All Chapters of ASSASSIN LUNA: Chapter 11 - Chapter 20
32 Chapters
Chapter Eleven
"Kay!" Agnar called out, walking towards me while Rex trailed behind."Kay!!" he called yet again. "Over here," I replied while still watching the Lycan prince walk away. Talking with him stirred up emotions within me that I had thought we were dead. "Is that the prince?" Agnar asked, wearing a frown. "Yeah, he seems like a nice guy.""Oh wow, but just be careful, he is dangerous" he responded, looking at me astonished."What are you doing out here? We should get back inside," he said. I knew I had been gone for far too long, and it was only a matter of time before someone came looking for me. "I needed some fresh air," I replied. Rex stood there like a statue, trying not to be noticed. I had always meant to ask Agnar why on earth he was alone most of the time, but never got the opportunity to. "Come on, baby, it's time to go meet with the Lycan prince," he said, stretching his hands to me. I grabbed hold of it and made our way into the hall. I could feel Celine's laser eyes o
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Chapter Twelve
I was sipping a cold cup of milkshake while I listened to Celine and Gertrude screaming in pain; there was no music as soothing as their cries. I have never felt so alive as I felt hearing their pain. I could hear Agnar and Rex speaking to the pack doctor about what happened, and he asked them to bring me in. "Kay""Hey, how are they?" I asked him, faking being as confused as he was. "They are in a lot of pain.""I wonder what could have gone wrong since I ate from the same plate." "Speaking of that, could you come inside? I want the doctor to look at you," he said."Sure," I said. I stood up while taking a long sip from my milkshake. The doctor went on and on, asking me series of questions. What he found confusing was the fact that I ate from the same plate but I was not in pain. "If only we could get a hold of the plate of food, this would have been resolved a little quicker.""What do you think might have caused it?" Agnar questioned the doctor."There are a lot of things tha
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Chapter Thirteen
I almost had a heart attack when Therese said she saw who laced the food with Wolfsbane. I know it was all shades of wrong, but I kind of wish I had let her die. "One of the maids that helped in the kitchen; it was my first time seeing her in the pack house.""You saw the maid do it?" I asked a little confused. "I didn't catch her in the act though, but I just have a gut feeling that it is her." "Did you know?" I said, slowly nodding my head. "Yes Luna" "Therese, it's almost dinner time." "Oh, I completely forgot. We will talk more about this later Luna; dinner won't make itself," she said, running off. I sighed in relief, when she was out if sight, to think she had caught me in the act made me almost go into a stroke. * * * * * *The rest of the week went by so quietly and uneventfully. Gertrude and Celine were still licking their wounds, while I went by my Luna's duties without a worry. I barely see Agnar as Celine has him wrapped around her tiny fingers like a puppet.
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Chapter Fourteen 
To think Agnar suggested the vacation because of his mistress made me want to end his miserable life a lot quicker than I had planned, but then I knew there was no winning this game without dabbling my feet in the mud first. It was about time I started thinking about my exit plans. I have been quite busy, planning the pack mating ceremony and tracing the money allocated to the school pack that had suddenly gone missing. I was at my office speaking to the designer on the phone about the theme of the ceremony when I heard the door open. "I will talk to you later, please," I quickly said, and I dropped the phone. "Is everything okay?""Why, can't I be in your office?" he said with both hands behind him."No, no, that's not what I meant; you are welcome," I said as he moved over to where I was sitting down on the other side of the table. He sat down on the table facing me. "How is the preparation looking?" he asked."Everything is fine; I was on the phone with the designer when you
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Chapter Fifteen
A black power bike is a right of passage in the organization; each assassin is given a black bike, on the night of your initiation into the family, we only differentiate one bike from the other with the numbers written on it."Is there something written at the corner?" I asked Cole, who was still busy looking at the bike. "Something, like a name?" He said, I was silently praying that I would be wrong, but when he wasn't forthcoming with the reply, I grew impatient watching him search for it at the wrong places. I hurriedly moved closer, and in one glance I saw the number written on it. I gasped, realizing that I wasn't just right; but it was the ghost I thought I would never see again. "How did you know about the number?" Agnar asked. His stare was as confusing as ever. But I was too dumbstruck to say a word. "Is something wrong?" he asked. "Luna Katya, you look flustered," Alina pointed out. "I'm fine; I'm just not feeling myself today," I said, trying to cover up my tracks. "
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Chapter Sixteen
"Kay" "Kay!" I heard a faint voice calling me from a distance; it sounded familiar, but I was totally out of it to place the voice. "Kay!!" It came again, and I opened my eyes to a brightly lit room, a little too bright to keep my eyes open. And I quickly shut it back. "Doctor," I faintly heard the same voice speaking to whomever it was. I tried opening my eyes again, but the light coming from the torchlight the person staring down at me was holding penetrated my eyes. I tried covering my eyes with my hand, but it stung instead."She will be fine; we have flushed her system, it's a miracle she survived it, but she is out of harm's way now". "Where am I?" I asked in a low tone. I had no idea what was going on, but I could feel my body aching all over. "Thank you, doctor." the voice said, ignoring me or maybe not hearing me. "Doctor?" I turned to see a man wearing a white cloth leave the room. When my eyes adjusted to my surroundings, Agnar was staring down at me. "Thank goddess,
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Chapter Seventeen
"Don't get up, Kay," Agnar screamed when he saw me trying to get up from the bed unaided. Things have slowly become strange between us ever since the Ammy saga. He spends more time outside than he does inside, but he did assign his Delta, Leo, as my bodyguard. I should be sad that he seemed to be avoiding me, but then I wasn't the only one frustrated; Celine seemed more frustrated than I was. She thought moving into the next room would get him closer to her, but instead, it seemed to be driving him further away than she could have ever imagined.I feel more alive hearing her groans and screams than I have in my entire life. I would have passed out with worry if she wasn't staying next door. I guess the goddess works in mysterious ways also. "Hey, what are you doing here?" I asked him, surprised that he was in the room by this time of the day. "Oh, I'm sorry, am I in the wrong room?" he asked, looking around as if he were searching for something."No, sorry, I didn't expect you
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Chapter Eighteen
I was all dressed up, wearing a red gown that was made of silk and was soft in the hands. The undertones in the cloth illuminate when the light hits it.The dress was a little detailed, with the front cut a little low to show off my cleavages and a slit running from my thighs down to the ground. It had a tail that flowed wonderfully behind. I wasn't entirely healed, but I had to make an appearance at the gathering; it would be a disaster if I didn't. I had informed Cain of the reappearance of Ammy and how she shot me. He acted surprised, but there was something he said that made me suspicious of him. Cain is one sneaky bastard. I had been suspicious of Gertrude and Celine all this while but It would be crazy to think it might be strange to suspect them. They had no fucking idea who Ammy was, unless, of course, Cain gave them that piece of information. I knew Gertrude was pissed off after the Wolfsbane incident, but she can't.I was going to the party not just because of Cain's ord
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Chapter Nineteen
I hurriedly went upstairs through the back door, hoping I wouldn't bump into anyone. I pulled off my clothes the minute I got into the room, and I noticed the clothes were torn in more places than I could count. I quickly shoved it into the wardrobe, hiding it behind the hanged clothes. I noticed I was bleeding from my injury, and they needed fresh dressing. I hopped into the shower, and after freshening up, I pulled out a first-aid box. Agnar had used it to dress my wounds a couple of times. I was draining the blood oozing from the wound with fresh gauze when the door gave way. "Baby is anything....... You are bleeding!" Agnar rushed to my side the minute he came into the room. "It's nothing; I tripped" I lied, trying to avoid his gaze. Pretending I was focused on the wound. "Let me see." He wanted to take the scissors from me, but I held him back. "It would be disrespectful if we all disappeared from the ceremony," I tried to point out to him. "Gosh, I forgot. Should I get Al
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Chapter Twenty
As insane as it sounds, I was relieved knowing I wasn't the one broken, when it comes to reading him, I have been able to read quite a lot of Alphas, but why does Agnar lock me out at each try? It's crazy. "How?" I mouthed, still shocked at what he said."I'm an Alpha Kay, and Crystal Lake is one of the strongest packs amongst other packs; do you think the moon goddess would make a pussy the Alpha?" he replied. I smelled his pride going off the roof but decided not to pay attention to that. I guess it explains why my cloaking perfume didn't work either, but thinking about it right now, it doesn't make sense. It once worked around the Lycan prince and Agnar but suddenly stopped working with Agnar and still works with the Lycan prince. "I guess the moon goddess is bored and decided to play a little trick with my fate to amuse herself," I thought to myself. "Are you still being hunted?" his voice brought me back to reality. "I don't think so, but I use the perfume once in a while;
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