All Chapters of MY POSSESSIVE BILLIONAIRE EX-HUSBAND: Chapter 41 - Chapter 50
60 Chapters
The moment Aunt Lou left me all by myself, was the time that I suddenly felt shivers down my spine. I knew that by facing my mother now, she would eventually get mad at me.And yet, when I entered her office things seemed like it was not what I expected it to be. My mother-in-law happened to be calm earlier which was a total surprise for me.I made sure to knock three times before I made the approach. “Mother, I’m here now,” She gave me a quick glance before she continued to sign the papers on her table. “Sit down, Margarette.”I was seriously nervous at the moment. Thinking I’d be alone with my mother-in-law terrifies me to the core. She could interrogate me or blame me for what happened earlier and I'm certain that I'd have no answer to provide her with.But as I sat down the adjacent chair across her table. I was surprised that she actually didn’t even yell or be mad at me. I was surprised, as a matter of fact. “Mother, about the—” I was about to start having a conversation with
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“ I’m sorry, mother, but I don’t really feel comfortable talking about this issue any longer.” I promptly told mother the truth.My whole body was feeling the tension all over. It’s like any moment now, i think I would eventually faint from the feeling of fright and discomfort. Since I could already feel like I would faint any moment, I instantly made my way out only to be hampered by mother, “And where do you think you’re going? We’re not even finished talking, Margarette.”Despite hearing mother’s voice, I suddenly felt like everything was going wrong around me. My chest abruptly felt too tight that I couldn’t nearly breath, even my hearing becomes too shallow.It leaves me the feeling as though mother’s voice was coming from a deep well. “Mother, I don’t think I can still handle more of—” it was then that I could no longer hand it anymore that I eventually got consumed by the darkness that had engulfed my consciousness.Before I knew it, I eventually woke up next inside my room wh
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“What now, Margarette? Are you just going to stare at the utensils like that? Those stuff won’t move on its own, dimwit!” Mother sternly told me as I seemed to be pacing out for a while thinking what to prepare.Her statement, however, perked my eyes. I wanted to call her out for calling me a dimwit but with the limited time I have to prepare for meal before Justin arrive made me instantly move instead.“Sorry, mother.” I uttered, pulling my feet to finally move around and do something. As mother was still looking at me, I simply couldn’t just stand still and do nothing.Truth be told, even as I move around, all that I was doing was just to keep moving the utensils in my hand. Sooner or later, my mother-in-law would eventually notice that I was only playing around the utensils and if that happened, I don’t even know how I would begin to explain it.“Margarette, are you seriously just going to keep doing the same thing over and over? Tell me, do you actually know what you’re doing?” an
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CHAPTER 43 When I opened my eyes, there was Justin once more.I couldn't believe my eyes as I found myself caught a glimpse of him, my heart racing in my chest. It was in that moment, when everything seemed uncertain, that I finally realized the truth: Justin's presence had actually saved me. “Are you not feeling well?” Justin asked.As he yanked me towards the dimly lit corner, his hand clamping tightly over my mouth, my heart raced with a mix of fear and curiosity. Through the haze of panic, I caught sight of mother’s glare and ignore it.“Please, justin, take me upstairs. I’m too exhausted.” I begged for the last time I could still muster enough energy.Eventually Justin carried me upstairs back to our room.If it weren't for Justin's quick action, I would have been still stuck with Mother’s errands. My whole body trembled with an overwhelming sense of tiredness. The sound of Justin’s breathing reverberated through the air, a symphony I wanted to continue hearing. I cou
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I had a hard time accepting the fact that Justin was actually capable of treating her in such a manner. A short while ago, it appeared as I saw him with Regina and that they shared a romantic dinner with one another. And of course, I can't help but recall that I've seen that woman clinging on Justin no matter where he goes.At first, I didn't pay any attention to her at all. My first thought was that perhaps she is just some random woman who is connected with Justin in regard to their business but not in any other way. Having said that, my opinion of her has completely shifted in light of what I have seen after entering this room. Perhaps she could be Justin’s woman. Until I saw it was Regina.I won’t even be able to move in that state if I were in that woman’s shoes. However, it seems like the case between me and that woman is entirely different knowing how Justin is treating me right now.He was giving off that gentle look once again. I was not still convinced with it. This was not
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It didn't dawn on me until just now that I'm actually getting more aroused than I was before. It was Justin who started the fire, and it's burning me like hell right now. As much as I hate to admit it, it appears that only he can put out the fire, and it won't stop giving me discomfort until he enters me.Justin places his face squarely on top of mine and gives me a light nibble on the back of my neck. In comparison to how rough I've seen him be in the past, this is surprisingly kind and gentle. His brusque approach to getting me has already registered so deeply within me that it is already impossible for me to just put it out of my mind. The fact that my body is already yearning for that roughness to return despite the fact that he has been making an effort to treat me gently is an even more surprising development at this point. Suddenly, I find myself wondering what could possibly be preventing him from being the typical version of himself, especially considering the fact
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“Isn’t it agonizing not to be able to cum, Margarette?” Justin abruptly stops just as I'm about to reach the climax of my orgasm. As the vibrations on my clit continue to torment me, it has left me with an insatiable desire for more.Justin yanked my face closer to his torso at that point. My nose even brushed up against the very tip of his hot rod, and the heady, manly aroma that it exudes is making me even more hungry for it. I just couldn't give any indication as to how I will even attempt to get past this sensation.“I–I have no idea what you mean, Justin.” I honestly answered.Although that seems to be the case, I never even see any disapproving reactions from Justin. As a matter of fact, it seems as though he is even more pleased that I find everything he is saying to be a completely new detail I haven’t encountered before.Since I had never been sexually active before, I can honestly say that something like this had never occurred to me before. I have never even had a sexual e
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As I opened my eyes, I noticed that the rays of the orange-hued afternoon sunlight that were streaming in through the windows had taken on a yellowish cast. I am puzzled seeing how I am inside a room that appears to be meant for a child, while here I am sitting on a rocking couch holding a child in my arms.It's a child, a young boy, and I'm holding him in my arms as he smiles and openly glimmers his green eyes, which are very similar to the green eyes that I have. The color of his eyes, jade, seemed to complement his jet-black hair well. It's almost as if when I look at him, I see a version of both myself and Justin fused together into a single person.When I think about it, my cheeks become flushed with a shade of red, and a spark of excitement goes off in my mind. Is it possible that I am holding our child right now? Wait! Do Justin and I really have a child together?The sensation of actually holding the child in my arms is so comforting that it's as if I'm melting deep within my
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“Margarette?” It’s already morning. I didn’t realize that I have been here that quite long. Hearing Justin calls out my name, just instantly brought me back out of my dream. That is why it is just now that I realize that I am just having a dream. Justin is here and alive. And seeing him this close to me in one piece abruptly made me want to hug him out of reflex.For some reason, Justin didn’t say a single word again after I clasped my arms around him. Perhaps, he, too, is surprised by my sudden reaction. I can feel that he seems a little shocked, knowing that I don’t normally do such a thing.And yet, here I am, hugging him tightly as if I never want him to go. This is all just because I had that dream—no, it’s actually more like a nightmare to me. Who wouldn’t call it a nightmare when I had to go through such an ordeal facing that horrible sight of the lifeless Justin before me as I held in my hand our dead son.And then that suddenly rings me, why did I suddenly dream of that sce
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Despite how many times I already told Justin that I didn’t want to come with him. He still insisted that I go with him. His persistence over the matter is so dominating that I can’t even make any attempt to insist on what I truly want. In the end, I just settled in letting him drag me along with him.I even remember from earlier that he immediately pulled me off the bed just to push me inside the bathroom to change. Although I knew that he only did that to make sure that I can finally get on the clothes he provided, I still find it rude of him to actually force me. Can he at least wait for me to adjust to the fact that I am actually wearing his clothes. I am not that much of a picky person, however, wearing his clothes would only confirm that I have become his woman.We make our way out of the mansion of the Montefalcos in a very nonchalant manner; however, despite the fact that it appears to be quite simple for Justin, it is actually quite difficult for me. There is a small part of
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