Semua Bab My Possessive Alpha Wants Me Back: Bab 11 - Bab 20
25 Bab
—JASMINE Hades’ voice causes, both Wayne and I to flinch.Hades’ presence is always an aura of either dominance or violence. And this time around it is the two of them with a pinch of livid touch to the brim of it.“I just asked! What the bloody hell is going on here?” He rages.Wayne immediately rushes the bandage to cover my wound before getting on his feet, and standing beside me.“ Alpha Hades, I was only trying to help Luna Jasm—Wayne find his entire body pushed and tossed to the ground before he can finish his words.I gasp.“Get away from my wife you pig!” Hades spits.I get on my feet and step in front of Wayne before Hades’ can try and harm him in an unthinkable way again.“Hades stop, please!” I spread out my hands to entirely block his path.“Wayne was truly only helping me to stop my bleeding with—“Be quiet!” Hades hisses. “I do not need any explanation from a shameless and brazen woman like you! You know nothing!” He growls.“What?” My chest tightens.“You heard me!” H
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—JASMINE I wake up the hour the Sun has set. I’ve simply lost track of time. My body is exhausted and my limbs are sore, especially in between my legs. Under my feet feels like a nightmare and I feel empty on the inside. I gently sit up and the memory of yesterday with Hades and I seeps into me. I am tired. I honestly never want to relive that moment again. It hurts so bad and this is the second time it is happening to me I really want to be done with this marriage and everything in it The door to my room echoes Enora’s familiar knock, before she opens the door and walks in with a tray of water. “Luna, Jasmine” her voice is soft and gentle, as she sits at the edge of my bed and carefully hands me the warm water. “How do you feel?” She asks I just breathe out a tired sigh, and taking a sip out of the water “Luna Jasmine?” She calls gently again. “You’ve slept for an entire day, I don’t think it’s healthy to keep staying in bed. You’re isolating yourself.” I am too exhaust
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—HADES I gently scoop up Alison and cradle her in my hand, carefully walking her away from the pool and back into the house. Her violent trembling is deeply concerning and fills me with worry. Jasmine! Such an irresponsible being and always putting Alison in harm, taking out her frustrations on this innocent woman.“I’m cold” Alison shivers, clutching her arms around her body tighter and walking into the shade of mine.“It’s okay” I say coolly as I finally make it into the house.“Get us a towel immediately!” I thunder the instant we step inside, my voice echoing through the hallway as I swiftly scan the room, my eyes locking onto the startled faces of the servants. "Now!" I emphasize, my urgency prompting them to spring into action, their footsteps hurrying across the floor as they scramble to fetch a towel with all due haste.Enora is the first to approach us with a towel and I immediately place the towel over Alison’s body before taking her to the guest room.“It’s okay now, y
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—JASMINE I wake up to meet Maple hospital’s white ceiling above my eyes, and as I slowly sit up,I glance down at my hands, noticing they're covered in band-aids and a bandage wraps around my injured foot. An IV tube trails from my hand, connecting me to a fluid bag suspended above. I wince at how sore my body feels and go on to lie down on my back again.I recall last night and release a heavy sigh.I’m glad my injuries are being treated. If Wayne hadn’t shown up it would’ve been worse for me.I’d rather be here than go back home.I don’t want anything to do with Alison and her two-faced ways.I lay on the bed in silence until a soft knock on the ward room door breaks the silence, and I slowly sit up, my heart beating slightly faster. My mind races with possibilities - who could it be? Hades? I can't shake the thought of him from my mind. With a mix of anticipation and trepidation, I fix my gaze on the door as it creaks open, my eyes straining to see who's on the other side.
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—JASMINEI'm shocked and reeling from the unexpected slap from Hades. I feel my heart shattering into tiny pieces as a tingling sound passes through my body. His handprint stings on my cheek, a painful reminder of his capacity for cruelty. My body trembles with adrenaline and fear, my stomach churning with a sickening sense of vulnerability. The fact that he's crossed this line leaves me questioning what else he's capable of.Wayne suddenly rushes up to me, and his eyes expands in shock.“Luna jasmine are you okay?” He rushes his words and action as his hands try to settle on my face.I don’t say a word because I'm still reeling from the smack and shock.“Get the fuck away from her!” Circenn yells aggressively.“She’s my wife, my mate, my Luna. I can do whatever I want with her and it’ll be none of your fuckin business! Everything about her is mine” “How can it not be my business, she’s hurting” Wayne sounds hurt.I gulp.“It’s none of your business” Hades Hisses.“How can it not
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—JASMINE I'm pregnant?The two words echo in my mind like a mantra, triggering a whirlwind of emotions that leave me reeling. Shock, fear, excitement, anxiety, joy, and uncertainty all swirl together in a dizzying dance, making it impossible to grasp any feeling. My mind races with questions and doubts, as if the ground beneath me has shifted.I look at Hades and he looks grim.A bitter expression that squashes all my emotions.I gently sit up and look around the ward room. So the only reason for my extreme exhaustion was because I was pregnant?I turn to Hades and his sharp voice takes over the ward.“And who is the father of your child?” He asks.I shake my head.“Even a non living thing can tell I can only be pregnant for you Hades”He lets out a disdainful snort, his eyes narrowing as he sits down across from me, his gaze fixed on mine with a mixture of skepticism and accusation. The air is thick with tension, his body language screaming distrust, making me feel like a sus
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—HADES I re-enter the ward after meeting with the doctor, and find Jasmine peacefully asleep. Her calm face and gentle breathing fill me with relief and tenderness. I approach her bedside quietly, gazing down at her with protectiveness.Even my wolf can feel the sudden urge to prance around the room and create a barrier and not let a single intruder to graze Jasmine.I don’t know how to feel, but I know I feel like I am over the moon.I know I have hurled hurtful words at Jasmine, I've been consumed by fear and insecurity, lashing out at her.But now I see the truth - this is our child. I've been a nightmare, but it's not too late to change. From now on, I'll be the supportive husband I should have been all along, cherishing and loving her through this pregnancy and beyond.And I’d be a liar if I say I am not overhyped right now.When the doctor's sudden attention to her unconscious form and the revelation that she was suddenly pregnant touched my ears.It left me utterly stunned a
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—JASMINE “JASMINE!!” The sound of my name being barked in a sharp tone rips me from my sleep, and I jolt upright, my heart racing. My gaze collides with Hades who is standing in front of me, his eyes blazing with a fierce intensity that makes my blood run cold. His face is a mask of fury, his jaw clenched and his nostrils flaring. I feel like a small animal caught in the gaze of a predator, frozen and helpless in the face of his wrath. I don’t know what’s going on, but I can tell that nothing good is about to happen right now. Before I can ask. Hades' hand sweeps across the air, sending a flurry of papers flying towards me. I'm caught off guard, and the documents rain down around me, scattering across the bed. I'm forced to sit up straight, my heart racing, as I gather the papers, my eyes scanning the contents. Maybe whatever’s written on these pages are what have driven Hades to such fury. My body thaws and my hand trembles as my sight takes a hold of the printed wor
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—JASMINE My heart is racing like crazy, and I feel like I am going to lose it. I am overwhelmed and have no idea how to process my emotions. Just when I thought I'd finally found the courage to break free from Hades' toxic grasp, but he still had a hold on me. It feels like I was trapped in a never-ending nightmare, and I don’t know how to wake up from it. I am so sick of this back and forth we’re having. “Hades please…” I begin, my words being completely buried by fear and uncertainty. “Just let me go,” I add. He stands upright and lets out a scoff that’s covered in ornery. “Let you go?” He laughs, bitterly. “Jasmine being pregnant doesn’t give you any ticket to divorce me and I won’t repeat myself. You’re not going anywhere and we will both remain completely as we are whether a baby is involved or not!” “What?” My voice shakes. “Bu— “Ezra!” Hades’ voice clouds and interrupts mine as he yells. The door bursts open, and Ezra walks in. His eyes scan the room, noticing the
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—JASMINE Enora bustles around the kitchen, whipping a hearty stew and fresh salad, while I sit at the end of the counter, watching her cook and cradling my stomach. Enora has been everything and nice to me and no amount of words can express how grateful I feel. Among all the servants in the main pack house. I’m happy she was the one I picked to be my personal one. Enora's care for me is like a warm embrace that envelops me entirely. She tends to my needs with a motherly instinct, anticipating every requirement and catering to it with a gentle touch. “Luna jasmine,” I think you should rest in your room until I’m done cooking. I shake my head. “It’s okay, I want to be here” “Well, I just want you to get ready cause there’s a package coming in soon and you’ll not like to see it in the kitchen” Enora smiles and I nod at her. I disappear to my room and get greatly served my meal by Enora who looks delighted to see me eat. The moment I am done with my meal, a knock comes into
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