All Chapters of Betrayed by Fate, Chosen by Her Double-Faced Alpha: Chapter 11 - Chapter 20
27 Chapters
Chapter Eleven (Am I That Unimportant)
TXUNAMY POVThe awkwardness eventually came to an end when Pedro, the man behind the steering wheel, pulled into the entrance of the royal pack house and announced, "We have finally arrived."I sighed, feeling relieved.But it made me wonder if indeed my parents had left me to find my way to the pack house on my own when they knew the distance was still very far, or had they been truly ignorant about the fact that the place was far from where they had left me. "Thank you so much, gentlemen, for the ride," I expressed my gratitude.As I looked around, I spotted the car that my parents and Riele had arrived in. It was parked at the far end of the spacious compound, nestled beneath a lavishly constructed awning, serving as the designated parking area.I stayed in the car for a bit and tried to catch my breath and gain total composure before I stepped out of the car. They stayed in too.The man who had driven us was in such fly mood, but the man, Chase, who had spilled coffee on me loo
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Chapter Twelve (A familiar Pair of Eyes)
TXUNAMY POVI saw Riele at the same moment her gaze landed on me. She furrowed her brows and approached me. She'd been in the company of a few servants and she had seemed to be asking something.With a nonchalant demeanor, she walked up to our vicinity and halted right in front of me.I handed the drugs over to mom now, remembering why I had just arrived.She took the drugs from me, took one look at Riele and stretched out her hand, handing it over.However, Riele shook her head, showing a repulsiveness at being handed the drugs."What, don't you need the drugs again?"She inquired."Oh, I'll take it later when I feel like it. I think I got over the discomfort since the medicine didn't come early enough," she replied, maintaining her fixed gaze on me throughout her response.I ignored her like she knew I would.She had expected me to come back with the drugs indeed. There was never anything wrong when she spoke and acted uncouthly, but it was never same for me.I looked at mom and s
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Chapter Thirteen (Blood Venom Pack)
CHASE LUCAS’S POVShe met my gaze and held it for a moment.I had witnessed her humiliation, and now she knew. I had seen her being mistreated by the same folks whom I had expected to be her immediate family. It was an actual cause for worry that one's own family could be treated that way, but it wasn't supposed to be my business.She stood there, her head looking upward and her eyes looking up at me.I could have sworn that I saw tears start to form in her eyes.She was hurt.From the moment I had seen her, I had known she had pains that she concealed under her bright exterior. She looked like a girl who was easily happy, but I could also swear that she also had a difficult time trying to retain her happiness when she had folks like that as family members.It was enough to make anyone lose their minds.When she looked down, her eyes disconnecting from mine, I felt she was mortified at the fact that I had experienced her humiliation.I wanted to reach out a hand and pat her head an
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Chapter Fourteen (Yet Another Disgrace)
TXUNAMY’S POVAs I entered the vast pack house, I found myself disoriented, unsure of which direction to take. It was as enormous inside as it was outside, with multiple doors leading to various areas within the mansion. I dreaded the idea of getting lost and accidentally stumbling upon Oliver's door.The mere thought sent a chill down my spine, and I wanted no such thing.I sighed as another thought crossed my mind.Chase had witnessed how my family had acted with me and that itself was enough humiliation. It was bad enough that he had been staring down from his window, and then instincts had led me to look up at the building, and I had found those piercing eyes fixed on me. I had not exactly been able to make sense of the look he had in his eyes and I had wanted to beg him to look away, but he held my gaze, unblinkingly. I had no other choice but to run away from his disarming eyes and hide under the shelter of the pack house.As I stood there, not sure which entrance to choose
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Chapter fifteen (Chase sits next to me)
TXUNAMY’S POVThe servants soon started to serve dinner. The dinning was abuzz with the conversation between the two Alphas and their Luna, and of course, their two favourite children, Oliver and Riele, but not me.I was sitting four seats away from them and it didn't seem odd to any of them, but I had no trouble sitting there alone. I was used to being the lone kid, the one they never paid enough attention to and it didn't hurt. As long as they let me have my peace, I had no trouble with being alone.When my eyes went to Riele, she was smiling at me. I knew it was what she wanted. She was sitting directly opposite Oliver now, and for every eye contact that they made ostentatiously, I felt bile rise in the pits of my stomach. They were showing their pleasure with each other and it made me wonder if all those years ago when I had first been betrothed to Oliver had been a joke.I had spent years preparing to be a royal bride, only to be rudely awakened to the fact that I was not goi
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Chapter Sixteen (Jealousy?)
TXUNAMY I did not realize I had been holding my breath until he spoke and I had to expel the breath I had been holding.How did he have the power to affect a room full of people so much?How did he walk with such suave and authority that left the eyes on him, unblinking?I was trembling inside now.He was sitting next to me, as a matter of fact, we were both isolated from the other members of the household. It was just us sitting away from the rest of them. When the maids got over their surprise and Started to serve him food, I saw the look on Oliver's face. It was the look of disgust coupled with jealousy.No, he didn't have the same impact that Chase had. He didn't make the room go still and all heads turn in his direction when he walked into a room, and that brought the puzzling question to mind again,Who the hell was Chase?Why did he possess as much authority as he did?Why did he affect everyone so much even without visibly trying?I held my breath again, and then when my ha
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Chapter Seventeen (Love At first sight)
Txunamy.I felt my hands grow numb at his words. He had just made a declaration that would shake even the strongest of heart.“You do not mean what you said,” Oliver said.I could see the look on his face as he stared at his brother and me. If there was anyone more shaken by this. It was me who had become the spotlight in the matter.My father’s eyes held a disbelief I had not seen in a long time. I shook my head, although subtly to let him know I knew nothing of this sort would happen.“You all heard me right. She is the one I wish to be mated with,” he said, letting us know he knew what he said the last time. I wanted to tell him he wasn’t sure of his decision and should have a rethink, but my mouth remained glue, feeling the warmth seep from his body into mine.“You did not tell me you knew him or that you have met another man asides from the one you were betrothed to,” my father said. The cutlery in his hand clanging on the ceramic as he dropped them.“She did not have to tell you
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Chapter Eighteen (An Extra Wedding)
Txunamy’s POVFather’s eyes told no tale, waiting for the answer I would give. He was not the only one waiting, as alpha Lucas waited as well. Riele stared at me with eyes that could kill if I gave an answer that wasn’t worth her agreeing.“Yes.” My answer came as a shock to me. The air turned deathly stale, with everyone trying to hold in their breath. Father nodded his head, taking in a deep breath before turning to the meal before him.“Yes, Father. I want to marry Chase,” I repeated myself, feeling Chase take a deep breath beside me. It felt like my answer gave him everything he wanted. Down to the thought he had towards me.“You can not agree to his marriage talks,” Oliver said, letting out a chuckle that I knew was nervous.How could he? How could he think he could plan my life or chose the person I wanted to spend the rest of my life with when he picked my sister over me? His mistakes were no problem to me, but he could not stand up to me, hurriedly picking his lust over respo
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Chapter Nineteen (We Are Partners)
Txunamy’s POV I walked with him until I was sure we were out of earshot. There was no way a fine face and the butterflies rumbling in my stomach would take away the thought of a humiliation from me.“What’s the matter?” He asked, holding his arms wide in a gesture to speculate his curiosity.There was nothing those unfathomable eyes could hold against me as I rubbed my hands together after I had swung his hands away.“You ask what is the matter?” I threw the question back at him as I paced in front of him.He looked at me like someone lost for words, having nothing to say other than watch me throw my tantrum.“Don’t look at me like that,” I said, stopping and pointing a finger at his face. “You feel I do not know what game you are playing right now?”He stood there like a statue, his eyes glued to my body with every move I took. “If I played games with you. I doubt you’d know something about it,” he said, giving me a straight face that caused me to doubt my suspicions.“You say it is
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Chapter Twenty (Unhand My Future Husband)
Oliver’s POVThere was no way father would just sit there and let Chase do everything he wanted. I pushed my chair backwards, loudly, for everyone to hear and see the displeasure on my face.“Are you leaving the dining already?” Mother asked, seeing I was leaving.“What is there to stay for?” I asked as I looked at her with furrow brows.She let out a sigh, shaking her head as she turned to my father. “It is enough that you’ve made him angry already. You can call off the union between them and not ruin his special day.”“It is a good thing that both my sons can get married on the same day and with the people they want. There is nothing for me to do,” father said, taking a sip of wine like nothing bothered him at that moment.“There is nothing for me to do here then,” I said, wiping my lips with a towel. I threw it down on the table before I stomped out of their presence. “Who do you think you are, Chase?” The question left my lips as I continued my walk out of the dining.“What are yo
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