All Chapters of Billionaire's Medical Mistake : Chapter 11 - Chapter 20
24 Chapters
Find another fool to trick
Liam closed his eyes, trying to fight his treacherous heart that wanted him to embrace her into his arms.“I see you're trying every way to pave your way back into my life, Kyla?” Liam asked his accusing words full of scorn.Kyla knitted her brows, not recalling any disagreement they might have had. They were both grown-ups and had a one-time thing, why was he acting so childish and rude?“I don't even know what I'm doing here," Kyla said, turning around to get out of the room.“Don't leave so soon, Kyla Leeds,” he said, addressing her with her ex-husband's surname, making her feel bile rise to her throat.“Surprised, I thought the name seemed familiar, so I did a background check on you. Imagine my shock when I found out how you cheated on your husband, seduced your boss and other despicable things,” Liam accused, finally speaking it out. When he first saw her picture, he couldn't believe it. He couldn't blame his sister's nativity for failing to see her for what she really was.“W
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Passing out
She felt anger boil inside her like a volcano as she looked at the man before her in shock. Kyla turned to her aunt, who was looking between them in a queer manner.“Do you two know each other?” Dr. Liz asked as she settled her gaze on her niece.“Doctor, where is the woman I came to meet?” Liam asked, ignoring Kyla's surprised expression. He didn't have time to listen to her words.“Mr. Storm, meet Kyla Anders, the mother of your unborn child,” Dr. Liz announced, making Kyla gasp openly at her statement.Liam thought he had misheard her as he shook his head in disbelief. How could she be the mother of his kid? He felt his heart swell up in a conflicted emotion. This couldn't be happening to him, how would he deal with her?Kyla felt her breath hitch at the realization, just hours ago he had shunned her and now here he was, turning out to be the father of the baby in her womb. She almost chuckled out loud at the turn of events.“What's happening here Kyla? Why are you here, Liam?” Amb
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Don't you dare walk out!
The atmosphere appeared too calm and the surrounding too quiet for her liking. Kyla looked at her image in the mirror as her eyes grew wide in astonishment. In just a few days, she couldn't recognize the woman who stared directly back at her. Her eyes looked distant with a cold expression that shone in them.Kyla never thought she would find herself in such a situation, she had forced Amber to leave, vowing that she was okay.The doorbell rang, pulling her out of her deep thoughts.As the door opened, she saw the last person she expected to be at her doorstep.“Aunt, what are you doing here?” Kyla asked as she noticed the tired look on her face.“I came to check up on you hunnie,” Dr. Liz replied as she forced out a tired smile.Kyla raised her brow at her, “aunt, tell me the truth, you look worried, what happened?” Dr. Liz shrugged her shoulders before chuckling at her niece's concern which reminded her of her mother.“It's nothing much, hunnie, I just got suspended, but don't worr
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Who's the father of the baby?
Silence was what hit her ears as she entered the apartment. “Kyla? Kyla?” She called out, but the sound of her voice echoed back at her, no response coming back.She rushed to the bedroom only to find no one inside except for a piece of paper that lay at the center of the bed. Amber felt her stomach tense at the thought that Kyla had decided to run away. Maybe she found everything too much and walked away, the thought of it making her shiver in anticipation.She quickly unfolded the paper as she breathed out in relief at the note that Kyla left behind.' I'll be at Aunt Liz's you can join if you like' Amber smiled to herself at Kyla's cheeky way of communicating with her. She could have just left a text message instead.Kyla sat still, staring into space as she contemplated how her life had turned out. She knew Amber would find the note left on the bed.As the doorbell rang, it just confirmed to her that Amber couldn't stay away. She opened the door smiling, but what she saw made t
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Please Forgive me?
Tension fell in the room as Kyla lowered her pen on the papers on the table, shocking everyone. She didn't need anyone's support or mercy, since everyone appeared to want to humiliate her, then so be it. Her heart broke with every letter she signed, she couldn't look up to anyone as she splinted upstairs. She quickly got into her room, locking the door behind her as she entered the bathroom, letting the tears that had been fighting to be let out flow freely.She thought she could hear commotion downstairs, but that all seemed to disappear as her mind focused on the pain she felt in her entire body.As Liam watched Kyla run upstairs, he could have sworn he felt his heart break slightly at the shattered look on his face. “You got what you wanted, Li, now leave!” Amber shouted, tears rolling down her face as she hurt for her friend.Blake, on the other hand, bit his inner cheek, swearing as he saw his papers lie on the table with no signature on them. He still couldn't believe Kyla ch
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Get Rid of it
~~~~mature content ~~~~~Liam felt his mind fill with disinterest as he rammed into the blonde beneath him. “Tell me how I make you feel!” He ordered pulling on the blonde's hair. He couldn't recall if her name was Lora or Leah? What ran through his mind was getting rid of the pent-up anger that he felt rolling in his veins like lava.“ You make me feel like a queen …daddy," the blonde moaned out as Liam pounded into her even harder, chasing his release. He growled loudly reaching his climax as he pulled out lying on his back. His head was still heavy from all the drinking and partying he had been engaging in.Liam felt hands crawling up his chest making him feel a gush of disgust hit him as he threw the woman off him. “Get out!” He ordered his eyes wide in rage making the blonde flinch back frightened. As the woman scrambled to get out of the room, Liam ran his hand through his hair as he looked in a mirror before him. He couldn't recognize the man who looked so lost staring back
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She's Missing
Feeling tired and sluggish he approached the building he had neglected for quite some time. Liam entered his office after such a long time of bailing on going to work. He needed to pull himself together and face everything. An incoming call stopped him in his tracks as he recognized the caller as his top security man. “Sir, Miss Kyla and Miss Amber are nowhere to be seen,” the man reported, his voice bold with certainty in it.“What!” Liam's voice boomed through the phone in anger. “How do you tell me they are not there? Aren't you supposed to keep them safe? Where were you when they went out!” Liam fired questions endlessly as he felt his heart beat faster.“Sir, Miss Amber sent me away earlier and…”“I'm on my way!” Liam interrupted the man as he cut off the call, turning around to exit the building, his only focus on Kyla.“Sir, this came in earlier for you,” his secretary said as he handed him a sealed document.Liam took a quick glance at the document, seeing the name of the ho
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Okay Dad, I'll marry her
Liam walked hurriedly into the modeling Agency, his veins pulsating in anger. He breathed out heavily when he caught sight of Isabelle, who was flaunting her dress with a devious smile plastered on her face. There was still no news of Amber and Kyla's whereabouts. It was as if they had disappeared as Amber's car was traced back at the hospital.“Isabelle, I need to talk to you,” Liam said, his voice cold and angry.Isabelle noticed the furious look on his face but tried to maintain her composure as others were looking at them.“Ooh hey love, I'll be done in a few, how about you stay and watch me, I know you'll love it,” Isabelle said, placing a kiss at the corner of his lips.Liam looked at how innocent she appeared, but who would believe there was an undiscovered monster below the plain mask.“Now Isabelle, I don't have time for later,” Liam muttered near her ear with his teeth gritted.Isabelle gave the rest a pretentious smile as she followed Liam who was already showing her his b
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Five years later...
Five Years Later…A mess, that was what the apartment looked like. Papers and toys appeared to be scattered at every corner of the apartment. Kyla facepalmed herself as she breathed out in frustration at the usual norm that welcomed her back almost every evening. She removed the heels she had worn, feeling her feet relax as she had been standing for a presentation for hours.“Dylan! Where are you?” She called out loudly but received no response, making her chuckle as she remembered what day it was. Of course that's why everything was scattered, it was the weekend.Life in New Jersey had been nothing short of amazing. Kyla smiled as she remembered the day she received her blessing at the hospital. It was not easy, if she were to be honest, nothing was easy for her. Yet here she was an owner of her interior designing company. It was a far more blessing than she could ever ask for.The door opened abruptly pulling her out of her thoughts. “Mommy, mommy, guess what Aunt Amber bought fo
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A ghost?
Sweat beads rolled in his face down to his almost bare chest as he increased his speed on the treadmill. After what seemed like ten minutes, Liam stopped wiping his face clear. He felt hands touch him from behind making his skin stiffen at the sudden intrusion.“Babe, if you're done, how about I help you relax, we haven't spent time together alone, I miss you,” Isabelle whispered into his ear trailing kisses on his shoulder region.Liam closed his eyes tightly, trying to control what he felt as he turned around to face her. “Isabelle it's been years can't you get the memo? I don't want to be with you,” Liam said, gritting his teeth in anger at Isabelle's persistent nature.After they got married, Isabelle had been clingy and if it were not for that drunken wedding night, Liam would never have touched her.“How can you say that, Li?” Isabelle asked, not knowing she had just poked her finger into a lion's nose. “What did you just call me?” Liam asked, his every word filled with anger.
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