All Chapters of Accidental Billionaire’s Bride: His Sinful Obsession: Chapter 1 - Chapter 10
40 Chapters
Chapter 1: Runaway Bride.
Celine's smile reflected at her in the mirror, radiating pure joy. Today was the day, her long-awaited wedding day. After six years of waiting, she was finally about to become Mrs. Walker. Her whole being buzzed with anticipation, filling the room with her infectious energy.Leaving the mirror behind, Celine headed towards her walk-in closet, eager to select the perfect outfit for her pre-wedding hair and makeup session. Before she could reach the closet, a faint voice caught her attention from the next room.As curiosity piqued, Celine sneaked out from her walk-in closet to investigate. The sight that greeted her stopped her heart cold. Her world shattered into a thousand shards of betrayal as she beheld the scene unfolding before her.Leo, her soon-to-be husband, intimately engaged with her own aunt, Penelope.Her breath hitched, a stifled sob catching in her throat as her heart shuddered into a million pieces. She blinked back tears, unable to tear her gaze away as she watched them
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Chapter 2: Stranger Danger.
The evening had bled into the late hours of the night, casting its cloak of darkness over Celine as she sat alone on a park bench, sobbing. The world seemed to move on without her as passersby cast her furtive glances, a chorus of sidelong stares and muffled whispers.Her eyes stung, raw and dry from the endless stream of tears that had cascaded down her cheeks.As if guided by some invisible force, Celine found herself standing in front of a bar, its garish, flashing lights illuminating the thick haze of alcohol and smoke that wafted out onto the street.As the nauseating aroma of cheap booze and cigarettes filled her nostrils, Celine's voice, a ghostly whisper of her former self, “Just what I need.”With shaky steps, she waded into the bar, the din of drunken laughter and raucous chatter rising to meet her. Unseen eyes, weighted with judgment, tracked her progress as she slipped into a seat at the bar, her gaze fixed on the grimy countertop.The bartender, a man with a perpetual sco
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Chapter 3: Unexpected Proposal.
The morning light filtered through the hotel room's blinds, casting a hazy glow over the unfamiliar surroundings. Celine’s eyes fluttered open, her mind slows to come to terms with the unfamiliarity of her environment. It was only when she felt a heavy weight around her waist that she realized with a start that she was not alone.The scream that almost escaped her lips was silenced by the throbbing pain of a hangover, but her heart was racing with uncertainty and fear.Celine's heart thundered in her chest as she took in the sight of the sleeping man beside her, his hands still wrapped around her waist in a slumbering embrace.As the memories of the previous night came flooding back, a wave of shame and horror washed over her, threatening to drown her in its icy waters.“Ugh! This is why I hate drinking,” she muttered, her voice barely a whisper, as she lay still, unwilling to rouse The Sleeping Beauty beside her and face the consequences of her actions.Celine’s movements were slow a
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Chapter 4: Ermanno Vitale.
“Or What Sweetheart?” His eyes gave away his dangerous nature.“I’ll call the police,” she threatened, her voice wavering slightly as she realized that Erammno’s eyes, dark as a storm-tossed sea, held the promise of danger.He smirked, his hand reaching to brush the stray strands of hair from her face.“Don’t play with fire, Celine.” His voice held a note of threat, like a thin layer of frost coating her skin.“What if I do?” Celine asked, her voice tinged with curiosity despite the ever-present threat of Erammno’s presence.“I will make you regret it,” he warned, his words like ice shards cutting through her resistance.Scared, Celine averted her gaze, pleading with him. “Please, leave.”“I will give you twenty-four hours to reconsider.” He concluded, heading to the door, “Goodnight Celine.” His voice faded as he walked out with his guards.Celine immediately locked her door, her heart racing in fear. She hadn’t even realized that she had been holding her breath all along.Celine's f
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Chapter 5: Submitting To him.
Celine's heart thundered in her chest as the suited men closed in, the atmosphere becoming tense and threatening. Aaron looked to her for answers, his voice edgy with concern."Celine, what's happening?" he whispered urgently, his grip on her hand tightening as their pursuers bore down on them.She shot him a glance, her own panic evident on her face. "I'll explain everything later, but right now we need to get out of here."But their escape route was blocked. They found themselves cornered, the men closing in around them.In a flurry of confusion and terror, Celine was lifted off the ground, her protests muffled as she was slung over the shoulder of one of the suited men. Aaron, seeing this, rushed towards them with a fury only love can inspire. But his attempts to save her were met with resistance, the other guards quickly overpowering him."If you harm her, I'll kill you!" he bellowed, his eyes burning with the intensity of his threat.One of the suited men, his expression unreada
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Chapter 6: His Possession.
Ermanno 's voice drifted through the air, smooth as silk and heavy with meaning. "You amaze me, Celine."Every glance, every word from his lips sent her nerves skittering, leaving her unsure and uneasy."Would you like something to drink?" he inquired, his tone polite, yet tinged with something more sinister."No, I'm fine," Celine replied."Let's get down to business," he declared, as one of his henchmen presented the contract to Celine.Ermanno continued, his voice like steel"That's the contract. Take your time and read it."Celine rolled her eyes, her resolve hardening. "Like I have a choice," she muttered under her breath, glancing over the contract with a sense of inevitability.Ermanno 's voice dripped with mock sweetness. "Suit yourself, sweetheart," he drawled.Celine's voice wavered as she spoke. "I don't understand. Why five years?" she pleaded, her desperation palpable. "I don't want to be married to you for that long."Ermanno 's lips curved into a cruel smile. "There's
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Chapter 7: The Gang
“I am inviting the gang.”Fiona's words made Celine stop mid-bite, her fork hanging in the air. "Who and who?" Celine asked, raising an eyebrow at Fiona."Mason, Julia, and Malakia with his girlfriend," Fiona listed off, causing Celine to groan."Not Malakia and his girlfriend! You know that girl hates me," Celine protested."Come on, take a chill pill," she chuckled, planting a kiss on Celine's forehead.Celine smiled and gestured towards the pot with her spoon. "Rest assured, But right now, you'd better grab a spoon and join me before this soup gets cold," Dusk was fast approaching, and Fiona was well on her way to getting dressed for the night. Her form-fitting gown hugged her curves, revealing just the right amount of skin. The low neckline accentuated her cleavage, and the hemline grazed the top of her thighs, leaving little to the imagination. Her loose bun complemented the overall alluring look, making her the perfect picture of a seductress.Celine was still wrapped in a tow
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Chapter 8: Discovering Him.
Celine's eyes fluttered open, a pounding headache muddying her senses. She found herself in an unknown room, trying to recall the events that had transpired before the dark veil of unconsciousness had descended upon her. As fragments of the previous night's events slowly filtered back into her memory, she realized the gravity of the situation—she had been drugged, but saved by Ermanno, swinging in like a dark knight to her rescue.Celine’s disorientation was amplified by her growing uneasiness as she scanned her surroundings. She gingerly picked up the pill and the cryptic note that seemed to promise relief, Her trembling hands barely cooperating, she reluctantly took the pill and murmured to herself, "Where am I?"The question echoed eerily in the unknown room, sending a wave of panic through her body. Just then, a disembodied voice pierced through the silence, sending a chill down her spine.Ermanno's sudden appearance at the door sent a jolt of nervous energy through Celine's body.
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Chapter 9: “Yes, sir.”
Fiona's laughter rang through the air, the amused cackle bouncing off the walls of the room.Celine, perplexed by her friend's reaction, tilted her head to the side in confusion. "What's so funny?" she asked."You're kidding me, right?" Fiona responded, a disbelieving smile spreading across her face. "You have a new boyfriend? In the span of what, a few days?" She shook her head in amusement.Celine, her expression serious and unwavering, spoke with the assurance of truth. "I'm not kidding, Fi. This is for real," she insisted.Fiona, taken aback by this sudden revelation, responded with a mix of surprise and concern. "That's unexpected, girl. It's only been a few days since...well, you know," she trailed off, a sympathetic look washing over her features.Celine, slumping against her bed and giving in to her exhaustion, asked, "Why is it so surprising?" She fixed Fiona with a weary gaze.Fiona threw her hands up in exasperation, her brow furrowed with concern. "You moved on so fast! Tw
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Chapter 10: Her Cruel Reality.
Celine whipped her head around, her heart racing, only to come face to face with a woman whose striking beauty was only matched by the sharpness of her gaze.Zelda's eyes narrowed into a cold glare, taking in Celine's appearance with a critical scrutiny that made her feel as though she were being dissected under a microscope. "Oh, you're here for Ermanno , are you?" Zelda sneered, the disdain in her voice obvious.Celine shifted uncomfortably in her seat, unsure of how to respond. "Yes, I am," she replied, her voice barely above a whisper.Zelda scoffed, her expression a blend of smugness and malice. "Oh, are you one of those girls that he fucks and dumps?" she spat, her words like venom.Celine's spine stiffened, and she lifted her chin, refusing to let Zelda's words cow her. "Well, are you one of those girls?" she retorted, a flicker of defiance in her voice.Zelda's eyes flashed, the challenge in Celine's words only serving to fuel her anger. "I'm not just some fuck toy," she growl
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