
Chapter 2: The man in the hotel

“I want a room. One night” Khloe said as she got to the hotel. She did not even bother to ask for the price. She had enough. 

The receptionist typed on the computer before saying to Khloe,” The cost of our room varies from $100 to $500 for a night and no additional f*e, Ma’am “ she explained and Khloe’s brow furrowed.

It was the first time she had heard of such a cheap hotel. Now, she sees how inhumane Ethan is. 

“Okay, I want a room for $ 500” her mouth uttered before she thought about it.

“Here is your key ma’am. Room 007, just go up the stairs ” The lady explained and Khloe headed out.

Her head was spinning and she needed to get the thoughts of Ethan and Katrina out of her mind. 

Married to the billionaire’s son, Ethan Forster all he could repay her loyalty with was by divorcing and sending her away with just one million dollars. Isn't it the height of cruelty ever? 

The Fosters were rich. They own the largest warehouses ever in Maryland and Ethan happened to be their only child.

However, Mrs Hannah Foster, Ethan's mom, never loved Khloe. 

Khloe was Ethan's secretary before they got married. He only married her because of his father, Williams Foster who died a couple of months ago.

Now that Williams is gone, Ethan himself decides to set himself free from the bond holding them together, Marriage.

Immediately, Khloe got to her room and thrust the door open, she dragged her boxes In shut the door, and then slumped on the bed and slept off. 

She had taken a dose of her Chlordiazepoxide. before leaving the house earlier and she had become too weak to sleep already. 

The next morning when she woke up, she grabbed her phone and sent her sister, Kelly a text telling her that she would be coming back to Washington tomorrow. 

In response to her text, Kelly responded happily with some smiling emojis. 

After a nice bath that morning, Khloe decided to eat something at the hotel’s restaurant and wait for Ethan’s Lawyer too.

The Residence Inn had the best food. The hotel was not all that elegant but they made their income from their food which was not for the poor.

Khloe placed her orders and was surprised that half of the fortune Ethan gave her was almost consumed by the Cobb Salad, Grilled Chicken, and French fries she ordered.

Masticating the cobb salad in her mouth, Khloe grabbed her glass of water to digest the food in her mouth when a man suddenly walked past her and sat dominantly on the seat opposite her.

She watched him from the head upward. He has a gruff exterior and a ruthless demeanor; a paradox of rough and temperate. 

His fine costly perfume wafted the air evoking a sense of sophistication and fame.

If there was an adjective Khloe to using qualifying the man, it would be pretty. 

As he made a phone call, Khloe listened to his sweet deep baritone that commands respect, and she swallowed hard.

Checking out his bewitching chest; a die-hard place, Khloe suddenly felt she was his woman. 

Lost in thousands of thoughts, Khloe suddenly came back to herself when the man mentioned he was going back to Washington tomorrow.

“Washington?” she muttered faintly why her eyes were fixed on him. Their eyes met and she looked away so quickly.

Although she kept her pupils glued to him, yet he never paid her any attention but concentrated on his phone call. 

When Khloe suddenly recognized that he was speaking to a lady on the phone, she painfully returned her gaze to her food, breaking up with him in her heart suddenly. 

But he caused her more heartache with his last words when he blew kisses to the lady on the phone, expressing how much he loved her.

“I love you Kelly and please call me soon, okay?” He said before blowing another kiss to her and Khloe was in shock, almost emitting on her body.

Everything just looked strange to Khloe.

The name of her older sister who lives in Washington is Kelly too.

 Firstly, the man mentioned he was going back to Washington tomorrow like she was and now, he just mentioned her only sister's name too.

Silence engulfed the atmosphere as the man ended his call.

 Khloe, with particles of the cobb salad in her lips, raised her buried head to take her serviette to wipe her lips but he suddenly grabbed it from the table and squeezed it till it became worthless before dumping it on the table back.

“That's…That’s mine,” she said in a whisper, avoiding his burning gaze because of the mess on her lips.

He folded his hands glancing uninterruptedly at Khloe, patiently waiting for her to wipe the mess on her lips and face him.

Fortunately, Khloe saved his time.

“Toddler!” his voice struck with authority and Khloe’s heart fluttered. 

She wondered why he was referring to her as a toddler. This was Probably because she was just twenty-four and he looked Thirty-five or so.

“You’ve been paying details to all I’ve been saying earlier. I am not comfortable with poke nosers. You smirked twice at me, checking me out. I hate that. Why did you do that?” his voice struck powerfully again that Khloe wished the earth could just swallow her.

“I did that?” she asked facetiously but unfortunately, he doesn't respond to Toddlers like herself. 

“I'm sorry if I did. Please don't get mad” Khloe apologized but suddenly realized he was done with her. 

He sipped his coffee indifferently and Khloe dared not raise a brow at him.

 Just two seconds after he cupped his mug and sipped his coffee again, A black Lexus LX 600 drove inside the hotel. The driver got down and bowed before the man.

“Your car is ready, sir,” he said and Khloe momentarily glanced at him, their eyes met and she apprehensively looked away. 

“Take me to the company” he commanded the driver and walked away.

Exhaling, Khloe twisted her head back and saw the driver opening the car for him before they drove off.

“Phew!” She clenched her hand to her chest which almost leaped out because of the man.

Narrowing her eyes back to her food, her eyes caught up with the complimentary card on the table.

Grabbing the card, her eyes widened. 

From the card, she could see that the man was the CEO of Western Digital Group. One of the biggest companies in Maryland. 

His name is Author Cassius. 

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