All Chapters of My Possessive Alpha Wants Me Back: Chapter 21 - Chapter 25
25 Chapters
—JASMINE If anyone had told me I would be standing in the face of disaster without realizing, I would have laughed it off. Because now. Here and now. This is more than a disaster. Hades is insane! My voice comes out as a scream as I turn to Hades. “You’re going to have my baby aborted?” “That’s the only way to stop anything blasphemous from happening!” He seethes, his gaze still single-handedly focused on the road ahead. “You’re not stopping anything.” I scream, I feel like crying, but my body has gone dry, devoid of tears. It's as if all the liquid has been sucked out of me, leaving me feeling empty and hollow. My heart races with panic, pounding in my chest like a drum. Every hair on my body stands on end, leaving me covered in goosebumps. I feel like I’m about to go insane. "But you have no authority to dictate the fate of any member of this wolf pack. You have no right to decide who lives or dies. It's not only morally wrong, but also illegal.” I say, my voice ridde
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—JASMINE I'm still reeling in shock at the unexpected sight of Wayne, my mind racing with questions. How did he find out I was in the hospital? How did he manage to track me down? But before I can even form the words to ask, a sudden and intense cramp pierces through my lower abdomen, like a stabbing pain that takes my breath away. The sharp discomfort momentarily renders me speechless, my eyes widening in shock as I double over, my hand instinctively reaching for my belly as if to soothe the ache.But my hand on my belly doesn’t help, and the only thing that I can do to suppress the pain is to surrender to its tearing. My voice tears into a bloody scream, and breaks through the secluded room and then out and further like a whale’s cry. Wayne’s hand immediately covers my mouth and he clutches the rest of my body. Shuffling and footsteps instantly takes over outside of the door and I have no choice but to suppress my scream behind Wayne’s palm over my mouth.“We have to be qui
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—HADES As I step out of the hospital, leaving Jasmine in the capable hands of the doctors, my thoughts are still tangled in a web of confusion and frustration. Despite the long and challenging journey that lies ahead, my mind refuses to shift its focus away from the whirlwind that is Jasmine. Her presence has left me reeling, like a storm that has upended my entire world. I can't help but wonder how one person can create such turmoil in my life, turning my once-ordered thoughts into a jumbled mess. I horribly detest the way she carries herself, shamelessly disregarding my authority and the fact that I have a claim on her, a solid ownership over her that no one can sever. No matter how many times I remind her of her obligations to me, she continues to be involved with that bastard Wayne. Her eyes light up with an adoration that grates on me whenever she’s around that fool, and she behaves with a vulnerability that's at odds with her true character. She flaunts herself at hi
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—JASMINE I feel at peace, I don’t ever want to go home. Perhaps it's the nostalgia that comes with having spent my entire years within these walls, because this orphanage feels more like home than anywhere else I've ever been. The familiar creak of the wooden floors, the worn smell of the old furniture, and the faded murals on the walls all seem to envelop me in a sense of comfort and security. As I cradle the warm mug of ginger tea in my hands, feeling the soothing warmth spread through my body, I can't help but appreciate Wayne's thoughtfulness. He had taken it upon himself to brew the tea, knowing it was my go-to remedy for a troubled stomach. Now, as he sits down beside me, his presence is a calming balm to my frazzled nerves. His eyes filled with concern, makes me feel seen and cared for. “How are you now?” His voice is the most gentle voice I’ve ever heard. “I’m okay” I nod gently. “Thanks” “You don’t have to thank me” He says, “I’ll do this over and over again if I hav
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—JASMINEDespite my lingering doubts about Hades' unexpected display of kindness, I find myself giving in to his offer to bring me home, unable to spare even a moment to express my gratitude to Wayne for his help, or to bid him a proper goodbye. I couldn’t dare too.What if Hades ends up beating him to stupor? And I know Wayne will understand.Hades' new possessive side towards me is new and crazy, His territorialism is unpredictable and terrifying. The entire ride back home is quiet and surprising as a matter of fact. Hades is completely quiet and focused on the path ahead.He hasn’t said a word and the car’s navigation system is pointing its way back to the main pack house, and not the hospital.I remain rest assured but a tiny part of my mind is still hung on the fact that he can make a turn and go back to the hospital.I never want to relive that nightmare As I get home with Hades, I still can't shake off the feeling that I'm stepping into the unknown, unsure of what his tru
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