All Chapters of The Devil's Chosen Luna: A Werewolf Romance : Chapter 21 - Chapter 27
27 Chapters
I looked at my brother's eyes and I saw so much love in them. He had this burning gaze that left me bewildered. "Stormy would kill for me," I whispered under my breath. His muscular arms weren't like mine but I can tell for a fact that they'd pull down any beast that wants to try to harm me. Stormy and I have been walking in the course of life together and we have always had each other's backs; our bond is unbreakable. After we stood up from the rock we sat on, Stormy stretched his arms and said, "Brother, remember I told you that I was going for a walk to the waterfalls? I would like that we get going now. It's almost dusk and I still haven't had any fun thing done since dawn. Let's go together. It'll be fun, I promise." I looked at him, smiled and said," I don't think I want to go. I have to practice more on my new skills. I have so many battles ahead of me to fight and I can't afford to be slack. It's okay if you want to go. I'll be right here waiting for you, while I do my thi
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I walked in the dark of the night and I saw some dresses beside one of the trees along the narrow path that led to my mansion. I pondered slowly," What are those?" Out of curiosity, I went closer, bent beside the tree and I saw that it was for the girls I saw earlier; the boring book, some catch and their tiaras. Due to the fast-rising rate of theft, I decided to pick it up for them and take it to my mansion. On second thought, I considered how they'd find me or what they would put on while searching for their properties."Well, what's life without a little fun, huh?" I said and smirked. I am the Alpha and anything I want must come to reality. "Why did that pretty one with the long hair run from me when I inquired her name, huh?" I said to myself. I spat on the earth and cursed under my breath. "I will teach them a big lesson and they'll never mess with me again." Stormwood walked up to me with a confused facial expression and said, "Seb, what's going on? Where did you pick all t
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I ran as fast as my legs could carry me. I couldn't withhold the sensuality that Alpha possesses. When he introduced himself, his baritone voice sent chills down my spine. His muscular body, his chiselled chin and his green eyes all made me act like a fool— I regret that I did not Introduce myself. "Stacy, we are far away from them, it's okay. You can stop running now," Willow yelled.I was panting hard and I did not mind sitting on the floor. My beautiful blue ball gown got stained with soil and my heart broke even further. "Oh my goodness! These creepy guys ruined our anniversary. I hate them so much for this. Who do think they are, by the way? I wish we hadn't fled from them. I'd have shown them that they don't mess with us. We are queens! Damn, they must be so stupid to sneak in on us like that," I said angrily.Willow laughed heartily and said, " Oh! My poor Stacy. Sorry, love. It is okay. We can still go back you know? It's not too late to show them how much we can beat their
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**Jenna's POV**Whats going on with me? I wondered. That was just a dream and a weird one.My dad won't die no matter what and i think it's high time I stop having these nightmares. They aren't getting funny anymore rather I feel suffocated."Mary, where are you?" I called Mary's number the moment I stood up from bed."No greetings?" She asked, seemingly irritated by my actions."Good morning and I'm sorry." "Your step mother...." She started and heaved a long sigh. "She's just weird and has been on weird phonecalls since yesterday and I think something has happened at your dad's company. The best thing for you to do right now is get your ass up from the ved and run down to the company to check what is a really going one." Mary advised and hung up the call.Without wasting much time, I stood up and ran to the bathroom, my wolf, Elsa wouldn't stop purring like something bad is going on and I couldn't shake off the feeling that I might get into trouble today. My ringing time jolted me
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I forgot how bitchy and mischievous Laura can be at times. How sick of me to think of her as a low witted person when she's even more than that. The party for the Alpha's hurdle is just few minutes away and I don't think I can go but then I have to.... I want to be there myself.These nonsense happened because of how careless Xavier and Alex acted lately. "You're so stupid!" I barked at Xavier the moment he stepped foot into my room."How is this my fault?" he replied sarcastically while putting both hands on his stomach. "And besides, I won't have you insult me." He added. It seems he has forgotten who he's talking to."Did you just raise your voice at me?" I asked him in what seemed like as scary cringe voice and watched as he rolled his eyes " Well, I didn't mean to." He muttered. " But you have to be careful too."Yeah, that's it.That's the goal!But stupid Laura has refused to yield to anyone and it's delaying the process and would warrant me to treat her differently and mi
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Jenna's povAfter the incident that happened at the hospital with my step mother and my dad's secretary, I've been having this weird feeling that I'm being watched. My every step, where ever I go, every single thing I do... I'm being watched and I know that.My dad's health wasn't getting better in anyway. Mary assisted me in my stay at the hospital in a bid to look after my dad while keep reminding me that I've had a lot of missed lectures. For weeks now, William's hasn't reached out to me, not that I want him to. The pack members has been paying visits to my dad at the hospital.I realized that since the time I met that unknown man, Roberto, my mate, I haven't heard from him in a while too. Things just keeps happening and I want to be the last person to stress about all that. My dad's health bothered the living the light out of my life."I can't stop wondering how you would be able to meet up for the classes that you miss. Exams are near, hope you know that?" Mary reminded as she lo
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Mary's povAfter I left Jenna at the hospital, I was racing to the pack house. I have shits I need to get fone too. I had gotten myself into deep shit, if I had known beforehand that this is what the garden is... I would have trailed Lucian the instant he was leaving.But how did he manage to get out without going in circles like me? Okay now that's one dumb question!! He was the Alpha and had lived here all his life so why wouldn't he be acquainted with his surroundings.Or did he bring me here to abandon me?Different I answered questions kept running through my mind."Luna!!." I suddenly heard someone call out frantically and a ray of hope flashed in my eyes.Maybe correcting this guard that I'm only a breeder not their Luna would be better. But that isn't necessary now."Who's there?" I asked hoping the person would be able to trail my voice."It's me, Lucian." The person responded."Oh goodness! Thanks to the goddess that you're here. How do I get out of here?" I asked Lucia
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