All Chapters of The Billionaires Bargain: Chapter 11 - Chapter 14
14 Chapters
"Sis it's okay, thank goodness you are okay, these servants are just so incompetent" " it's okay Elise, it was probably a mistake" Emily replied. "a mistakes sis, that almost took your life" "Elise I said it's fine" Emily said paranoid at this point she sat on the dining chair. " okay sis, I'm just looking out for you" Elise sat on the seat too, and there was a long awkward silence. After taking few bites from her food " can we go now?" Emily said looking at Brian who didn't seem interested in the food too. " sure" he replied as they both stood up leaving Elise behind at the table. Outside at the parking lots, Brian open the car door Emily. " Scott is on an errand, so I'll be driving today" " okay" Emily replied. She got into the car, and Brian started the ride. After a long silence Emily decided to say something. "( she clears her throat) thanks for saving me back there, if you hadn't held me
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Brian wasn't ready for that conversation, but looking at Emily, he could tell that she was not ready to let him be either. “Okay Emily, I wouldn't call it a mental disorder, it's not even that serious, it's just that, being around people suffocate me, people make me uncomfortable, that's all, not that serious” “No Brian, it is that serious, I read about it and it shows that people with SPD (schizoid personality disorder) has really high chance of suffering from depression, not being able to navigate your emotions is that serious, and you go through all this by yourself” Brian could feel the sincerity in Emily's voice, no one has ever talk to him with so much concern. “You don't need to worry about me Emily, I'm fine, you should worry about yourself and the baby” “But Brian you don't…..” “We should go now” Brian said as he immediately started the car. A long silence followed, Brian noticed that Emily was slightly hurt because he shut her u
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Emily got home and met Elise at the dining table having dinner, “Sis how are you doing, I've been looking everywhere for you” Elise asked. “I went to see the …. the … doctor, (shaking her head as if looking for words to say), I forgot my meds at the hospital yesterday, so I went to pick it up” “But I don't see any meds with you” Elise asked again. “My meds, oh my, I must have left it in the ride, I'll just ask Dr Tanker to deliver another one to the house” Emily replied as she walked upstairs while checking her phone pretending to call Dr Tanker's. “She's so weird,” Elise said as she continued eating her food. Emily showered and came downstairs in search of Nina, “Nina” she called out “where could she be” she checked the kitchen but she wasn't there, she went into the courtyard and she met Nina crocheting a vest. “Oh my gosh Nina, this is really nice” she said as she walked closer to Nina. Nina smiled and made way
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Emily was surprised that Brian could call her, she wondered what he wanted to say, “ Hey” she said as she picked up.“Hi,” Brian's deep voice sounded from the other end. “I was in a hurry when I left for this business trip and I forgot to inform you, I'm letting you know, so you don't have to be worried about me” Brian voice was so deep yet soft and soothing. “It's okay, I understand, Nina already told me by the way” Emily thought about telling him about her meeting with the doctor, but she didn't want to ruin the moment. “Okay, I'll hang up now” Brian said and he hung up. Emily sat on her bed, she couldn't hold back her excitement. “What is wrong with me?” she said to herself. “I can't fall for him, this is strictly business” “This pregnancy is making me lose my mind I guess' ' she said as she entered the bathroom to go take a shower.******** It was morning, Emily was seated on her bed, she thought about calling Angelic
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