All Chapters of Billionaire's Medical Mistake : Chapter 21 - Chapter 24
24 Chapters
She hates me
Liam looked at the two women before him as he gulped down a glass of water in an attempt to bring himself back to reality.“What's happening here Isabelle? How is Stella here and alive?” Liam asked for the fourth time as the two women looked at him as if he were performing theatrics.“Well, Li it's really me, I survived, and I've been trying to locate you through Isabelle, but she always said you disappeared after the accident,” Stella said, but even a blind man could sense the devious intentions under her words.Isabelle held Liam's hands, he couldn't allow the situation to overturn and put her in the spotlight. “That's not true Liam, she knew all along you were my husband, I met her accidentally and trust me, I was shocked as you are,” Isabelle said, trying to divert the blame from her.Liam looked at the exchange between the two women, feeling disgusted at how much they struggled to blame each other.“Li I didn't…” Stella started, but Liam couldn't bear to listen to any more lies
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Flight to meet her
At the apartment, Kyla confirmed yet again if the documents were intact and in order. She had an important deal to sign with the prominent company that was offering her company a contract.She needed to look presentable and alluring to ensure everything went on smoothly. “Baby, I have to leave for work, be good at school okay? And don't give Susan a hard time,” Kyla said to the boy, who nodded with a spoonful of cereal in his mouth.“Susan if you need anything, just call me okay?” Kyla said, bidding them goodbye. “Mommy, you promised to take me to your workplace today,” Dylan, who appeared to have swallowed his food in a hurry, whined, making Kyla smile.“Susan will bring you over after school okay, mommy will be busy for the morning hours, is that okay?” Kyla explained, noticing how happy he looked.“Okay mommy, bye,” Dylan agreed, throwing his hands up in joy.As Kyla drove out of the compound, she felt stupid for feeling anxious about the essential meeting she had prepared for, f
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He's my daddy...
Amber felt her breath hitch at seeing her brother at the entrance. She felt her heart beat faster as she watched her fears come into reality.“Li? Justus?” Amber called out as she froze on one spot. “What are you doing here?” Liam asked, still contemplating whether to hug her or just stay glued to his spot. The joy of seeing his sister again was unexplainable.“Amber? How are you doing?” Justus asked mentally laughing at his confused behavior. Seeing her again was like a dream come true. Who would have thought that they would meet at the company.Liam set aside his son as he hugged his sister who was still speechless with a woman behind her who looked at them in confusion.The presentation turned into a reunion meeting as Amber couldn't keep her heart hard.“How are you here, Amber? Where's Kyla?” Liam asked, looking at Amber who held Dean in her arms.“Li, you know I can't talk about that, but I'm sure she's fine wherever she is,” Amber responded, evading his question as she prayed
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Kyla froze with the boy in her hands, not sure how to react. She lifted her gaze, locking it with the man she never knew she would see again.“Hey, champ, how was school?” Kyla asked as she shifted her attention to her son.“It was good Mommy, I missed you so much,” Dylan said as he stretched his hands wide to show just how much he missed her.Liam watched the mother and son bond, feeling a lump form at his throat. How much had he missed while he focused on an ungrateful woman who did nothing else but lie?“Mommy, will you take me to have ice cream?” Dylan asked as his eyes sparkled in excitement.“I will but first go find your nanny Susan, I need to have a word with this gentleman,” Kyla said, not sure her son understood her words as she set him down.“My dad?” Dylan asked, looking at Liam who fought hard to find his smirk. It was surprising how the boy insisted on calling him dad. It gave him a sense of pride and joy.Kyla, on the other hand, felt her breath choke at her throat. “D
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