All Chapters of The Hidden Luna: Chapter 11 - Chapter 14
14 Chapters
Some Normal
Aisha Today is the first of Amber and I back to school, it shouldn't take much for us to finish school since we had all our credits transferred from our previous school to this one. The best thing about it, its a regular school that is a mixed of the supernatural world and the human under the same roof. When I heard that It made me wonder on how those that works because humans are already a hands full now you adding supernatural. Grandpa reassure me that every supernatural being knows the rule and if the Brooke it, its game over for them but that still didn't make me unease about the whole thing. I think we should have a separate school for shifter, that's something I'm going to think about white I finish school after I see how they interact withh each other. “ You ready?” Amber came behind with a cheesy smile on her face. “ I didn't remember you being this happy about school before?” “ That was before, now I'm stuck in this big house I feel like I'm going crazy so if goi
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Winston I've been in the training room for two hours straight doing nothing but working my muscles, trying to convince myself that Aisha is not my mate. I'm just imagining things or I'm just reacting to her body because she is just the right size to fit under me. Those two hours were all in vain because all I could think about is her, her smile, how her eyes light up when she is truly happy, how when she calls me an asshole I feel warm inside. I'm a sick bastard, right? Shaking my head I kept on beating the bag like it could solve any problem knowing damn well if that was the case I would've gotten a solution way before I waste two hours on it. Maybe I could get Janice tonight to give me relief? , No! I shake my head, what was I thinking about bringing her up, I can't even stand to look at her now, no way the bag will do. I kept on punching it harder and faster until I punched way too hard and fast that my hand went straight to it and the bag busted open. “ What did the bag do
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New Friend
Aisha I groan when I step out of the car to see the same shifter that bothered us at lunch standing outside the school, “ ugh” This is not how I wanted to start my day nope, I just want a peaceful one at best, it looks like that won't happen. “ Look at Barbie over there trying to make you disappear with her eyes,” Amber says from behind me. I knew I could feel eyes on me I didn't expect it to be her, anyway without looking at her I hooked my hand in Amber's arm together we walked into the school with our heads held high and shoulders back. From the first class to my third one nothing happened and I had high hopes for lunch but no dreams come true without a little bit of struggle, anyway, Amber and I went to grab our food and sat at the same table as yesterday. “ Think that guy coming back?” Amber asked from across me. “ Girl don't jinx it” I was quiet for a moment before saying “ You know that he is a shifter they don't give up easily, so im sure he will show himself.” some
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The Meeting
Winston I was deep in paperwork when she called me asking to come get them from school, I was shocked that she would leave early and what was more shocking was that they had a bloody wolf with them, and from the smell coming of her, she was one of us. Sensing that whatever happened was still fresh within them, I didn't ask any questions I drove us to the packhouse in silence. While I have a mountain of questions for the three women for now I have to respect that they won't tell me anything truthful If I ask. We took The Injured Wolf to the infirmary where I found out it was Faith, Faitb had been a very outgoing person but after her parents were killed on the second attack of Rogue she shut down and nobody knows why and nobody couldn't get through to her. Now I'm even more curious as to what happened. To have all three of them together. Seeing that something was troubling Aisha I left to make some hot chocolate for her, hoping that she would drink it and not throw it in my face
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