Semua Bab The CEO’s Ex Wife Returns With A Baby : Bab 21 - Bab 26
26 Bab
Once more walking down the hall, She paused when she rounded the corner and saw two men standing in front of her. Clarence’s icy gaze was fixed on her as he sat in his wheelchair with Joseph standing next to him. She would have turned around and left right away if she had continued to act with her previous attitude. However, Stella’s opinion of Clarence abruptly changed after she learned that both his brother and grandfather disapproved of him. Nevertheless, she was still aware that he had coerced her into having an abortion. She continued to turn and want to go, though. Clarence cried, "Stop!" She just stood there, looking at him with her head twisted. "What is it?" "Despite being my assistant, you have been absent from work for the past two days without providing an explanation. Do you still want to work for yourself?”Stella recalled what Greg had told her as Clarence talked. She responded in a casual manner, remembering that her goal was to watch him rather than functi
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Her fingers trembled as she gripped the contract tightly, causing her knuckles to turn white. She took the pen out of its packaging, signed her name at the bottom, and closed the bag. She was then prepared to go. Clarence expressed satisfaction by raising his eyebrows. "Women who can be bought by money are so easy to deal with." He frowned and looked up at her when she slapped the contract onto the desk the following second. "You are not required to pay me. I have my own motives for remaining here. I appreciate that you didn't make me have an abortion, but it doesn't mean you can use money to make me feel inferior." He scoffed. There was mockery in his eyes. "Don't women like you see money as the entire world?" "You!" Her hands were clasped. She was just interested in arguing with him. But after a moment, she relaxed her grip and grinned. “Okay, so I guess I am that kind of person if that's how you see me. We only take from one another what we require. The contract is previously
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Clarence felt his warning as she fixed her gaze on the salesperson. He would see to it that she was fired if she was unable to perform her duties properly. He was, after all, a guy in a powerful position. Thus, the salesperson quickly picked out the most elegant dress in the store and led Stella to the changing area. "This is the most expensive dress we have, so I'll help you change." "No, I can do it myself." Even as a little child, Stella never liked having people around her once she shifted. The salesperson turned pale. "What's the matter with you? You'll have to pay for it if you ruin this outfit because it's so expensive." "What? Examine your attire. They're just clothes from a department store. Without that man out there, you would never be able to shop here!" Stella changed on her own a few times, and the salesperson realized she was a target for bullying, so she took a gamble. Stella remained silent. The salesperson's accurate assessment of her embarrassed her. “All oka
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Stella was caught in the warm, firm grasp of two hands as she fell. Everyone fell silent as her face remained horribly pale, yet the light came back into her eyes. She focused on the sinewy, straight legs and followed them up to the rescuer's face above. An air of animosity emanated from a man with deep eyes, pointed eyebrows, and pursed lips. Even though he was seated in a wheelchair, he exuded an overpowering, natural style that was powerful enough to overpower everyone in his vicinity. The audience was so amazed by him that they had to take a step back and stare in shock at his sudden appearance. Who was this guy? Stella sat there, pale and enthralled, gazing up at Clarence Conrad, who was holding her up. "Y-you're still here?" Though it turned out that he hadn't left her, she was certain that he had because of the way she looked in the clothes she tried on. "Are you going to get up?" He murmured softly, his pitch-black eyes fixed on her. Stella was brought back to the pres
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Suddenly, Stella raised her head and sobbed. She was still standing next to Clarence in the dump. The audience gasped in shock at her voice. Nobody thought the poor, mistreated lamb would become a fervent Clarence supporter! "Who are you to say that about him?" After speaking with Mr. Greg Conrad at the study, Stella came to the conclusion that Clarence’s family wasn't treating him fairly. She became more sympathetic to him, particularly since he hadn't coerced her into having an abortion while she was expecting a kid. She knew just what that feeling of inadequacy meant. For him, having to live without a wheelchair was traumatizing enough, never mind the instances when he was openly ridiculed as a useless!Clarence would be severely injured! "What's wrong, Stella? Just being nice, I'm cautioning him. What is the price of that dress, do you know? You're unable to pay it. Would you like that cripple to cover the cost?" Nora sighed, her face taking on a concerned expression, and car
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Clarence arched her eyebrow, and Joseph instantly leaned over. As she observed Clarence’s tiny lips twitch, Joseph’s expression changed to one of surprise. He turned to face her. When their gazes locked, she became uneasy. She felt slightly bad. After all, she was just his assistant for a few short days before she found herself in difficulty. Joseph quickly departed, leaving Clarence and her inside the store. She understood that it was her fault. She had not anticipated Clarence’s assistance. She then turned to face the shop assistant and apologized, saying that she hadn't meant to do this. “What is the price? I'd be happy to pay your account in installments, please." "In installments?" the store clerk squinted, almost refusing to answer. But because of Clarence’s aura, she was afraid to speak. She was hesitant, though. “Indeed. I'll pay it off eventually, even though I can't pay it off all at once. Would you kindly let the store owner know about it on my behalf?" Nora
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