All Chapters of MY POSSESSIVE BILLIONAIRE EX-HUSBAND: Chapter 11 - Chapter 20
60 Chapters
[MARGA’S POV]Last night was like a tug of war between Justin and I. When I thought about it, I never imagined that I would have the slightest bit of courage to respond to him in that manner. In addition to the fact that I was pregnant at the time, it is possible that the conflicting feelings that I was experiencing at the time were the cause of my irritation.It was a stroke of good fortune for me that Justin did not develop any suspicions on account of my mood swings. Being in the first trimester of my first pregnancy appeared to be crucial for me. I need to exercise self-control in order to avoid becoming irritable around Justin, as he might actually take notice of my behavior.As soon as I opened my eyes the next morning, I discovered that I was the only person in the room. Last night, Justin slept next to me, but when I woke up, I discovered that the space next to me was empty, and there was no sign of his warmth or presence. The fact that I continued to look for Justin despite
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"Margarette!" It was a truly remarkable response from Justin. It was precisely as if he had recently witnessed a ghost before. Since I am nearly searching every nook and cranny of the city in an effort to locate my spouse, it would appear that I am able to accept the notion that I do appear as his ghost at this point. And here I was, by complete mistake, coming into the two of them while they were having their secret appointment for lunch. "It would appear that the two of you have already completed eating, as I see it. Unfortunately, you didn't even bother to wait for me, which is a shame. In all honesty, I am rather hungry as well, my dear husband." I started to sound snarky and flirty as I pushed my shoulder on Justin's shoulder as he was standing close to me. Due to the fact that I appeared to have disrupted their date, Regina's reaction was unmistakably visible; she was keeping her aggravation and envy to herself in silence. All of a sudden, Regina, who was unable to suppress her
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Justin's arms enveloped me, his touch igniting a cascade of sensations that coursed through every fiber of my being. The tender embrace radiated a comforting warmth, as if his very presence had the power to chase away the chill of the world. From the moment I laid eyes on him, I couldn't help but form a scathing judgment. This man, with his air of arrogance and self-importance, seemed utterly oblivious to the world around him. It was as if he existed solely to serve his own interests, paying no heed to the needs or desires of others. In my mind, he was nothing more than a contemptible dickhead.Yet in this very moment, it defies that thought. The warmth of Justin's embrace enveloped me, a comforting shield against the uncertainties of the world. In his strong arms, I found solace and reassurance—a tangible reminder that I was protected and cherished. The way he held me close spoke volumes, whispering secrets of security and safety that only our hearts could understand. As Justin's
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“Justin, get off of me!” I immediately protested as soon as I realized what he had done.After mustering enough courage to push him off me, i was only able to make him move an inch apart from me enough to prevent his lips from coercing with mine once more.However, Justin’s golden brown eyes glowed in the still dim space of the karaoke room. At that precise moment, I could very well tell that there would be nothing that could hold Justin back.He instantly held both of my hands above my head with just a single hand. Meanwhile, his other free hand was tracing across my lower body. After a while, his hand settled on my belly. “Stop touching me!” I protested while trying to struggle free from Justin’s grip. But much to my disappointment, Justin’s hold on me was way too strong for me to subdue. At this rate, it would be impossible for me to actually push him away from me completely so that I could actually escape.Justin’s body frame was way larger than mine; it goes without saying that
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“Answer me first, Marga. What’s your answer on my proposal otherwise, I will not stop.” Justin said, leaving me a devious smirk.No matter how much I exerted myself, my efforts were in vain. Justin towered over me, his muscles rippling beneath his taut skin. It was clear from the outset that he possessed a strength far beyond my own. As I attempted to subdue him, my efforts felt feeble and futile. Each time I reached out to restrain him, he effortlessly shrugged off my feeble attempts, as if I were nothing more than a mere annoyance. It was as if I strained against the weight of the rock above me, feeling its unyielding strength pressing down on my every effort to move it.My mind was a jumbled mess, unable to find clarity amidst the chaos of my current predicament. I found myself in a rather precarious situation, with his intense gaze penetrating the depths of my very being. It was as if he could see right through me, making the task at hand all the more awkward.“Justin, didn't you
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That night, Justin and I came home late and I fell asleep in an instant due to tiredness and because I was pregnant. I always feel like sleepy. And for some reason, I fell into a deep sleep that made me remember how my dream exactly went.Everyone was so busy getting ready for the grand ball that was being held at the Montefalco’s ancestral manor in Anacortes that when I woke up, I had only one maid to help me with the preparations. In most cases, I have more than three maids working specifically for me to attend to my day-to-day requirements.It occurred to me that perhaps there was a shortage of manpower, as even my own maids were taken away from me to assist with the preparations. People will start arriving at any moment now for the spring moon festival ball that will take place tonight here at the Montefalco Manor. This has been an annual event that has been celebrated by the Montefalco in Anacortes as well as its neighboring alliance all over North America for many years and man
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My hand flew outward, striking her face out of reflex.Even the fact that I had completely lost control of my hand came as a complete surprise to me. When I finally became aware of what I had done, it was already far too late. As a direct result of my actions, Regina's face was pushed to the side, and I saw it happen. My palm lightly brushed across her left cheek, leaving a barely perceptible rosy mark in its wake.My body was in a state of extreme discomfort, and I could feel tremors in my hands. If ever this were to even get to Justin, the very idea that I had actually made a scene here after completely losing my cool over a whore like Regina would be simply too pitiful. Simply considering the possibility makes me feel like a complete and utter idiot.“Margarette!” I suddenly heard a domineering and authoritative scream of my name from a distance. There’d be no one else who would dare call me that way other than my husband, Justin. It seemed like he actually saw me after all. Despi
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Like the sound of broken glass, I feel like my whole world has been shattered into pieces after hearing those hurtful words from the man I have vowed to love and cherish. It was as if what I was experiencing on the inside was nothing more than a piercing wound that was incapable of being healed by any kind of antidote.As I stood there in front of everyone else watching me get humiliated by my own husband right after he kicked me out and supported an allegation I am completely innocent of, I thought that I would not have the least bit of courage to breathe again if I tried. I am completely innocent of this betrayal.My legs, on the other hand, were only able to move toward Justin thanks to some sort of miraculous intervention. At this point, I felt as though the weight of the world was pressing down on my eyes. That is when I realized it was already carrying an excessive amount of tears in its load. The tears that I had been hoping would not fall in front of him eventually made thei
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Later that afternoon, Justin took me to his workplace. "Why have you brought me to this place all of a sudden?" I inquire as I trail behind Justin, resembling more of a domesticated companion than his spouse.Justin turned to face me, a hint of frustration in his eyes. "I thought we had finally come to an agreement about the project?" he said, his voice tinged with disappointment. "I brought you here to work together with Hector.I could hardly believe what I was hearing, my jaw barely opening in astonishment. From what I recall, I do not remember ever agreeing with Justin on that occasion. I could not help but lean in closer, my voice barely a whisper as I reminded him, "I did mention that I would consider it, but I don’t even have any idea that you’ve already set me up for this.”However, Justin leaned in closer, mirroring my gesture from a moment ago, as he responded, "This project cannot be delayed much longer, Margarette. So I hope you grasp the urgency of scheduling an appointm
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Just as I thought I could not bear another moment of awkward silence, the elevator doors swung open to reveal none other than Hector. And his very presence saved me from answering Justin of his awkward query.With a look of confusion on his face, Hector seemed to suspect that he had stumbled upon a scene straight out of a contemporary romance novel. "Um, did I inadvertently interrupt a private moment?" he asked, his voice filled with uncertainty. He could not help but raise his left eyebrow in surprise.It was a rather awkward moment when both Justin and I simultaneously responded, "No, you didn't." After that, we exchanged looks, and I felt a chill go up my spine, especially because Justin was staring at me so closely again.Now I found myself utterly perplexed by Justin's true intentions.I was about to pose that question when, out of nowhere, Hector once again interjects, diverting both Justin's and my focus towards him.Justin strode forward, his hands casually nestled in his pock
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