All Chapters of Suddenly Married by Billionaire : Chapter 51 - Chapter 57
57 Chapters
Bertrand's POV I thought that I was wrong. Even though at that time Megan asked me to agree to marry Margaretta. But I shouldn't have done that right. Seeing Megan change 180 degrees made me unable to do anything. * A few days later, Isabella was asked to go home by her teacher because she was sick. Megan also refused to be hospitalized. So she was given an IV drip at home and was always monitored by doctors and nurses. "Dad, what's wrong with Mom" What should I answer? Should I answer honestly? “Oh, your mother misses you. Therefore, he asked you to come home for a few days. It's okay right?" Isabella nodded her head. She is indeed my daughter who I can rely on. She wants to feed her mother and read fairy tales to her mother. She also tried to comfort her mother so she could recover quickly. I also asked Margaretta to bring Sophia to my house but she reasoned that Sophia refused to meet Megan. I'm sure that Sophia has been influenced by Margaretta. I couldn't w
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Megan's POV I feel like my life has really been ruined. My husband remarried. Not to mention his new wife sent a video of their first night. Bertrand seemed to really enjoy it. Maybe he even forgot about me. My heart was completely broken after that. A few days later I also couldn't be with Sophia. It was as if Margaretta was holding back my daughter from seeing me again. I was so heartbroken twice. I don't know what my life's purpose is anymore. I have no appetite and I also don't think about what else to do. I didn't think about my condition until I was treated by the Bertrand family's private doctor. I was already weak and couldn't refuse. It's just that I don't want to be hospitalized. I chose to just stay at home. Every day my mother-in-law takes care of me here until Isabella has to come home from the hostel because I'm sick. The little girl also took care of me. She comforted me too even though she usually couldn't see me being sick. “I love you, ma'am. Y
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Megan's POV The thought of him enjoying another woman's body made me very lazy to comply with his request. "Sorry, I can't. I'm tired." Bertrand didn't stay silent but instead kissed my neck. He tried to excite me but it made me even more uncomfortable. “You said I told you to sleep here. If this is the case I won't be able to sleep." “Well, I want to make love to you, my wife. I miss you." “I can't, Bertrand. I can't imagine having a relationship with a man who has had sex with other women, even if it's your wife too." "Then how can I give vent to my desires when you are my wife." "Who knows. I do not know." I chose to sleep and leave Bertrand alone beside me." In the morning I woke up but it turned out Bertrand wasn't awake yet. Even though he usually wakes up earlier than me, he didn't wake up today. I took a shower and saw that Sophia had apparently just woken up. "You have got up?" “Yes, ma'am. Today Isabella said she's coming home, right?” "Yeah, today sh
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Megan's POV "Okay, Mom will go home with Isabella, okay?" Sophia nodded and I went home together with Isabella. Throughout the trip, Isabella just kept quiet and she went straight into the room as soon as we got home. Maybe she was really tired so she chose to just sleep. I went into my room and took a shower. Hm, taking a warm shower at night is indeed more comfortable than taking a cold shower. The shower was also very gentle and I chose to soak in the bath. “Ah, it's really comfortable.” I'm sure that last night at the resort Bertrand had sex with me but I really didn't realize it. I don't know what happened last night either. After I finished showering, I opened my cell phone and there was an incoming message from Bertrand. I was very surprised by what I saw. This is not much different from the video that Margaretta sent at that time. It's just that in this video you can see Bertrand and I making passionate love. I even got drunk. I licked Bertrand's penis like
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Megan's POV "But I saw Dad with a little girl. Who's that, ma'am?" Now it was Sophia's turn to ask. "Don't be surprised if you find out later, okay? You'd better wait for your father to explain who the little girl is." They wondered even more after I asked that. But I told them to wait for their father to explain it to them himself. Because Bertrand said he would explain it to his children. Besides, if I explain and it actually makes my children feel hurt, it's better for me to choose to remain silent.When I got home it was evening, all my children went to their respective rooms. Meanwhile I headed to my room but I didn't immediately clean myself. I looked at my simple wedding photo at that time there was no celebration whatsoever. Meanwhile my pregnancy party was very lively. Will my happiness disappear after this? I'm not as strong as people who can accept the presence of their husband's child with another woman. I felt sore and hurt quite badly. Moreover, all this
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Bertrand's POV I also did a DNA test to convince Isabella. I took Patricia to the hospital together with Isabella. Megan knows too and she doesn't want to come with us. I gave several samples to the hospital and so did Patricia. It's just that the results wait about three days. So I asked Isabella to be patient and wait until the next week. She also understands that the results of this test cannot come out immediately. "Isabella, I hope that over the next week you will continue to be kind to Patricia, okay?" Isabella seemed to answer with just a gesture. Likewise with Megan. She really didn't show any dislike towards Patricia. She also prepared food for Jer but didn't talk much. She only spoke sparingly to Patricia. At least Patricia is still welcome here. I also feel sorry for Patricia because she feels isolated here but I can't do much either. "Patricia, how is school?" “Hm, fun, Dad. I like having a father, mother, sisters and also brothers." I smile. During
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Bertrand's POV "Then Sophia also entered university on a scholarship and I still had to fight on my own. I felt very isolated. You guys are so mean. Problems came again with the arrival of Patricia. She is also present because you married Margaretta, namely Patricia's mother, just to save Sophia. Your only thoughts are Sophia. I'm there but not by your side. You are also paying more and more attention to Patricia, Leo and I are becoming more and more estranged. I finally met my boyfriend and he was able to cheer me up. Forgetting all the problems in my life that are very annoying. He can give me happiness and comfort." Isabella wiped her tears. “Now it's up to you, Dad. If you all want to remove me from the family card, I don't have a problem. So I don't need to think about you guys being picky. I also feel sorry for Leo because his parents' attention is divided between those who are not clear. I'd rather not be in that family." Isabella finished speaking. I took a
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