All Chapters of Betrayed by Fate, Chosen by Her Double-Faced Alpha: Chapter 21 - Chapter 27
27 Chapters
Chapter Twenty One (Oliver)
Oliver’s POVA chuckle escaped my lips as I stared at my former betrothed. It was not one of happiness, more of shock as she stood, spilling out what felt like her innermost desires.“Were you always like this?” I asked as I let go of Chase. It was more like a surprise. She was the soft-spoken one. The one who would do anything so others would have a good time. That was what I had taken her to be.“I do not think it is for you to decide,” she said, pulling Chase away from me. It was a heated moment for me, seeing nothing of them act like that.“Do you still think this is a game?” Chase asked, wrapping his arms around her waist like there was always something between the both of them.I chuckled as I stepped backwards. There was something wrong somewhere that I was either not seeing or I missed altogether. “This feels more like a game now more than ever,” I said, wagging a finger at them.“You can’t tell my mate to fuck off. Where is your respect, Txunamy?”I stopped to see Riele stand
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Chapter Twenty Two (The Slap!)
Txunamy’s POVMy hand waved through the air. I couldn’t stop it in time as in connected to Riele’s cheeks. She fell to the ground with a loud thud. I stood there, watching with mouth agape.“I didn’t mean to,” I said, watching Rieke squirming on the ground from my hit.“What have you done?” Mother came into our midst in time, pushing us away from Riele, who laid on the ground. “I did not mean to hit her. She put herself in front of him and I hit her instead,” I said, placing my fingers in between my teeth from worry. Her life wasn’t the only thing I was worried about, as I could see the look on my mother’s face the instant she walked out.“You very well meant to do everything you did right now to her,” mother said as she picked Riele’s body with Oliver helping her by the side.The words came, but my mind could not process how quick everything was happening. Alpha Lucas came, towering over me with his chest heaving. “What’s happening?” He asked with his eyes, watching every activity.
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Chapter Twenty Three (Part-Time Revenge)
Chase Lucas’s POVWe walked behind them, stopping at the lobby while they placed her in the intensive care unit. I could see the look on Txunamy’s face. She could never hate her sister enough to hit her that hard, but no one would agree with her as they all saw Riele on the ground.“Alpha Lucas," the doctor said as he stepped into the lobby, seeing all of us either sitting or standing while they worked on Riele. “Didn’t expect to see you here at this time.” “I did not expect I’d be here as well. Life has a way of making you do things you never expect, right?” Dad said, adding a bit of humor to the already tensed air.“Not long after your son, Chase, left here. Did he have a relapse of sorts?” The doctor asked without realizing I was in the lobby as well.My father cleared his throat, throwing a look at where I stood. “Chase? He looks okay and well out of danger,” he spoke, folding his arms and placing a hand over his lips.“Chase.” The doctor called as he turned toward the place my fa
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Chapter Twenty Four (Riele Wins Again)
Txunamy’s POV (RIELE WINS AGAIN)The drive home was quiet, with only our breathing as the only sound. We barely spent over three hours in the hospital as the doctors said it was nothing serious. Leave it to Riele to take every little thing a notch higher, but I knew my place with my parents now.We stopped in front of the house with everyone stepping out of the car, leaving me alone in the car. No one spoke with me, placing their attention on someone who’d survive my hit.I stepped out, feeling the sun burn my skin like it was pouring its own anger on me before I’d face my father and mom inside.The house felt foreign. No sound from inside was enough information to let me know they were in Riele’s room, taking her to it like she was still a child. I admit she was just over eighteen, but she could take care of herself if she could lure a man to bed, but our parents would never see it that way.Dad came out of her room first, staring at me like he was just seeing me for the first time b
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Chapter Twenty Five (Love Or A Beating)
Chase’s POV (LOVE OR A BEATING)“You want to keep standing there or you want to head home?” Pedro asked as he saw me watching Txunamy move away.It was her fight for now, and I could not do a thing for her. “You heard the doctor. He said I needed to rest and I think I’ve had enough drama for today. My bed would help me a lot.”He smiled as he opened the door to my car. “We do know who’ve been causing the drama.”“I call shotgun,” I said, opening the front door.He hummed, nodding his head as he closed the door. My action was no surprise to him as I was capable the most bizarre of things. Maybe it was because I was my father’s son, or I could just be my plain desire to do them.He stepped into the other side, putting the key into the ignition. I turned just in time to see Maureen and Oliver standing to one side. His hateful gaze was a giveaway to what I wanted him to feel. I blew him a kiss just as Pedro wound up the glass.“You taunt him a lot,” Pedro said, watching as his mother held
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Chapter Twenty Six (I Laughed Last)
Txunamy’s POV (I LAUGHED LAST)The morning greeted me with the same silence as usual. Even when I no longer held the power over my pack as future Luna. No one looked at my side to know how I was or how I felt.I sighed as I rolled out of bed. My legs guided me to the mirror that stood in my room. I stopped in front of it, staring at my eye bags.“All of this for nothing,” I said as I placed my fingers on it, stroking it. “It wasn’t nothing,” I added as I remembered the other member of Alpha Lucas’ family.A little smile on my face as I remembered how he made me feel. I shook my head to wipe away the thought that grew now, walking into the shower.Father’s word echoed in my head as the warm water rushed over my skin. I knew I could not refuse his words, even when I did nothing. Moisturizer on my face to hide my eye bags, as well as nourish my skin, before I walked out of my room in a pair of jeans, a white vest and a leather jacket.I was no longer the first person in place, so they wo
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Chapter Twenty Seven (Right Move; Wrong Outcome)
Chase’s POV I cried out in pain as I raised my hands in front of my eyes to stop the sunlight from frying them out.“Wake up, master Chase,” a masculine voice called out from the window side.I knew the voice, and I really wanted to bash his head in as I turned away, putting the sheets over my chest to cover my body. “Go away, Pedro. No one needs you here,” I said, turning in the other direction to back the sunlight.“I do know your father wants you in the training room by eleven and this is a few minutes past eleven,” he said.“What!?” I jerked out of bed, kicking the sheets to the ground to see him standing in front of the rising sun like an angel with the ball of fire behind his head like a halo.He shrugged his shoulders, dropping his hands behind him. “I did not think you would forget.”“And you did not come wake up me up early,” I said as I stood to my feet, rushing to the mirror.“You were asleep, and I thought you had something planned for the day,” he said as he walked away
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