All Chapters of The Billionaire’s Catch : Chapter 31 - Chapter 35
35 Chapters
Chapter 31: “Why are you back again?”
For the next week, Khloe's recovery began to improve. She got discharged from the hospital and soon went home. Her legs were still bandaged and she had to use clutches to support herself, but as time went by, she stopped and started working on getting on her two feet again. Colleagues, friends and family supported her throughout her recovery and there was no sign of Arthur. She began working again and soon employed someone to replace Arthur. And although she misses him, she always chides herself for thinking about him. Khloe Ferguson sat behind her mahogany desk, legs crossed as she read the letters that were sent to her. This letter was a well wishing one, but one later caught her eyes. It has no name and it was very different from the ones sent to her. “Ma’am, the person just gave it to me and said I should give it to you.” Her personal assistant said. “And you didn't care to ask what was in it,” Khloe asked, still analysing the strange note. “No, ma’am. I caught the person sl
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Chapter 32: "What's taking you so long?"
“It really hurts me to let her go, I had to do it for my family's sake, to avenge their death. That was why I came here, to seek revenge after the culprit had fled and I don't want to take any chances. I really don't want to slip even one bit. I know my feelings for her are so strong, but feelings don't always matter, right? Love comes and goes, right? Maybe it's not meant to be. Or let me say right person, wrong timing…..aaaarrgghh!!! I've been searching for Scott Freedman for months now, and I have a lead. I can't let him escape, not this time,” Arthur was in deep thoughts as he stepped out of the company's building. As he walked away from the Ferguson's company, his heart felt heavy with the weights of his secrets. “She thinks I'm a liar, traitor and a manipulator, that abandoned her at the point of her needs, just like how everyone else left her. I wish I could clear those thoughts from her and get the weight off my shoulders… sadly I can't, not now, there's so much left to
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Chapter 33: “Get lost,” Khloe said.
Arthur drove to the location which he told Sam to meet him, a small Cafe on the outskirts of town. They sat down at a table in the back, away from prying eyes. “So, Sam, what do you have now? His location, his whereabouts, anything?” Arthur asked, eyes locked onto him. “We found his exact location but he is heavily guarded. He has borne hundred bodyguards watching his every move. Whatever we're doing or have to do, we can't do it on our own. Arthur nodded, his mind already racing with strategies. He was about to speak but Sam beat him to it. “Before you say anything else, I've been thinking about something. I know a guy who might be willing to help us out. He's a former Marine, and he's got the skills we need to get past Scott's security.” Arthur's eyes lit up with interest. "Who is he and how will he help with those bodyguards?” Arthur asked curiously. "His name is Ryder. He's been doing private security work ever since he left the military. I've worked with him before numerous
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Chapter 34: You again!!!
Arthur, his private investigator, Sam and Ryder, were all seated at the allocated location, the old warehouse, where they went over their plan again once more. “It'll be risky to spy on him unarmed,” Ryder spoke first. “What do you suggest?” Sam asked, eyes locking onto him. “I need some sort of weapon, see it like a plan B…. “There's no plan B,”Arthur voiced. His anger laced in his tone. Silence fell between the three men. Arthur knew it was risky, but he was desperate and really needed to take down Scott as soon as possible. He didn't want to lose sight of his mission and he definitely did not want to create room for failure by coming up with any second plan. Just go in and come out. “We need you to spy on them, get past the security,” Arthur pointed out his aim. "I can help you get past Scott's security, but it's going to cost you a lot. Plus, I need to know that our cause is just,” Ryder chipped. “It's for a good cause. I told you beforehand,” Sam interrupted. Ryder nodd
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Chapter 35: "Dylan, who's that?"
***Shortly before Hannah confronts Khloe.*** * Hannah Foster, Ethan's stepmom who he doesn't know that she isn't actually his real mother, was sitting in her living room with Williams Foster's lawyer, Clark. They were discussing the deceased's company and although Williams had shared his inheritance, they believe that something was still very off. “I don't understand what you're talking about, Clark? I know he has transferred all of his wealth to both myself and his son, Ethan,” she said, her legs crossed. “Well, I'm telling you now. There's one secret safe left. And it is said that this safe holds billions of dollars,” Clark remarked. “I know Williams was rich and the will had but little of his wealth, but I never thought he could have hidden it somewhere,” she said, confused. “He hid it. But nobody knows where the key is. I bet he entrusted it to someone he deeply loved or trusted,” Clark said. “If that's the case, I know Williams loved me. But he never gave me any keys. And
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