All Chapters of Yours, Daddy.: Chapter 21 - Chapter 30
40 Chapters
I Want You To Fuck Yourself
RUSSO EL MASSIMO I raised Caramia's face up, even as she still quivered from her orgasm and I kissed her hard, making her even more breathless. I broke the kiss and she sucked in a long breath, refilling her lungs with enough oxygen for a short while before I grabbed her tits. I fondled her tits and dipped down for her right tits, sucking her nipple.I rolled my tongue over her hardened nipple and grazed my teeth over it while fondling her other tit. Pulling my mouth away from her nipple, I ran my tongue over her entire tit, making it wet all over before pulling my mouth away. I pulled at her both nipples, let go and smacked her right tit. "Ah, daddy" her moans were slurred and I smacked her left tit before letting go of her tits. I moved my hands to her shoulders and pressed her down."My cock wants your mouth again" I told her hungrily. She had finished her climax by this time and she lowered her mouth quickly to my cock. Hard and veiny, my cock looked angry at the moment and I
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ROSALINE"Rick" I smiled, getting up from my seat and walking over to him with a small limp. At least, I hoped it wasn't that noticeable. Cumming that hard while standing had taken its toll on my legs but I wasn't complaining. "Rosa" he spread his arms and I hugged him. "Welcome to the company!" I patted him and then pulled away, giving him a big smile. "Thank you, Manager Rosaline" he smiled and I laughed. "Why are you here though?" I asked, returning to my seat and as I got back into my chair, I realized he was staring at me. "What?" I asked with a brow raised. "You are limping, did you get injured somewhere?" He walked over to me. "Oh, I hit my leg against something hard last night and so this is it" I lied smoothly. "You should be more careful." He frowned. "There goes the big brother Rick" I chuckled. "Why did you come here though? Just to see me?" I asked. "Yeah and also since I am a new employee of the team, I guess I will have to go around every now and then and get
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Fucking Her (His Paradise)
ROSALINEI had finished eating and gone to check up on Russo in his room but I knew he would be in his study so I headed there instead. "Shouldn't you rest a little after... After whatever happened today?" I asked him, moving closer to the table where he was working on his laptop. "I am good. It wasn't stressful at all""You're sure?""I am sure" he ascertained and I took in a deep breath. "That's great. Now, let's get back to our earlier conversation about Rick" I heard him groan before he slammed his laptop shut up. "Not tonight, I am tired""But you were so energetic just now. Listen Russo, you can't fire Rick.""And why shouldn't I?" He questioned, shoving his laptop to the side and paying full attention to me. "Rick is deserving of this job, you can't just take it away from him" I shook my head, staring at him stubbornly. "Oh I can't? I would be more than pleased to show you that I very well can and I can do much more if I see him one more time" he threatened. "Why do you
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Can't Get Enough
RUSSO EL MASSIMO I had never felt anything better than what I was feeling right now. No other pussy could give me the pleasure I was feeling right now. Looking down and seeing that it really was Caramia under me, with my cock in her pussy could make me fucking explode. Five years... I had waited for this fucking moment but if I was asked to go celibate for twenty years just to have this pussy at the end of it, I would do so over and over again. She was so fucking hot and tight. And she was driving me so crazy with her pussy that was pulsing around my cock. "How... How is it now?" I asked, gritting my teeth and waiting for her to tell me I could begin moving. "It's... It's starting to feel good. Please give me a few seconds more" her fingers dug deep into my back and shoulder as she slowly got used to my cock inside of her. "Aah" she moaned when I moved slightly. "That felt good" she whimpered. "It's going to feel better when I start moving""Then please... Please move, daddy.
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His Fantasies
ROSALINE Heavens! I had never felt anything like this night before. After being touched by Russo a few times, I thought I knew pleasure but this night, I realized he had been keeping a whole lot of things away from me. This. This was real pleasure! Nothing could beat this! My body trembled with the orgasms I had gone through tonight. They had been way too intense and now Russo was telling me we weren't done for the night. And now as I felt that hard cock pressing into me, I realized that I would as well do anything for the night not to be over yet. I wanted more of everything that was happening. More fucking, more cumming. I wanted more. Needed more. Suddenly I was picked up from the bed into his arms. "Let me take you somewhere, Caramia""Ugh? But... But we aren't done" I mumbled. "Of course, we are not done" he moved to a small shelf in his wall and pushed it open. That wasn't surprising as every room in the house had secret rooms that only the owner of the rooms could open.
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Legs Wrecked.
The Next DayROSALINEI woke up with juxtaposed feelings and a huge smile on my face. I felt tired and yet I felt energised. I wanted to sleep more and yet I wanted to climb on top of Russo and ask for more. I wanted to scream out loud in excitement that last night was fucking real but I also wanted to remain in bed, giggling endlessly about it. Russo was a fucking animal when it came to fucking and he had only let go of me around 2am but after that, he had been quite sweet, made me take a long, scented bath and then gave my body a massage. The horny bastard (I could call him that now) still got hard while massaging me and well, I might have gotten a bit wet too during the massage but my body could not have taken any more rounds from him. "Good morning, Caramia. I know you are awake" I felt his lips pressed to my forehead and I squinted my still closed eyes, letting out a small grumble before opening my eyes. "Good morning" I mumbled and looked behind him to find a food cart. "You
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Come Fuck Your Little Slut
RUSSO EL MASSIMO"Well, what can I say other than congratulations?" Diego grinned, stretching a hand out and shaking me. "And what can I say other than you lost as you know you would have?" I chuckled. "I knew it was an impossible mission for me to get the contract the moment you got onto the deal" Diego shook his head and sat on the seat across my desk. "You do look happy though." He pointed out. "Well, I guess I am" I shrugged my shoulders. "It's not just the contract, right? Contracts don't delight you this much anymore. There's something else, isn't there?""Well, I killed a few men of dark caster last night so I guess that adds to it?""Yeah, I heard about it. Heard he had his men intercept your goods" Diego moved closer with curiosity. "Foolishness is what I call it. I don't joke with my goods and dark caster should know that best.""Looks to me like he is trying very hard to bring you down and make you lose a few partners." Diego noted. "He is going to have a harder time
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On A Scale of 1-10
RUSSO EL MASSIMO"Caramia?" I called as I stepped into my room but there was no response from her. She wasn't inside the room, then. Perhaps she had gone to her room or was somewhere around the house but I soon figured that she was actually in my room. She had gone back to the secret room. I loosened my tie and left it loosely around my neck. I was going to go in and get her when I figured I should do something else. I moved to my drawers and pulled the last one open, picking up a tablet that was connected to the CCTV cameras down there. I wanted to see what she was doing down there alone and as soon as I saw it, my cock hardened. It had been a hard task keeping it limp the whole day as I couldn't stop thinking about her wet cunt but now, I was watching her rubbing her pussy and fondling her tits. "Such a whore" I dropped the tablet on the bed and walked into the secret room, getting rid of my belt as I did so. She was in front of the tools, still doing what I had seen her doing
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You Are Mine, Caramia
ROSALINEImmediately this brutal face fucking began, I understood the reason daddy had asked me those questions and I understood the fucking gravity of my answers. Gravities that I was very well pleased to accept. "Oh fuck! Your throat is so fucking good" his hands clasped around my head, fingers buried deep into my hair as he controlled the movement of my head, his cock thrusting in and out of my mouth before he rammed it in deeper, shoving his cock deep into my throat. I gagged terribly, my fingers on his thighs digging into him as I gripped tightly. He pulled his cock out, all smeared with my drool. I coughed badly but only for a few seconds before he slapped my cheek with his cock impatient to get back into my mouth. And fuck! I needed him back in my mouth again. I loved the taste of his cock and the feel of something so big and so hard in my mouth. I needed him. "Your throat is so good" was all daddy rasped before he rammed his cock back there. In my fucking throat. I gag
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End Of Me
RUSSO EL MASSIMO She's mine. And I mean those words with every breath of mine. Mine only. And she looked especially so with the collar on her neck and her hands cuffed. "Kneel properly" I held her by the shoulders, aiding her to kneel properly on the bed. She looked at me eagerly as soon as she had pulled herself into a comfortable kneeling position but she only looked at me for a while before glancing down at my hard cock which throbbed in appreciation for her gaze. I grabbed her tits with my left hand, fondling and groping both tits as moans arose from the depth of her. Locking eye contact with her, I continued fondling on both tits until I switched to her right tit only, neglecting her left tit for a while. I watched her flushed face carefully before I pinched down on her nipple. "Daddy!" She gasped, her face turning a brighter shade of red and her body bucking as her eyes rolled back. "Look at me! And don't look away until I tell you you can..." I rubbed her nipple and watc
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