All Chapters of Accidental Billionaire’s Bride: His Sinful Obsession: Chapter 31 - Chapter 40
40 Chapters
Chapter 31: Family.
Celine's voice was thick with emotion as she spoke. "I still wonder why she had to leave so early," she said, sniffling as tears continued to fall."Wherever she is, she would be so proud of you," Mason replied, his hand gently caressing her hair.Celine's shoulders relaxed as she nestled closer to him, her breathing slowly beginning to steady. "You're right," she murmured, her voice soft and hoarse. "I know she's with me in spirit, always."“I miss this…” Mason says.Celine's laughter echoed in the room as she broke away from the hug, her mood visibly lifted. "I gotta go, Owen and Dad are blowing up my phone," she said, amusement evident in her voice.Mason stood up alongside her, escorting her towards the door. "Alright, let me walk you out," he said, his voice still gentle.As they left her apartment, Mason noticed the absence of Celine's car. "Where's your car?" he asked, his brows furrowing slightly.Celine's smile was small, yet genuine as she replied, "I haven't even seen it in
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Chapter 32: Date
"Jesus Christ!" Celine exclaimed, her heart pounding in her chest. "What the fuck are you doing here?" she demanded, her eyes narrowed."And didn't anyone teach you that it's rude to creep into someone's room?" she scolded, her voice tight with annoyance.Ermanno's smirk grew wider as he lowered himself to her level, his hands cradling her face. "I came to see my woman," he said, his tone dripping with possessiveness.Celine rolled her eyes in response, her lips set in a thin line."I almost had a fucking heart attack, you know!" Celine snapped, her pout firmly in place as she glared at Ermanno."My apologies," he replied, bending to kiss her forehead.Celine gave a curt nod and gestured for him to sit on the bed. "So, how did you get in?" she asked, her hand absent-mindedly running through her messy hair.Ermanno shrugged, his expression nonchalant. "Don't worry about that, princess."Celine narrowed her eyes at his flippant response."Well, Ermanno, I'm trying to sleep," Celine huff
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Chapter 33: A trip to remember.
"So I'll be gone for a week to Miami," Ermanno said, his voice carrying a hint of regret.Celine pouted, her eyes brimming with disappointment. "Why?" she asked, moving closer to him, seeking comfort in his presence.Ermanno smiled warmly, cupping her cheeks in his hands. "Business calls, princess," he reassured her, his voice tender. "But don't worry, I'll be back before you know it."“Oh.” Celine said, her face falling into a little pout.“Look here princess, why don’t you come with me?” He suggested and Celine’s eyes immediately lit up."Wait, for real?" Celine asked, her voice eager and disbelieving all at once."Yes for real, princess, so get packing," Ermanno replied, placing a small kiss on her cheek.Celine's excitement was palpable as she wrapped her arms around him, pressing her body close to his. "Thank you, thank you, thank you!" she exclaimed, joy radiating from her face.Ermanno laughed at her enthusiasm, his eyes dancing with amusement. "Anything for you, princess," he
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Chapter 34: Chaotic pleasure
As they emerged from the jet, Celine's mind was still swimming with the intensity of their tryst, her body trembling slightly as she leaned against Ermanno for support.The cool night air enveloped them as they were escorted to a waiting limousine, the quiet hum of the engine providing a soothing backdrop to their journey.Ermanno, engrossed in his business calls, seemed oblivious to Celine's fatigue, his voice authoritative and commanding."Why so many guards?" Celine murmured, her sleepy voice barely a whisper as she questioned the security detail surrounding them. With her eyes heavy and her mind still clouded by exhaustion, she soon surrendered to slumber, drifting into a deep sleep as the limo carried them to their destination."Where are we?" Celine asked, her voice still drowsy as she looked around, noticing Ermanno seated by her bedside.The room was spacious and filled with natural light, the scent of fresh linen and the ocean breeze drifting in through the open windows. The
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Chapter 35: Beef.
A guttural moan rumbled from deep within Ermanno as he sank fully into Celine's warmth, his hands sliding up her body to cup her breasts, his fingers teasing her nipples as his thrusts grew more urgent.Celine gasped, her back arching as he filled her, her hands clawing at his back as he plunged deeper, each thrust sending shocks of pleasure racing through her body.Ermanno's rhythm became more intense, his hips thrusting in rapid, powerful motions as he drove himself into her wet heat, her body shuddering beneath him as he filled her again and again."Ermanno!" she cried, her voice hoarse with pleasure as his hips slapped against her, each thrust pushing her closer to the edge.His lips found hers, his tongue exploring her mouth as his hands roamed her curves, kneading her breasts as his pace became more frenzied.Ermanno's pace quickened, his breath ragged as he felt Celine's body tense beneath him, her cries spurring him on as he thrust deeper, harder."Oh fuck, Celine!" he grunted
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Chapter 36: Unrevealed
Miami had been a dream come true for Celine. The combination of Ermanno's princess treatment and their sizzling chemistry made her feel like she was living a fairytale. Each day brought a new adventure, a new place for them to explore their passion. From the steamy nights on the beach to the passionate afternoons in their private suite, she was intoxicated by Ermanno's touch, and she didn't want this paradise to end.Celine stood mesmerized by the stunning painting, the vivid colors and intricate details capturing her attention. She turned to Ermanno, her eyes sparkling with awe. "This painting is beautiful," she breathed, still transfixed."I agree," Ermanno replied, his eyes studying the artwork."I heard it's worth up to 32 million dollars," Celine said, her smile widening with excitement."Do you want it?" Ermanno asked with a serious expression, causing Celine's eyes to widen in surprise."What? No no, it's worth a lot of money, and for what? To just hang it in my room?" Celine l
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Chapter 37: Confession.
Celine's heart raced as her mind struggled to process what her eyes were seeing. Her mother, presumed dead, was now in front of her, locked in an intimate embrace with her father. Eloise's awkward smile did little to comfort Celine, who was still reeling from the shock. "What the fuck?" Celine blurted out, her eyes flashing with fury as she turned her attention to Aaron. "I thought you said Mom was dead!" Aaron shifted uncomfortably, the reality of his deception now exposed. “I can Explain…” Eloise said. As Celine stepped back from her mother's approach, her anger continued to rise. The room pulsed with tension as she turned to face her father, her voice laced with disbelief. "You knew?" she repeated, unable to hide the shock and betrayal in her tone. "Dad, you knew she was alive all this time?" "Celine, please," Aaron began, attempting to reason with her. "Sit down and let us explain." But Celine was inconsolable, her emotions raw and volatile. "Fuck you!" she shouted, her vo
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Chapter 38: Fame
Mason's gaze was tender and earnest as he spoke, his words filling the air like a soft melody. "Celine, since I met you, I've always had feelings for you. I know this might come as a surprise, but I think you deserve to know how I feel." Celine's eyes widened, her breath caught in her throat as she turned to face him. "Mason," she whispered, her voice trembling slightly with the weight of his confession. Mason leaned in closer, his hand reaching out to gently brush against Celine's cheek. "I know we've been friends for a long time, but I can't ignore these feelings any longer. They're stronger than anything I've ever felt before. I want to be more than just a friend to you, Celine." Celine's heart fluttered as she listened to his words, her mind racing with a mixture of emotions. "Mason, I don't know what to say. I never thought of you like this before..." she trailed off, unsure of how to continue. Celine's mind raced as she struggled to process Mason's confession. Their friendshi
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Chapter 39: deals
David, his pride wounded, retreated, maintaining a wary distance between them. "How dare you slap me?" he demanded, indignation dripping from his voice.Celine's lips curled in disgust, a reflection of her inner turmoil. "And how dare you think it's okay to touch me without my consent?" she fired back, drawing on her experiences of such violations.David let out a cruel laugh, devoid of any humor. "I'm doing you a favor, my dear.”"You should be grateful," David continued, his smirk growing more sinister by the second. "With a little 'cooperation' from you, I can ensure you become a household name."“That bullshit.”"Don't you want the leading role?" David purred, his predatory gaze fixed on Celine. "All you need to do is give me a night of your time, and I'll ensure you're a star."Celine took a step back, her fear palpable as she stared into David's eyes, venomous with desire. "I don't want your offer. I don't want anything to do with you," she said, her voice shaking.David's smile
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Chapter 40: Only you
David reclined on his couch, fatigue from the day's events evident in the slump of his shoulders. He had been stewing over Celine's rejection, his ego bruised by her defiance."Let's see how she'll survive in this industry without me," he muttered under his breath, popping open a can of soda and taking a long swig.The knock on the door jolted David from his sullen reverie. He grumbled under his breath, irritation flaring at the disruption of his solitude. "Who the hell could that be?" he muttered, his brow furrowing as he rose to answer the door.Pausing at the peephole, David was met with the sight of a well-dressed man in a crisp suit. Confusion and suspicion warred within him as he wondered who this visitor might be.With caution and intrigue, David cracked the door open a sliver, his gaze fixed on the man.The stern-faced bodyguard shifted aside, revealing Ermanno standing behind him, his expression cold and impassive.David's brows drew together, his confusion mounting as he tri
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