I get him to kick her out of the pack? The more I thought about it, the more it seemed impossible. The knock on the door cut my thoughts off. I got up and opened the door, and I was surprised to see Gertrude on the door. "Oh, you are alive," she blurted out, pushing the door open. She walked into the room like she owned the place. I was not in the mood to deal with Gertrude, but I couldn't send her away just because I wanted to"I sent for you a couple of times; didn't the girls tell you? I thought you died in your room, so I decided to come check myself," she said, her disdainful look visible. I could feel my blood boiling and my body shaky, but I decided to calm my nerves until I got what I wanted. "I have a proposition for you," she said, walking around the room, looki
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Chapter Twenty-six
I silently winced in pain. It felt like my whole body was stuffed into a grinder and ground into jelly.My body was in pain except for my eyes, which flickered open. My vision was blurry at first, but everything slowly became clear. It was a densely lit room with a black and white interior. Everywhere in the room exuded luxury. I was confused; I was glad that it wasn't Agnar's room, that backstabbing son of a bitch handed me over to Celine. But that wasn't the problem at hand as I had no idea what had happened or where I was.I tried getting up from the bed, but I couldn't, as I felt pain all over my body. I felt frustrated trying to get my body to do my bidding, I have always been a fighter all my life and the idea of getting stuck on this bed was damn too scary for me to handle. I was still fighting with my body to get off the bed when images of how I got here in the first place flashed through my eyes. I instantly became nervous when I suddenly realized the last place I drove
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Chapter Twenty-Seven
It has been over 2 weeks now, and I have been stuck in this bloody room, he said I was shot with a silver bullet, but had asked him a couple of times how I recovered so quickly, but didn't give me a response. I haven't left the room for a day, neither have I seen anyone. He comes by once in a while to see me, and we just sit in the room, silently munching our dinner. And the days he doesn't show up, someone just drops the food off at the door. I have never actually seen the person who drops the food I just hear a knock on the door; The knock was constant reminder that food is here. I had asked him a couple of times to let me out of the room, but he just turned a deaf ear to my words. I need to plan my escape, and I definitely can't plan it stuck in this room. I need to get my revenge on Celine and her cohorts. He doesn't trust me, even though I am his mate. I don't blame him; he must have tons of questions going through his mind. It was a cool winter evening, and the weather w
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Chapter Twenty-Eight
I was granted freedom to go anywhere I wanted to go; it's not like I could run away or something. I guess the shining protection was put in place recently to keep me here.It seems he could read the shit out of me; he knew that the spell was the only fucking weapon that could stop me from escaping.I have been moving freely around the castle, and it has assigned me a maid, whom I found out was a wolf, and a Lycan bodyguard to be with me at all times. I gladly accepted the maid. I needed someone to teach me stuff about this place, and if possible, someone who knows the spell or knows someone who knows the spell. But I kicked against the bodyguard, but that donkey head won't let me have it my way.I found it odd to be around the Lycans, but what I found weirder was his refusal to reject me; it's been a week since my request to reject me.I only saw him later at night when he assigned a guard and a maid to me, saying he had a meeting to attend.I have toured this fucking palace more tim
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Chapter Twenty-Nine
My eyes were heavy, and I couldn't keep them open no matter how hard I tried, but one thing was certain: I was hanging upside down, and it felt like someone was carrying me. My hands were dangling side by side, and someone was carrying me, the person stopped abruptly and I heard a deep voice whispering ss and after a few a while, we started moving again, and I groaned. I sighed when the person gently laid me down on the bed. "Sleep, little pup." I heard a whisper in my ears and snuggled and dozed off. * * * * * * * * * *I woke up to the clattering sound. I looked around wondering where I was, when my adventure outside the palace hit me. I sat up on the bed, clutching my head, only to realize I was back in his room. "What happened?" I asked myself, rubbing my head. "Sorry Luna, I bumped into something," I heard Sarah say as she was busy clearing the mess she made on the floor. "Sarah!" I called out to her, surprised that she was also here, but what shocked me more was that she
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Chapter Thirty
I rested my head on the window as the driver sped off. Hayden was seated next to me with his head against the car seat while his eyes were closed. I was happy I was leaving that prison of a palace, but then I realized I wasn't leaving it on my terms. I was still stuck with him; the mate bond was messing with my head and making me have a series of wet fantasies. I had slept next to Agnar for a couple of months, and I hadn't felt the way I felt with him. I have no idea why, but I don't think I would hold up against him for too long. I inhaled, trying to ease my tension. I had no idea what to expect from where we headed, but I was hopeful he would just give me some freedom. I wasn't going to run from him anymore; I just had to stay for a while and plan my revenge before executing it. "You might want to sleep; we have a long way to travel." I heard his voice, and I turned around, shocked. I thought he had slept off, but since he was awake, I decided to stop thinking about anything
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