All Chapters of Suddenly Married by Billionaire : Chapter 11 - Chapter 20
53 Chapters
Bertrand's POV “Yeah, I did marry that girl. Besides, your son is an inconsistent man. He cheated while he was engaged. I don't know who it was copied from." Honestly, I'm being sarcastic about my brother. My mother has two sons and he is my older brother. Meanwhile, I am the youngest son. But his behavior was never justified. Several times I found out that he was going out with different women. I'm sure Joe also imitates his father's behavior. Because the fruit that falls will not go far from the tree. "Shut up! You don't have to insult my son." He looked angry and didn't accept it if I judged his son. "Oh yes? Sorry if that's the case. But what is clear is that I have married my wife legally and Mom also finds it difficult to know about that. "The engagement was canceled and who knows whether you will marry your son to his new girlfriend." Actually, I'm too lazy to argue with him. But if I keep quiet he will continue to call me names and I won't let that happen.
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Bertrand's POV "Aren't you Bertrand?" That woman I haven't seen for a long time is now back. Her face is not much different from before. "Bertrand, I am very happy to meet you here." I didn't have time to answer her question. I don't hate her, but I have forgotten her. "Dad, so you came here to meet Bertrand?" The woman also asked her father. So Mr. Biden is Margaretta's father? "Yeah, have you known each other before?" "Yes, Dad. He is the man I once loved. And he is the man who is most sincere with me. I'm grateful to be able to meet you again, Bertrand." I smiled crookedly. Feeling disgusted by her words. She, who had betrayed him, easily said that. Mr Biden immediately responded, “Why not? We can plan your wedding together." “Sorry, we just need to talk about our business, sir. I'm married. "Because our business is finished, I'll take my leave first." I immediately left them before our conversation got even more chaotic. "But, Bertrand..." the woman t
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Megan's POV Being left by Bertrand really made me too lazy to leave the house. Moreover, I also slept for too long on the balcony. Luckily the maid here made me herbal tea so I didn't feel cold and I immediately went into the house. I headed to the room. This is where I first had sex. Well, not just with Bertrand but for the first time in my life. Apparently, for the first time, it hurts. Even for a while after that, my sensitive area was also sore and sore but after a while it became comfortable and I could feel good and I thought I was addicted. And I'm waiting for Bertrand to come home soon. But I feel very embarrassed later if I say I like it. The next day I thought Bertrand would come home but it turned out I was wrong. The one in front of my house was my ex-fiancé, namely Joe. "What are you doing here again?" I was being cynical like what Bertrand said to me yesterday. “Don't act like a child! Ariana is your sister. She also needs a place to stay.” “Oh, so y
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Megan's POV I took a breath. "Okay, ma'am. Thank You. But children are certainly not in my control, ma'am. I'm not delaying having children, but I also don't know when I'll be able to have children." “That's good. I believe in you. Then I'll go home first." I also took my mother-in-law to the front door. She was apparently in a hurry to get home. I wonder what's in the gift she gave me just now. I went back into the house and found Bertrand already sitting in the living room again. “Are you awake, uncle?” “Why didn't you wake me up earlier? Didn't my mother come here to see me?” So he already knew that his mother was coming. "Sorry, I couldn't bear to see you sleeping soundly. You must be tired because you just came from out of town.” "Yes, that's it then. And one more thing, don't let me go with ‘uncle’. Am I your uncle? Isn't it? So it's better not to call me uncle anymore.” I became confused. "Then, what should I call you?" "It's up to you as long as it
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Megan's POV My longing can't be stopped because I can contact my friend again. From the first time I entered college until I graduated, I was always with her, never even separated. She is my friend and she knows everything about me. She is my best sharing friend. And now she has returned and I feel very happy. I immediately replied to her message. [Hi, my best friend. Very possible. I miss you. We'll meet later, okay?] But for some reason, I felt like I would just invite Izora to come to my house. I'm too lazy to leave the house. I just gave her my home address so she could come to my house. And she will come at noon and I'm waiting for her arrival. Izora called me to say that she was already in front of my house. I immediately opened the door for her. And sure enough, a woman was standing in front of my gate and she had short, shoulder-length hair and bangs. Her eyes are narrow and her face is beautiful as before. “Izora!” I immediately hugged her because I miss
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Megan's POV But I feel like my chili sauce is not spicy. Well, it just feels a little bit. I also asked her to make more chili sauce because I only had a little chili left. And apparently, Bertrand came over to us. "What is this?" “I just want to eat spicy food. But she said my chili sauce wasn't spicy." I showed him that the bowl containing my chili sauce was finished. I waited for the helper to make more chili sauce. “Sorry, sir, Mrs. Megan wanted to eat chili sauce but she said it wasn't spicy and I had put in all the chilies I had." Bertrand also asked me. "Do you like eating spicy food?" "Not really. But it's not spicy." "But really the chili sauce that Mrs. Megan is very spicy. My mouth only tasted a little until now it still feels spicy. I'm worried that her stomach hurts." The maid was apparently still explaining to Bertrand but I didn't feel spicy at all. Bertrand also said to me, "Watch your food so that when you get home my mother gets a stomach ache
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Megan's POV Bertrand still invited me to go home. I feel bad for my mother-in-law for leaving her like that while we haven't finished talking. "That's enough." When he got home, Betrand went straight to sleep without asking me to talk any more, even though I had quite a lot to talk about in my head. But yeah, there's nothing I can do anymore. I still feel bad about Mrs. Marsha because of Bertrand's treatment earlier. I stayed awake until the night because I was uncomfortable. But Bertrand slept soundly and barely even moved. I want to talk to him but he doesn't want to get up at all. I read a book on the sofa and somehow I fell asleep. * “Megan, wake up!” I opened my eyes slowly and sunlight was already entering the room. It's hot enough to make me really dazzled. I glanced at the clock, it was seven in the morning. Bertrand also looks neat, he's definitely about to go to work. "I'm waiting for you to wake up." I wanted to protest him for leaving me to sleep l
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Megan's POV I immediately took a snack containing very spicy chilies. Even though I chose the high level, I didn't feel spicy either. This is very strange. I immediately finished one pack and I also drank orange juice. “Sorry, ma'am, you eat too much spicy food. I'm worried about your condition." Is this server attentive or does he comment too much? “Sorry, I don't feel spicy. So you don't need to worry! I get dizzy if I don't eat spicy food." "Do you want me to take you to the hospital? I'm worried about your condition." I don't want to go anywhere but what's wrong with consulting a doctor? My head also often gets dizzy. "Yes, but we need to talk to Bertrand." “Well, please!” I called Bertrand. "Hello, I'm going to the hospital, okay?" "Why?" “Well, I just want to consult. My head often gets dizzy." “I'm going home now. Wait for me!" I think he will agree. "Sorry, Bertrand said he would take me." "Okay then, ma'am. I'll excuse myself to the back fir
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Bertrand's POV While at the office I received a message from the servant at home. [Sir, I'm sorry, I'm worried about Mrs. Megan. because She eats very spicy food. Even that's a very spicy level.] At first, I was just used to hearing that she likes it spicy. But if the servant had said that, of course, I would also think a little. I immediately told him to just go to the hospital. Not long after, I received a call from Megan. She said she was going to the hospital. Because I felt like I couldn't bear it and told her to just wait for me at home. I went straight home. And I went straight to the hospital with Megan. Arrived at the Hardwin family's regular doctor. He actually directed me to a gynecologist. Honestly, this was the first time I had sex with Megan. But is Megan really pregnant? If so, of course, this is what my mother hoped for. Arriving at the obstetrician, Megan also did an initial examination and it turned out that she was indeed pregnant. Then I did an ultraso
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Bertrand's POV Margaretta and her father were seen getting out of the car. That girl's face really made me remember all my bad memories in the past. How could I fall in love with her even though she was just using me? This is my regret. I haven't been with her for quite a long time but unfortunately, I can't forget everything that happened to us in the past. But at the same time, my mother's car also came here. It seems that my mother is talking to Margaretta and maybe my mother will agree to let them into my house. Ah, yes, never mind. Even though I was planning to tell my mother that Megan was pregnant with twins. But not with Margaretta either. My guess was correct and my mother invited Margaretta and her father into my house. Having no other choice, I immediately went down to meet them. But I saw that Megan was the one who opened the door for them. I walked over to them. “Mom.” Megan was surprised because there were quite a lot of guests today. “Megan. Are you okay?
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