All Chapters of Yours, Daddy.: Chapter 31 - Chapter 40
40 Chapters
A Pervert??
ROSALINEI was now in his bed, dressed in panties and a black shirt that belonged to him. I had taken a bath after that fucking which had almost crippled me. Russo walked into the room, shutting the door behind him and for a second, I wondered how we had gotten to this point so quickly. How in the world did I become this girl fucking her uncle? How in the world did I lose all those shyness and unwillingness to be open to others?"What are you thinking about? You have a blush on your cheeks" there was a deep chuckle from Russo. "No... Nothing" I looked away from him. "Nothing? What naughty thoughts are going on in that pretty head of yours? Tell me" he demanded, a smirk on his face as he sat on the bed, beside me. "There's none" I mumbled. "There is..." He leaned in close. "Tell me everything and I won't mind making those naughty thoughts of yours into reality.""You are going to put me in a wheelchair and get me to lose my job in no time." "You know you never really needed the
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Dark Caster
RUSSO EL MASSIMOI clenched my jaws as I stepped hard on the accelerator, one hand on the steering wheel and the other hand flipping a gun. There were loads of things I could tolerate but I absolutely could not tolerate it when stupid things took me away from the things I enjoyed. Right now, I could have been in between Caramia's legs, I could be fucking her again right now or sucking her tits. But here I was, on my way to meet some little bastards. Dark caster was really getting on my nerves and if he wasn't a quite worthy opponent himself, I would have killed him already. "I am going to snap necks tonight" I flipped the gun again and glanced at it for a second before throwing it to the passengers seat. What the hell had I been thinking, toying with that gun? A gun definitely would not do for tonight. I pulled the car to a halt in front of a mansion and alighted from the car. The night breeze blew through my hair and I ran a hand through it, the other hand now held the gun I had j
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Over Possessiveness
ROSALINEI was in my office, doing some work with a huge smile on my face. I absolutely could not contain how happy I was. Sexual satisfaction was indeed something that kind of changed everything for better and I had someone who satisfied me very much. 'Don't think about him, Rosa' I chastised myself because I knew that if I thought too much about him, I was going to get hot again and be in need of him. I couldn't let that happen for two reasons. One, I had a whole lot of things to do since I had skipped work yesterday and two, Russo wouldn't want to do anything in the company. I brushed his thoughts out of my head and continued to work. I checked my schedule and frowned, realising that I had a meeting with a manager from some other company in an hour. "How could I have forgotten?" I smacked my head lightly. I had not even gotten ready for the meeting at all and I sure would not want to seem like a fool in front of another manager. I went through the pile of documents in front o
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Teaching Her Who She Belongs To
RUSSO EL MASSIMOI loosened my tie and let out heavy breaths from my mouth. I swear I didn't know how long I could hold back from killing Rick, I had no idea how long it would take before I snap. What the fuck was he telling her that made her laugh and giggle so much that she didn't notice quickly that I was already behind her? Why the fuck was he carrying her bag for her? Why the hell was he holding her hands? I just fucking knew that he was into her and sure! I am not going to be the one Caramia ends up with at last but not him! I would never allow her end up with him! He wasn't good enough for her! He didn't deserve to ever experience Caramia the way I did!The restroom door opened and Caramia slowly walked towards me but her steps were too slow to match with the desperation that had arose inside of me. I moved to her with quick steps and grabbed her hands."Don't have that bastard touching your body, Caramia. Your body belongs to me" I kissed her hands all over."Panties?" I whis
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The Wrong Feelings
AUTHOR'S POV "Do you think this will look great on me?" Melinda asked and Rick nodded, half heartedly. "You didn't even glance at the dress I was showing you" Melinda nudged him with her shoulder. "I am sorry, Melinda. I was just thinking..." Rick trailed off. "And what were you thinking about? Rosaline?" Melinda asked with a knowing smirk. "No, that's not...""Yeah, try denying that in front of me" Melinda cut in. "Fine, I am thinking about her. Do you think I have done enough to show her that I am interested in her?" Rick asked. "Depends on what enough is to everyone. In my own view, you are being way too subtle. I mean, just tell her that you like her and bring this to an end.""You don't understand, Mel. We have been friends for all these years and I risk losing that friendship if I confess my feelings to her so of course I have to be careful about this.""Keep being careful and someone else will steal her away from you" Melinda shrugged her shoulders as she reached for ano
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Going To Get Caught
ROSALINEThe sensations clouded my head and my mind. The feeling of having cream licked and sucked on my nipples was driving me insane and daddy telling me that the domestic staffs could walk in at any moment had managed to somehow excite me the more. Excitement at the fact that I could be caught with my uncle sucking my tits and fingering my pussy. The more a saner part of me tried to tell me how wrong this was, the more this slutty part of me got even more aroused."Hmmph" I whimpered as his teeth grazed my nipple. "I could really do with something as sweet as honey" he groaned and before I could tell what was happening, he had pulled his fingers out of me and was spreading honey over my chest and my tits. Slowly, he spread the honey in a thin trail up my neck and finally stopped at my lips. My breathing had turned heavier and my tits were heaving with every breath I took. I watched as he lowered his face to mine and kissed my lips fiercely. "Hmm" I moaned into the kiss wrappin
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RUSSO EL MASSIMO I wrapped my arms around Caramia and made her bury her face even more in the crook of my neck. The table was already doing enough job in blocking anyone's view to our lower bodies. I didn't really mind being seen but I wasn't going to have anyone else see my Caramia's ass or her pretty pussy. I would have to kill that person if they saw her. "Get the fuck out!" I gritted the words out loud enough for whoever was coming to hear just as Caramia's pussy squeezed me. I was doing a fucking good job not nutting right now. The footsteps paused for a second and then continued hurriedly but not closer to us but farther away until it faded. I shut my eyes tightly, clenching my jaw as her orgasm slowly subsided. Her pussy walls clenched and unclenched around me as I heard her sniffling back tears. "Caramia" I grunted her name but she nestled her face in my neck even more. "I felt like I was... Like I was going to explode on your cock, daddy." She pushed herself int
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For Now (Romance)
The next day. RUSSO EL MASSIMO "Wake up sleepy head, it's way past 10am" I pulled the curtains open a loud grumble in protest came from Caramia. She pulled the sheets over her head. I walked over to the bed and sat by her side. "Hey, get up and eat something before you go back to sleep. You must be starving since you ate nothing last night" "I am still sleepy and I am not that hungry" she grumbled. "I know my cock fills you up very well, Cara but you still need food"She threw the sheets off her head and her face had gone red with a cute blush. "How... How can you say that so early in the morning? Ah, you are the naughtiest person to ever walk the surface of earth" I chuckled. "I would have been the naughtiest person but then your parents gave birth to you..." I reached for her cheek and gave it a soft pull that made her pout cutely. "I still can't beat you at it" she mumbled. "I made breakfast." I changed the topic, getting back on my feet. "Tell me, Russo. What exactly c
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I Love You
ROSALINE I grabbed my purse and took a final look at myself in the mirror before heading for the door. I was dressed in a simple body con dress and had my hair tied in a neat bun, leaving out a few strands. Light makeup and lipstick and I was good to go. I was going to meet up with my friends like we usually did on Sundays. That was what Rick had called me for earlier. He wanted to know if he should come pick me up but with how Russo's hatred for him was growing? Nah, I didn't want him showing up. But Russo had left home for something urgent and had promised to be back in two hours. He wouldn't be meeting me home when he got back though. I walked out of the house and got into my car, dropping my purse on the passenger seat. *"Where is Tim and Melinda? Don't tell me they are going to be late because they are caught up fawning over each other" I said to Rick as I sat opposite him in the luxurious restaurant. "Nah, they won't be here. Those two are too loud and talkative. You can
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Telling Rick
ROSALINE"Oh fuck! How shitty can today be?!" I groaned and kicked the tyre of my car. "Ouch! That hurts!" I winced in pain, pulling my leg away in pain before kicking the heels off my feet. As if hearing a live confession from my best friend wasn't enough to ruin my entire day, my car had to suddenly develop an issue right on the highway. "What the hell is this?" I grumbled and looked around me. I was so frustrated. I had just wanted to get home, throw myself on the bed. If Russo was back, throw myself into those strong arms and let him make me forget about Rick's confession but now I was stuck here. The headlights of a car shone on me, grabbing my attention as the car pulled close to me. I immediately rushed into my car and locked the doors safely before grabbing my phone. Being in this family had taught me to react that way. I swiftly dialed Russo's contact even though I knew that there was no way he would be able to get to me as fast as possible. "You damned car!" I hit the
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