All Chapters of Panther: Chapter 21 - Chapter 30
42 Chapters
Chapter Twenty-One-Cleo
"Do you want me, Cleo? Do you want me like I want you?"I didn't even have to think about that. There was a hot pool of liquid in between my legs right now, my panther was going fucking crazy, hell, I was going fucking crazy. Never did I imagine Ike to be like this. I knew we'd sleep together eventually, because hey, I have needs. But I really didn't come over here to smash and dash.I want to say that, I do. But instead I moan and say, "Please Ike, I want you so bad." He growls, and rips my shorts down to my knees. I kick them the rest of the way off, and watch as he pulls one leg of his pants off, too impatient to mess with the other."You want me inside you?" He asks, returning to my neck. He trails kisses down my collar bone, biting every once in a while. I nod, closing my eyes and rolling my head to the side. He brings his mouth to my ear, and wraps one hand around my throat, squeezing softly. "Beg."I feel my stomach flip and the insane heat and tension building in my lower abdom
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Chapter Twenty-Two
I watched as Ike practically skipped back down the hallway to his bedroom. I curl into a ball in the corner of the couch, trying to make myself invisible. I pull a pillow against my chest, staring a hole into one of his bookshelves and refusing to look away, even when I feel him in front of me staring at me. I take the black shirt he's offering me and quickly pull it over my head before standing up. I pull my shorts back up and turn to the front door."I need to leave now. Thanks for letting me come over on such short notice." My voice definitely does not sound grateful."Wait a second." He tries to grab my hand, but I pull it away quickly. I don't want him to comfort me. I want to go home and feel sorry for myself. Stop being such a pussy. Fuck off. I was allowed to be dramatic sometimes."Cleo. Stop" Shit. He's using his Alpha voice now. Even though I'm not technically part of his pack, I feel myself unable to disobey him. It annoyed me.He takes a couple steps towards me, staring a
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Chapter Twenty-Three
The look on Ike's face tells me everything I need to know. Disgust. Horror."What... happened?" He asks, backing away from me to sit on the couch that we had had sex on mere minutes ago.I sigh, moving to sit across from him. I fold into myself as tightly as possible. I have never told the story of my family's death to anyone."I was six the first time I changed. A lot younger than werewolves typically change. It happened while I was playing one day. I remember backing myself into a corner of the yard, wondering what the hell was happening. My parents always told me I wouldn't change until I was at least ten, as late as thirteen. I remember the sound of my claws scratching against the hardwood floor when they tried bringing me inside. I remember them staring at me in horror. That's when everything started going wrong." I looked at Ike, who was staring at the floor and not me anymore. Give him a chance to hear your side of the story."At first I was excited. I was a badass panther! Wha
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Chapter Twenty-Four
It had been almost five full minutes since I had stopped talking.Ike hadn't moved for a while, only doing so finally to pick up a remote from the table and play with it in his hands. His leg was jiggling up and down now, and he was clenching and unclenching his fists over and again around the thing. At this rate he was going to break it.I hadn't really thought it would go over well, the whole murdering my parents thing, but a small part of me had been hoping he would be... at least accepting of it. You don't know that he won't. Give him a moment, this is a lot to process. My panther lectured me. I took a deep breath in and let it out after a moment. She was right. I had just unloaded a lot on him, and we really didn't know each other all that well."They really didn't let you shift?" He suddenly said. His voice pierced the awkward silence, startling me and yanking me from my thoughts.I shrugged and shook my head, pursing my lips. He got up, walked to the kitchen, and poured himself
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Chapter Twenty-Five-Ike
She was staring at me.She had told me that she killed her parents, she had told me why, too. And I really only judged her for not doing it sooner. They sounded cruel, and petty, and selfish. It made me angry that the first half of her life had been so lonely and unfair. I wanted nothing more than to change that.But the way she was looking at me right now, made me feel anxious. Was this it? Was she finally going to reject me? This was going to hurt. A lot. I was already developing serious feelings for her mean ass."I want to be your mate." She suddenly spit out. As soon as she said it, I could hear her heart rate increase, I could feel her leg muscles tensing up, and she refused to look me in the eye. I cocked my head at her. "I just... I don't know. I like you. And I want to keep... liking you. I guess." She looked at me then, and I could feel my mind going blank. Was this for real? Or some mean joke?"Is this a joke?" I heard myself asking. Are you fucking stupid? My wolf asked, a
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Chapter Twenty-Six
With the thought of Cleo's pleasure in mind, I was ripping my pants off. I was clambering on top of her and shoving myself into her roughly, and she was gasping in pure fucking pleasure."Fuck, you're so hot." I say, leaning down and kissing her neck. I feel her nails scratching down my back and I shove myself harder into her. She tightens around me, and I almost come. I had never been a two pump chump before, but damn, she felt good. All warm and wet, clinging onto me and moaning loudly. "Wait." She gasps and pushes me off her. I think I've done something wrong, and am fully prepared to get smacked, but I am not prepared for what she actually does, which is shoving my dick down her throat like it was a fucking big mac. I was in fucking love with this woman. I want to marry her. I want to screw her like this for the rest of our lives."Jesus Christ I'm going to come." I say, grabbing the back of her head and shoving myself deeper down her throat. She gags but doesn't stop. I moan as
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Chapter Twenty-Cleo
It had been light out when I fell asleep, but when I finally pried my eyes open, it was dark and still in Ike's bedroom. I turned ever so slightly to look over my shoulder, trying hard to not wake Ike.He was out cold, snoring softly. He looked sweet and innocent when he was sleeping. I didn't want to leave. Then don't. I rolled my eyes at my panther. She knew I had to. Just because I had said I wanted to be his mate didn't mean I was ready to bear his children and clean his toilet. I would lick his toilet clean. Ew. And I thought I was nasty.It took me a full three minutes to get off the bed, just because I was trying really hard to not wake Ike up. Luckily it appeared he wasn't too much of a light sleeper, though most shifters were. Good hearing and all that.I quickly but quietly pulled back on the clothes he had previously pulled off me, and tiptoed into the hallway. My heart hurt at the thought of how sad he would be when he woke up and found me gone, but I didn't want to lose m
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Chapter Twenty-One
The next couple of days I spend looking for a new job. I didn't exactly want to do more phone work, but it looked like that was what it was coming down to. I guess it could be worse. I had done some fast food work in the past, and I shuddered whenever I thought about having to go back to it.I cleaned my house, went to the gym finally and had a proper workout, and went grocery shopping. I was honestly mostly trying to think about anything other than Ike and my pending job applications.I felt guilty about leaving him how I did. Especially since he hadn't texted or called me. You're the one who ditched him, you're the one who should text first. My panther was mad at me. She thought what I did was rude. I was beginning to think she was right.I was currently sitting on my couch scrolling through jobs on my phone. I put in three applications yesterday. If I didn't hear anything today, tomorrow I would call them and begin the ass kissing. My panther pride hated doing that, and honestly, I
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Chapter Twenty-Two
I was currently pulling out every pair of pants I owned, trying to find something that wasn't black leggings or the one pair of jeans in my collection. I had worn those last time with Ike and I didn't want him to think I only owned one pair of actual pants. Even though I did only own one pair of actual pants.I mean, I have work pants. Slacks and a couple skirts. But I'm not wearing fucking slacks to a bonfire in the woods with a bunch of werewolves. And I don't want to look like I'm trying too hard by wearing a skirt. And what if someone tries to fight me and I end up panty flashing everyone while I'm locked in glorious combat?You're way over thinking this. You're probably right. I think as I sit on the edge of my bed, surrounded by my discarded and rejected clothes. It's just a bonfire. It'll be cold. Just wear a nice hoodie and your boots. I know the only reason my panther was helping me right now was because she was worried I'd freak myself out and not go. And?In the end, I list
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Chapter Twenty-Three
We arrived at his pack an hour after we left my apartment. We're late, but it doesn't matter, right? It's just a casual party. I hope. Because it's definitely my fault that it took so long."Stop worrying, please." Says Ike as we break through the trees into the clearing. He takes my hand and squeezes it firmly. It makes me feel grounded.I take in the sights in front of me. First off, I'm not sure Ike knows what a bonfire is, because this isn't a bonfire. They've got store bought fire pits set up in the middle of the clearing, about four of them, rather than one large fire. Each has its own group of people sitting around it, some in chairs, some on the ground. There was music coming from somewhere, though I wasn't sure where yet. It sounded like a radio station. I could smell alcohol and meat cooking. My stomach growled at me, reminding me that I had not eaten dinner yet. I knew where my first stop would be."Are you hungry?" Ike asks, looking down at me."You read my mind." We appro
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