All Chapters of The CEO’s Ex Wife Returns With A Baby : Chapter 11 - Chapter 20
26 Chapters
"Bring her to the hospital now." Clarence said in a frigid tone. “Verify if she is truly expecting a child. Please let me know the result as soon as you can." Joseph gave a quick nod. "Yes, sir!" "No!" Stella struggled against the men in vain. "Clarence, legally we are merely husband and wife. Who are you to give them orders to harm me in that way? Please release me!" "Let you go?" Clarence's eyes glowed in the darkness. With a chilly response, he said, "You should know what would happen to you if I found out you were pregnant. Bring her away, Joseph." How sympathy vanished out of his heart as soon as he realized she wasn't the person he was seeking for. "Bring her to the hospital now." Joseph got to work on his assignment. Stella objected to this, but she was coerced back into the vehicle. She fought valiantly the entire way, but no matter how hard she tried, she was unable to escape their hold. She was taken to the same medical facility and saw the same physician as befor
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"Let me give it some thought." Ultimately, Riley told her to return to the Conrad residence. “In the blink of an eye, three days will pass. Make up your choice quickly, Stella, and phone me if you need anything." Stella’s heart was incredibly heavy right now as Riley’s comments continued to reverberate in her ears. "Honey, you will need to abort the kid if you wish to stay with the Conrad family in the future. It is not possible for the Radomil family to have two unsuccessful daughters!" Stella looked in the mirror at herself. How should I proceed? Was getting rid of her child truly the only option available to her? Wheels rolled along the floor into the room, still considering it. Upon witnessing Clarence enter the bathroom, Stella instantly tightened up and threw open the door. When their gazes locked, she looked away right away. She made her way trembling to the furthest corner of the space. He called his voice giving her a shiver, "Stop right there.”Stella came to a
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For a brief while, time appeared to stop. She fell onto the laps of his. She was terrified to death. How was he going about it? The room gradually filled with the musky smell of a guy ready to mate. The unfamiliar aroma continuously assailed her senses. She was momentarily stunned before readjusting to reality. She tried to put some distance between them, resting her hand against his chest. "Let, let me go!" He gave her a hard slap on the wrist and spoke in a cold voice. “Did your former spouse not show you how to take out a belt? Or are you just acting stupid so I can have to teach you?" "What?" "Well, if that's the case, as you wish." He took hold of her wrist, directing her motions to apply pressure to the latch on his belt. It snapped back with a loud click. For a few moments, she felt as though her brain had frozen. His penetrating look caused her eyes to grow noticeably bigger and wider. The dull sound of the belt hitting the floor snapped her back to reality. But f
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He wanted to scream at her because she was so fired up that her eyes were red from unshed tears and her forehead was covered in sweat. He scowled and refrained from speaking. How did he end up? The dishonest woman in front of him, who wed into the Conrad family after taking the place of her sister, ought to be thrown out. Why did he still allow her to stay? After gathering himself swiftly, he took her by the wrist and pushed her out of the way. Unexpectedly, her thin shoulders crashed against the sturdy wall. With her head up, she met his icy gaze. "Get the hell out!" She looked at him in confusion, rubbing her sore shoulders. "If you don't know what to do, what good is it to stay here? Before I lose my temper, get the heck out!" "You!" She felt he was going too far, so she balled her fists. But after giving it some thought, she saw that she had nothing for the better part of the day. She clutched herself as she left the restroom, her fury having subsided. "Joseph !" His col
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"Mr. Greg , there's no need to worry; this is only a typical cold.” She spun him down, "I'll just pick up some over-the-counter medicine later this afternoon and I'll be fine." She felt uncomfortable beneath Mr. Greg's stern gaze as his perceptive eyes locked on her. She messed with the hem of her shirt and nibbled her bottom lip. "You already have a blocked nose. How do you just take medication?" With a quiet sigh, Mr. Greg motioned for her to come closer. She approached him for a few steps, then halted a few feet away with caution. "Remember to buy the medicine and once you get better, go to the office to see Clarence." She gave a nod. "Yes, Mr. Greg." "Okay." Mr. Greg gave a satisfied nod. "Go ahead." Thanking Mr. Greg, she hurried back upstairs to gather her belongings and make haste to get out of the house. She called her friend as soon as she left the Conrad home, and Riley raced over in less than twenty minutes. Riley turned to her as soon as she was in the car. “H
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Joseph’s remarks felt like a stomach punch. She could only cast a sorrowful glance downward. "I know..." It was only after Joseph noticed her change in attitude that he realized his tone was overly serious. "Ms. Radomil, I realize what I'm saying is terrible, but you should comprehend what I'm saying. In any case, you are not allowed to bring this up again. If not, there is nothing I can do to relieve your problems." Joseph finished up, turned around, and walked away. If Stella was a rational person, she would decide to keep what she heard to herself. After five more minutes of standing still against the wall, she knocked on the door. "Come in." There was rage tinged with a sense of coldness and indifference in Clarence’s voice. When she came in, she saw that he was gazing out the French window, enjoying the city views, rather than sat as he typically did behind his desk. A depressive stillness hung over the room as she crept forward, the coldness in his voice lingering in
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Stella was terrified to go back to the Conrad’s . Rather, she spent some time at Riley’s residence and then, grudgingly, left that evening for home. She came up with a scheme to avoid speaking with Clarence while driving. Before he found out she was home, she was going to take a bath right away, crawl beneath the blanket, and turn out the lights. Seeing as how she was asleep, she reasoned that he wouldn't force her out of the bed. She was surprised, though, that he arrived home earlier than normal. He had just taken a shower when she came inside. He was drying his hair with a towel, and Joseph stood behind him. He glanced at Stella for a brief moment before turning away. He was not paying any attention to her. That seemed like a good thing for her. She went to a corner, got herself some clothing, and entered the bathroom, intending to take as long as possible in her bath. She continued to fear having to face him, so she spent as much time as she could in the restroom. When a kn
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He did not consider her credible. He was almost amazed at how good of an actress she was being, and he sneered down at her. "I don't care if you're pretending to be pitiful." The figure on the ground was motionless. His brows went up. "Are you done acting?" She remained motionless for a moment. He leaned forward in his wheelchair, narrowing his gaze and beginning to guess. It was then that he noticed her lips had completely lost their color and her face had turned as pale as a piece of paper. He felt his heart grow cold when he realized what was happening. ********** Twenty minutes later, he sat in the wheelchair in the hospital hallway, looking downcast. He was staring out the small window of the room in front of him, watching Joseph talking to a doctor. When he was done, after a few moments, he left the room and approached Clarence . "What happened to her?" Clarence questioned in a subdued manner. "The physician stated that she is sick and exhausted, and that she also has a
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Having worked with Clarence for a long time, Joseph’s earlier that day's actions were obviously... Though some things are better left unsaid or undone, he believed he could give it a shot. He didn't dare imagine the motive behind it. Clarence looked at Stella for a long while, and then something clicked. He didn't own the child, no matter how pathetic she attempted to be. An adopted kid wasn't deserving of sympathy! He had his face fixed on his. "What are you saying?" "N-nothing, shall we go on?" "Yes." Joseph recognized Clarence didn't want her to be perceived as weak by other men; whether or not she kept the child was another story. "Please put her on the stretcher as quickly as possible. Next, take her to the physician's office." "Yes!" Joseph and Clarence were the only ones remaining in the room when she was carried away. Joseph hesitated for a long moment, staring at Clarence’s back. Then he cleared his throat gently. "Mr. Conrad, do you want me to push you down to
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He withdrew from her when he felt a quick, intense ache in his bottom lip. "It seems that Mrs. Conrad not only likes to bark, but bite as well." He extended his arm to dab at the blood on his lips. He was an extremely attractive man who liked to frown, which accentuated his rough features. When he did grin, it accentuated his remarkable features even more. But the grin that lit up his face was as terrifying as a lion realizing what it was hunting. His lips stained with blood made him appear even more gorgeous than he already was. At last, she managed to shove him away with enough leverage, and she hurried to the corner. “ Clarence, tell me what you want. Have you forgotten our agreement already? What were you doing right now if you stated you didn't want me to touch you?" He remained silent and gave her a cold look. She bit her lip, pulled down her shirt, and gave him a resolute look. He wanted to take her more and more the more stubborn she acted. She was expecting a bastard a
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