All Chapters of The Billionaire’s Catch : Chapter 1 - Chapter 10
31 Chapters
Chapter 1: One Cold Night
The strong metal gold key in Khloe Ferguson’s hand sparkled as she fiddled with it.“Ethan Foster. He doesn't know I own his life” Khloe took a deep breath. She sat in her cold room upstairs and from the window, she could see her lovely husband, Ethan Foster kissing and wrapping hands over his mistress’s curvaceous waist. Katrina Eliot, or Katty as Ethan would call her, is just the kind of woman who can collide the heads of ten men together by just walking past them.Sighing, Khloe meticulously hid the key in its secret box before heading down to the living room to welcome her lovely husband and his mistress, Katrina At least, for these four years of being married to Ethan Foster, Khloe has learned by patience to condone his cheating affairs just so he doesn't divorce her and marry his mistress.Her priority is that he is happy and she remains his wife regardless even if he never had an iota of love for her and has countlessly rubbed mud into her eyes.Getting to the living room, Sh
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Chapter 2: The man in the hotel
“I want a room. One night” Khloe said as she got to the hotel. She did not even bother to ask for the price. She had enough. The receptionist typed on the computer before saying to Khloe,” The cost of our room varies from $100 to $500 for a night and no additional fee, Ma’am “ she explained and Khloe’s brow furrowed. It was the first time she had heard of such a cheap hotel. Now, she sees how inhumane Ethan is. “Okay, I want a room for $ 500” her mouth uttered before she thought about it.“Here is your key ma’am. Room 007, just go up the stairs ” The lady explained and Khloe headed out.Her head was spinning and she needed to get the thoughts of Ethan and Katrina out of her mind. Married to the billionaire’s son, Ethan Forster all he could repay her loyalty with was by divorcing and sending her away with just one million dollars. Isn't it the height of cruelty ever? The Fosters were rich. They own the largest warehouses ever in Maryland and Ethan happened to be their only child.
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Chapter 3: Secret at the Cemetery
About five minutes later, Mr Clark, Ethan’s lawyer came with the divorce papers as agreed on.“Here, Miss Ferguson, sign here” Mr Clark handed her a pen to sign the divorce papers. With shaky hands but a mind made up, Khloe signed the papers, breaking the bound that kept herself and Ethan Forster glued.“Here,” Khloe said, handing Mr Clark the divorce papers back. Khole was shocked at something. She had not received her stakes from Mr. Clariton, the Senior account manager of the FOSTER Co-operation.Two months ago when her Father-in-law passed away, he stopped sending her stakes to her.“Mr Clark, please wait,” she called. “What happened to my stakes, I have not received them for two months now?” her face tinted pale.The lawyer pinched his hawkish nose slightly before saying, “I'm afraid Miss Ferguson but Mr Clariton is acting based on the instructions of Mrs Foster” he narrowed his gaze away from Khloe. It was clear that he was acting under Mrs Foster's will too.“I am hearing th
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Chapter 4: The strong Woman is back
The morning was crisp and fresh with the scent of blooming flowers filling the air.At the airport that morning, Khloe Ferguson stood with a handful of two big boxes that contained all her belongings from four years of being married to Ethan Foster.Returning to Washington will determine her fate. She rebelled with her Father four years ago by giving up on her inheritance and career to marry Ethan.Neither of Khloe's parents knew she was coming back to Washington that day except for her sister whom she informed yesterday. “I'm gonna miss you when you're gone, Khloe,” Elena hugged her. She had been the only friend who loved Khloe since she got married to the rich Billionaire, Ethan Foster.“I will miss you too. Please don't make me cry'' A tear trickled down Khloe's eyes to her face.As they remained in each other's hands shedding tears of sweet moments, a thought tailed Elena’s mind.“I saw the news yesterday, is it true that Ethan and Katrina are now married?” Elena asked as she pul
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Chapter 5: His identity
Arthur Cassius kept wondering who the lady inside the house was. She surpassed his definition of being audacious, fierce and brave. In addition, she is beauty personified.He doesn't think he has ever seen her in the empire since four months he got employed as Sir Ferguson’s driver.Something looks strange with the young woman. Something that he cannot just fathom and he must find it out.The night flew off the earth so quickly calling in dawn at a snap.That morning when Author was preparing Sir Ferguson’s car, his phone rang. It was Kelly, the woman he loved dearly. He smiled but did not take the calls.Kelly would be pissed off right now but he would explain himself to her later. Their conversation was always very lengthy, full of emotion and love. It was not what he could handle at the moment. One thought of the young woman he saw yesterday kept mesmerizing his mind. Just one glance at her, she already has a powerful dominance over him. Immediately Arthur was done with Mr. Fe
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Chapter 6: The new C.E.O
Few minutes later, Arthur and Khloe arrived at the company. Arthur stared at the gigantic skyscraper and stood majestically, its steel glass and steel facade gleaming in the sunlight. Arthur poked his head out the windows, getting more of the building before stepping down to get Khole's door.“Here you go ma'am” he said, opening the door and holding it for her to step out.As soon as Khole stepped out of the vehicle, she had a nostalgic feeling. This was her father's company and she had visited so many times. A happy memory flooded her memory but it all faded away when Arthur spoke.“Aren't you going in ma'am? You've been standing for a while” he said, concerned. His face was contorted, his eyebrows hung low which was the cause of the sun beam.“I will. I'll be needing you by 5pm. Don't delay” she said sternly and proceeded to walk in. On her way to the main building, she met a lot of unfamiliar faces and people strolling in and out of the building. Some people began murmuring.“Isn
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Chapter 7: The new C.E.O 2
Khloe Ferguson kept her eyes fixated on the files piled in front of her. “This wasn't what I was expecting when I agreed to take over as CEO," Khloe thought to herself, her mind filled with a mix of frustration and disappointment. “All I thought was that, I'll be taking over my inheritance and continue my father's legacy not cleaning up some mess. This is really frustrating" she groaned. Immediately she thought of this, Rachel,the secretary, knocked on the door and entered with a confused expression. “Uh.. good morning” she said “Yeah?” “I was hoping to see Mr. Lucas. There's been some miscalculation” she announced, closing the door behind her. “Ah yes. Tell me. I'm taking over from him. So see me as your new boss” Khloe said, straightening herself. Rachel asked no further and continued with why she came. “Okay, if you say so. I have some updates on the Johnson account. It's not looking very good." “Who the hell is Johnson?” Khloe thought to herself but not givin
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Chapter 8: No Record
“Arthur?” Kelly repeated, as her eyes widened in genuine curiosity. “I've never heard of him. What's his story?” Khloe bit her lips as she stared into her sisters eyes. Scanning them in order to see if she's genuine or playing dumb. “I'm not very sure. I met him at a restaurant and now he's my driver. It doesn't makes sense and… there's something about him. I can't seem to verily put my finger on it, I'm sure.” Kelly took Khloe's hand gently and gave her a warm smile. “He's just a driver, don't stress about it. You just got out of a tight marriage, you should be free and not worrying over nothing. Have some rest, will you?” still wearing a smile on her face. With a sigh Khloe said,“you're right.” Just then, Rachel walked into the office interrupting their conversation. “Sorry ma'am for disturbing you. I have another file waiting for you and there's someone here to see you,” she announced. Khloe blinked severally as her mind raced. She collected the files, which are m
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Chapter 9: Eyes that see
Arthur studied her feature through the rearview mirror, her eyes too on him. The silence stretched between them and what was heard was only the humming of the vehicle and honking of other cars. Her eyes held curiosity alongside a malicious grin. She thought she had him but unfortunately didn't. He smirked internally before saying “I'm sorry ma'am, but you've got the wrong person.” “Mair Hotel, 9 pm” Khloe said confidently. “I don't know what you're talking about ma’am” Arthur denied. “The man I saw had a striking resemblance. I must have been mistaken then” Khloe said. Arthur glanced at her from the rearview mirror, he let out a small smile then thought to himself. “She's cute when she does that.” Moments later, they arrived at the Fergusons residence. They parked at the parking lot and came down, immediately Khloe went straight to the main house. Upon entering, she met Emily in the living room watching her favorite soap opera. She was so engrossed in it that we didn't
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Chapter 10: No reason
Khloe Ferguson woke up to a buzzing sound from her phone that was vibrating at the study desk. Grumpily she turned on the message and found something she didn't want to see, something that'll ruin her morning. Apparently, Ethan and Katrina are going to have a baby. Khloe's eyes widened in shock!! “Didn't they just get married? How come she is pregnant?” Khloe said. Her eyes were now wild open. Ethan and Katrina were internet sensations so it was easy to dig up the history of those two, and to spread news about them easily. “You're done with him. He didn't deserve you anyway.” Khloe chided herself. “You're better than him and you'll prove it,” she said determinedly. She got out of bed and got dressed, ready to head for the office. Her stomach let out a loud growl, indicating she was hungry. “I can't go to work on an empty stomach. Just a little breakfast would do” She descended the stairs only to find Kelly and Arthur discussing. “Oh there you are,” Kelly said, acknowledging
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