All Chapters of The Devil's Chosen Luna: A Werewolf Romance : Chapter 11 - Chapter 20
27 Chapters
**Jenna's POV** I stared blankly at the message and didn't know what expression to give off. The more I look, the more convinced I am that the message was actually meant for me.What the actual fuck?"Can we go on a date this weekend?" I read out loud like I was referring to anyone as chuckles escaped my mouth hearing that. It sounds quite funny as anything I couldn't quite tell was why this man was trying so hard to impress me.I came for another mission which is to get my revenge and that's all."Do you really have to try so hard when I'm actually coming for you?" Mumbles dropped from my mouth as I placed the phone back into my purse and walked towards the kitchen. I wasn't doubtful of my stepmother before but after what I noticed when I was in the room with my father, it was more than enough to tell me that I should be wary of her.I packed up the shards of cups that littered around and put them in a plastic wrap, I called an old time friend named Lucan because I needed help with
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**Jenna's POV**I smiled while looking at Williams who wouldn't shake off the fact that I'm his fated mate and Lily who was boiling in anger. Well, that's all she can do about her emotions and nothing else."So tell me, how have you been?" Williams was deliberately ignoring Lily and that got me excited, making a sly smirk appear at the corner of my lips. Responding to Williams was one thing I never wanted to do, the plan isn't to make Lily jealous because that would make Williams think that he has me. I'm also not planning on making make Williams feel comfortable in order for him not to get his hopes high. I wanted to make both if them feel miserable, I want Williams to regret asking me out on a date and for the fact that he dare came to my house. I want him regret every fucking thing he did today."I've been great all through this week but, sadly, a joy kill came around." I made that statement eyeing him so he would know I was referring to him." You can't speak to him in that manne
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**Unknown POV**~~Another Pack in the supernatural community~~I snuck into the palace the exact time when the messengers just arrived and I stood at the back of the wall concealed from the guards.It's not the first time I'm doing this so it's not really a big deal for me.The news reaching the palace where the Aryan ruled got him panicking.Alpha Vixen could not stop thinking about his failed plan. His special adviser was with him and had no choice but to receive all the angry banters of the Alpha. The atmosphere is so tensed up and one can hardly come inside the palace without feeling the heat."You all are useless! How could you?" He shouted and the walls of the palace shook. His eyes shot out as his hands clenched into fists.His domineering voice hadn't ever stopped to have that evil effect on his servants and it infuriated the hell out of me.Alpha Marc's and Alaric's voices were even more better.It only meant that if these men were under the sound of their voices, they woul
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**Jenna's POV**"Who's there?" My voice echoed in the parlor and the next minute the lights were turned on while Ginger stood with hands akimbo, glaring at me. I first heaved a sigh of relief."You scared me." I didn't have the chance to think about anything else as I walked to my room, tiredness loomed all over me, I couldn't help but crave my bed."The plan wasn't to excite you though." Ginger muttered sarcastically. I didn't bother responding to her, I just got in and threw my bag at on the little couch close to me. Today was a long and exciting day though, I hopped on my bed and drifted off to sleep. *This can't be! Why is my hands stained with blood? Oh no.... I didn't kill them right? I couldn't possibly kill them.I looked at the dead people in front of me with horror filled eyes. My dad was dead and... I killed him? Roberto? Williams!?What's happening? Moon goddess please I hope this is a dream."What's wrong you with you? You've been squealing since 5:00 am!" I opened my e
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**Jenna's POV**The moment we got to the hospital, we hopped down from the car like two mad person's."Watch it ladies!" A nurse yelled at us but we didn't have the time to spare her another glance."Good day sir!" We greeted the doctor and ho we saw wad I'm charge."Your dad? Go to the second floor then turn left, he's at the emergency room." The doctor directed and we thanked him and zoomed off.Why is my dad in the emergency room?,Please goddess, this shouldn't escalate because this is the time I need that man more in my life, more than anything actually."Dad?" I called the moment I entered the room where he was. I broke down in tears because this man was looking like a shadow of himself."What happened to you dad?" Ginger asked as she wailed in his laps.Dad couldn't talk, he only coughed and smiled at us, a weak smile ."Tell me you'll get better, just talk to me dad, tell me this is something minor." I silently prayed to the goddess, this man better makes it out of here alive.
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**Jenna's POV**A loud bang woke me up. Coming out of my room, lo and behold my stepmother was walking towards my direction. There she was, standing and breathing like she just fell off a cliff. My survival instincts kicked out as I felt an adrenaline rush down my spine.This wasn't good. "Hi!?" I managed to say."Don't you dare!" She roared as her eyes blazed in rage while she kept looking at me like a predator who was about devouring it's prey. I'm really lost because I can't tell what she's trying to say. I gulped down on my own saliva.This is really bad, her aura, everything seems overwhelming.I can't even feel the presence of anyone close by."It's all your fault, why didn't you just die with your mother..""I dont know what you are talking about." I stated daring not to bat an eyelid.Whatever I said, is absolutely true. "Just shut up! Hearing your voice irritates me." She started walking again with slow but steady strides. I guess if someone doesn't show up now, I wou
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**Weny**"Are you saying the maid hadn't given you the surprise yet? I'm going to cut off her tongue!" He banged his left hand on the table and anger flooded his face."Oh that. Sorry it slipped my mind over the excitement of my ceremony. Thank you so much." I responded in a nervous manner."Just thank you, aren't you going to hug me?" He pushed his seat and to my surprise he stood up with his hand wide open to hug me.I never thought I would say this but right now, I wished that my mate would come and interrupt what this old man wanted."Common, don't be shy…" he smiled and his smile showed his evil intention.I slowly dragged my feet towards him and hoped that this was a dream that I would wake up from.Just as I was about hugging the Alpha, someone walked in, grabbing both our attention."Hmm… Dad, what's going on here?" Dian's face didn't look pleased and he seemed so angry seeing his dad wanting to hug me."Just want to accept a huge form from my future daughter in law. She was t
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**Weny**"Who are you talking to?" I jumped out of the bed and landed on the floor with my head facing the ground when I heard that voice."Get up." He spoke and I didn't know why but my body responded to his words on their own accord."Listen to me." He moved closer to me and grabbed my face, pulling me to himself in such a way that our bodies fanned each other's faces and his body heat warmed me."What do you want! I'm playing along just fine." I spoke in-between gritted teeth as I struggled to get off his grip."I said listen!" He added force to my arm which he was holding and I had no choice what to whine in pain,"Ouch, you're hurting me." "I don't care!" He yelled in a manner that caused me to flinch."What do you want?" My tone was a bit softer as I tried to mask the pain I was feeling." His hands were as strong as iron and holding me in such a manner was hurting my skin."No one should know that we are mates for real, do you get that?" He spoke and when I failed to answer he
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Backstory As I appeared at the centre of the serene woods, the moon lit up the whole forest and made a harmonious beauty that made my heart leap for joy. The scenery was so beautiful that my veins jutted out with pride. I grinned as I walked through this path of power. I said to myself, "All these belong to me."My name is Sebastian Nightclaw, and I am the epitome of an alluring and influential Alpha. As my feet made prints on the path I took, my existence presided over every being in the woods. My ambience roared with power and indomitable strength. My eyes shined brightly and had this darkness that portrayed my vast knowledge in the dealings of the forest. I walk in the consciousness of my unmatched muscular physique and sexiness. It is so evident that I have a primal power that is stuck within the confines of my being. I sat on the tip of a broken rock and began to sulk as soon as my happy thoughts were ruined— My parents: I'll not get to see them again. I love them so much an
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My mansion is located amidst the ancient woodland, with its outline scarily dreadful. The moon is dressed in its best linen and it pierces its light through my smudged glass windows, igniting supernatural shades across the luxurious aisles. The fragrance from the cedar wood and muffle soil intoxicated me, as I could sniff it in the atmosphere. Covert paths meander through the serpentine configuration, telling stories of ancient wolves' existence. I walk slowly, once in a while, in my mansion—lost in its horror and beauty. Due to my love for books, I own a library. I love books on fantasies and ethereal happenings. Sometimes, I read them aloud and giggle consecutively. In my library, there is a turbulent furnace that lit up my line of dusty novels. My yard reverberates with the memorable tunes of evening animals. They sing harmoniously into the atmosphere and bless my ears with their spooky melody. It all makes me joyful. I cannot contain the beauty it exuded. I walked through
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