All Chapters of Panther: Chapter 31 - Chapter 40
42 Chapters
Chapter Twenty-Four
"Come sit by me." Adan says, pulling a red folding chair next to him. I gratefully accepted the seat. "Okay. Starting from right next to me..." He introduced everyone in the circle, but I only absorbed two of the people's names. A dark haired girl named Willow, who sat with a huge dude next to her named Levi. They looked interesting, rough around the edges I guess some would say.Willow was small, with hair as dark as the surrounding night that hung down to her butt. She had square bangs that stopped right above her perfectly shaped eyebrows. Her eyes were narrow with short thick lashes, her face slim, a small wide nose and thick, pink lips. She looked Asian to me.Levi was extremely tall with dyed dark blue hair. It was hard to even tell it was blue to be honest, it mostly looked black, but the glow from the fire would catch it right every once in a while, and you could see the colored undertones. He had piercings covering his ears and black painted fingernails. His face was very sim
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Chapter Twenty-Five-Ike
Cleo would be okay with Adan. He was nice and polite, and I knew he would never try anything on her. She... wasn't his type.I had been texting back and forth with Parker the last couple of days. He's been telling me a few things about panthers, but earlier today he told me he needed to meet with me face to face to tell me something he learned. He had been texting me all sorts of info over the last couple of days so what was different about what he had to tell me now? It worried me.Panthers live longer than both humans and wolves. While I'll start aging around the time I turn a hundred, Cleo will stay young well into her five hundreds. This made me worry. Would she be interested in an old man? We would still have years and years together, more than most people can possibly dream of having with their loved ones, but even forever wouldn't be long enough with my Cleo.He told me that panthers are in fact the stronger species between the two of us. He told me she could legitimately kick
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Chapter Twenty-Six
I watch her face as she soaks in our final destination.It's a pond, about the size of a swimming pool. It's got lily pads floating on the surface, along with moss and pine needles. A small lazy waterfall trickles water into the pond from upstream. I know from previous exploring that there is a small cave that is behind the waterfall. I don't know where it leads because I'm too big to fit, but I'm assuming the water escapes into it and underground somewhere.There are lots of large flat boulders lining the pond, perfect for sitting on. Some are leaned against each other straight up or at odd angles."It's so pretty." She finally breathes out after what seems like hours. I smile. I like seeing her happy. I lead her to one of the rocks, and help her up onto it, climbing up after. I sit down in the middle, leaned back on my hands with my legs stretched out in front of me. She stands near the edge, peering into the water. I wonder what she's thinking about."Sorry for leaving you like tha
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Chapter Twenty-Seven
I feel her thighs clench as my teeth finally sink into her neck, and hot liquid drip down my legs. I didn't know who it was from. Probably both of us. I reached my hand down to in between her legs because she had stopped rubbing herself to grab onto my back with both hands. I was sure there would be claw marks all over me.She was throbbing. "Oh fuck, Ike. I can't do this anymore." She gasps out. Her legs are shaking, and I know she's already come, but I'm still rubbing her and sliding my dick in and out of her."Are you sure?" I ask, stopping all movement."You better not fucking stop." She growls, her eyes flashing at me in the darkness. I chuckle and keep going. I feel overwhelmed as I'm about to come again, even faster this time. I probably shouldn't be doing this inside her, but I couldn't help myself. She felt so hot and sticky and wet on my dick. I never wanted to leave this spot.And now my mark was on her. Blood was running down her neck and I leaned forward to lick it clean.
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Chapter Twenty-Eight-Cleo
He had marked me.Originally, I had seduced Ike to make him guilty for lying to me and hopefully work something out of him. I knew he was; I just couldn't figure out what it could possibly be about. But apparently, we both got sucked into the moment and now I bear his mark.It's not that I didn't want it... I guess... but I was a little annoyed at Ike right now. What the fuck could he possibly be lying about? I guess I hadn't really known him for very long. What if he always lied about things, I just hadn't caught on before now? Stop spiraling. I agree he is lying to us now, but let's not start believing his entire personality is a rouse. You're right. But I was still annoyed for now.I followed behind him towards his house, still covering his mark with my hand. I shouldn't have gotten so carried away. Now our bond is even stronger."Where are you taking her?" Comes a sudden voice from behind us. We both whip around, prepared for the worst.But it's only Willow, shadowed by her guard
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Chapter Twenty-Nine
Just like with mates, pack members share a special bond. We can tell from a feeling who is in the same pack as us, and we are all able to talk to each other in our minds in our animal forms. A very handy skill to have when you are shifted and unable to verbally communicate.But you also have a special bond. That's why it's rare to find lonely kids in wolf packs, because we all feel connected to each other. It had made my isolation that much more heart crushing.And right now, as Willow wrapped her arms around me, and Levi covered us with his much longer arms, I felt somehow forgiven. I could feel actually, geunie love coming from them, even though we had literally just met. I felt like I belonged with these people, like I had known them my whole life. How was that possible? It had been so long since I had felt this close with anyone. I wasn't even at this point with Ike yet, to be totally honest.I felt like I had been forgiven for being born a monster."I'm sorry." I say after calmin
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Chapter Thirty
"Can I ask why?" I finally stammer out like a dumb fuck. I wasn't trying to be rude, I was just shocked and apparently bad at hiding it right now. It had been a long night and I was tired.Willow looked at Levi who just shrugged. He plopped down on the couch, leaning back and shutting his eyes. Willow nodded her head towards the couch, and got up. I followed, her sitting in the middle and me on the other side."Levi and I are brother and sister. From birth. No one is adopted or anything like that." She begins, staring at the black TV in front of us. "But we are also mates." I look up in shock at Levi now, who is peering down through his lashes at Willow, who is still staring straight ahead."Why... how?" I asked, looking between them. That... never happens. Not since thousands of years ago, when bloodlines and royalty mattered."We think it's because we are both from a dying blue blood line. The Bushida line." I begin looking them both over again. That makes sense. They are asian, Jap
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Chapter Thirty-One
I tell them about killing my parents, literally, not in the constructed way Willow thought she killed her mom. I told them about leaving my foster home, and later being officially kicked out of the pack. I had never felt understood enough to talk about this topic with anyone, but I could see the empathy on Willow's face as I talked. She and her brother had been through some of the same things I had been. I told them about surviving on my own and fighting to make a good life for myself. About working my ass off day after day, pretending to be a human and pushing my panther down just so I could play normal. Then about meeting Ike and everything turning upside down. I told them how I was feeling conflicted about him marking me, because while it did make me feel loved and safe, I also knew there was no avoiding my future now. I was part of this pack; I was no longer a lone panther. Whether I liked it or not."Do you not want to be a part of this pack?" Spits out Levi once I'm finished. My
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Chapter Thirty-Two
"Cleo." Ike quickly stands up from his spot next to Matt and rushes over to me. This only makes the group of girls glaring at me glare harder."You'll get wrinkles like that." I say to them without looking while Ike pulls me to sit next to him. The guy that had been sitting next to him gets up and scurries away, like he was scared of me. You are still a panther.Right, evil monster."We okay?" Ike whispers in my ear. I say nothing, just give him the most genuine smile I can manage. He looked at me in a way that suggested he knew I was covering up how I really felt. But he didn't say anything. Instead, he turns, and continues talking to Matt.Looks like we're both hiding our true feelings.Eventually, just as Ike said, people start passing out. Well, more like falling asleep leaning against each other. It was kind of cute. They'd all just lean against the person next to them and shut their eyes for a second, just to rest them they'd tell themselves. But soon their breaths would even ou
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Chapter Thirty-Three-Ike
By the time I came back with a clean towel for Cleo, she was asleep. She was sprawled out on my bed, covering every possible inch she could it seemed. Her head was lolled to the side, mouth slightly open as she breathed, her cheeks rosy from the alcohol she had been drinking all night. I snorted to myself. She looked like a little kid when she slept.I threw the towel on my dresser and turned off the lights. I pulled off my shirt and pants but left my boxer briefs on.I struggled a bit getting Cleo to one side of the bed, especially since I was trying not to wake her up.But when I finally did get her covered up and was comfortable beside her, I felt really happy. We had slept together before, but it felt different this time. Honestly, I had kind of half suspected she would leave last time. But not tonight. Well yeah, she didn't drive here. Just let me be happy.I just wanted to be happy with Cleo, forever.I just wanted her to always be by my side."Ike..." I stirred. Who was saying
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