All Chapters of Lone Howl: Echoes of Scarlet's Unforgiving Vengeance : Chapter 1 - Chapter 3
3 Chapters
Chapter 1
Scarlet's Pov: The first light of dawn painted the sky in soft pastels, casting a gentle glow over the ancient woods where my pack thrives. The Silver Star Pack, a symbol of centuries of lupine history, is located in the center of this mystical world. Tall trees form a natural fortress, their branches entwined like ancient guardians.I emerge from the depths of the woods. My auburn hair, touched by the morning dew, frames a face marked with determination.“Now, 200 pushups in your human form,” I order. My voice carries weight and resilience, a command that demands obedience.Within a second, the cracking of bones fills the training ground as all the members change into their human forms. Huffs and a chorus of denial can be heard, but I pay no heed to it.“Why do we even need this training?” Nina, the delta's daughter, whines. Her hands rest over her knees as she bends forward, taking deep puffs.“True. We are the strongest pack. We don't need any stupid training. Let Alpha Ryan come
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Chapter 2
Scarlet's Pov:My heart raced as I stumbled into my room, disbelief swirling in my mind. With trembling hands, I placed my purse on the table, but it slipped from my grip, crashing to the floor.With heavy steps and measured breaths, I approached my bed and slumped onto it. Tears welled up in my eyes as the weight of the situation sank in. Clutching the pillow tightly, I buried my face in its softness, unleashing a muffled scream into its depth.I didn't know how long I sat there lost in my thoughts. No, I couldn't allow myself to be disheartened. There had to be a way to fix it all. After all, I carried Alpha blood; it couldn't be weak.Dr. Halt hadn't handed over the reports due to some unknown reasons. A knot of frustration tightened in my stomach. The unfinished tests weighed heavily on my mind, leaving me feeling anxious and uncertain.I would talk to Ryan when he came back. I couldn't wait to hide in his bulky arms and bathe in his scent. I longed to seek solace in his comfortin
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Chapter 3
Scarlet's POV:As Alpha Ryan led me into our room, a rush of questions flooded my mind."What is the matter, Ryan? Why is Beatrice here?" I couldn't help but inquire as soon as the door closed behind us."Scarlet," Alpha Ryan's voice wavered, his eyes clouded with regret. His gentle demeanour faltered, his eyes betraying a tumult of emotions."Beatrice is here because she needs my help with pack matters," he explained."What help? I don't understand anything," my brows furrowed, sensing something amiss."Yes, pack matters," Alpha Ryan's reticence was palpable as he struggled to find the right words.I shook my head and said, "Ryan, do not lie to me." I couldn't comprehend why Ryan had to bring his ex with him. I couldn't shake that uneasy feeling away."Come here," Alpha Ryan said as he took my shaky hands in his and led me toward our bed. Sitting on the bed, Alpha Ryan kneeled before me and placed a deep kiss on my knuckles."I know what you are feeling, Scar. I can hear it from mile
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