All Chapters of COLLECTION OF LUST AND LOVE: Chapter 31 - Chapter 40
144 Chapters
Chapter 31
He was taken aback by the way she responded. He wanted a reaction. OK, so she wants it that way. We'll see. He reached inside his suit jacket and took out a folded piece of paper. "I understand you're back with that Dawn guy. I don't understand what the attraction is. Any way, he might want to see this. I think Carol might be interested too." He slid the paper across to Abigail.Abigail picked it up and unfolded it. She tried not to let him see her hands tremble. It was a doctor's report dated about 13 years ago. She could make out Ranger's and Carol's names and say something about paternity. All her fears and hopes were in this paper. "So what's this about?"Ranger reached across the table and violently tore the paper from her hands. "God, you are a stupid bitch. Why I ever married you is beyond me. I didn't need your dad's help or yours." He shook his head. "It means that little bastard isn't mine. It belongs to that fucker Dawn. You fucked him before we got married, and he knocked
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Chapter 32
Carol sat back down. "Well, I overheard Ranger and some guys at the last picnic he was invited to. It was just before the divorce. And I heard them saying that the Morris girls, you and Aunt Jessica, really slept around. I asked Aunt Jessica later and told me to wait till I'm older. Well."Abigail sat back and thought. It has gone this far, so she might as well finish it. Slowly, she said, "Carol, I have only slept with two men in my life." Carol looked surprised. "One was my husband and the other the man I love. That man is Hayden. Hayden Dawn is your father.""Wow!" Carol exclaimed as she sat back in the chair. "Does he know?""No, he doesn't.""When should we let him know?""The next time, I mean, we see him. We're not telling him by phone.""How do you think he'll take it?" Carol asked. There was an air of concern in her question."I don't know. I truly don't know." Deep down, Abigail hoped as well as Carol.Hayden leaned back in his chair and grasped his hands behind his head. Th
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Chapter 33
"Damn," thought Hayden. "She can make me think of sex just by eating her ice cream.""Brianna, we have been going out for some time, and I really enjoy your company, but I haven't been entirely truthful with you," Hayden began."How so?" Brianna asked as she nibbled at the ice cream.Hayden got right to the point: "I'm going to ask Abigail to marry me."She looked at the floor. "Oh," was all she said, but the look on her face said more. She was hurt. Hayden had to fight back the urge to go to her and put his arm around her."Look," Hayden said. "I don't mean to hurt you, but I have to admit I love Abigail, and I want to spend the rest of my life with her.""Oh, I see."What Hayden noticed was that she shifted in her seat, and she had opened her legs, giving him a nice view of her red panties. No matter how much he tried not to think about it, he was becoming aroused. He knew she was doing it on purpose."So there is no chance for us?" she asked as she widened her legs. She was telling
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Chapter 34
Carol's team lost the second game, but Carol got three hits, most on the team. Her coach congratulated her. After the game, she ran to Hayden and gave him a big hug. "Thank you!" she said.During the ride home, Carol couldn't stop talking; she was so excited. She was still talking as they stopped the car on the way. She hopped out and ran to the house."Man, is she excited?" Hayden said, turning to Abigail.He was caught by surprise as Abigail kissed him. "Not as excited as I am," she whispered. She kissed him again. "Now, why did you really come?""Look, there is something important that I would like to talk to you about, and here in the car is not the place," Hayden said seriously. "I would like to take you out for a nice supper and talk there. Ok?"Abigail nodded. She was a little concerned about what he wanted to talk about. Did Ranger have copies of those papers? Did he send them to Hayden? She could feel a knot building in her stomach.She agonised over what to wear. The little
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Chapter 35
Carol looked at her mother. Tears were streaming down her cheeks. "Mom?" she asked with a confused look.Abigail took her hand. "Don't worry. It will be fine. He just needs a little time. Things will work out," she said reassuringly. But inside, behind the calm look, Abigail wasn't so sure. At least he was still here and didn't walk out.Abigail woke up with a start. "What time was it?" she asked herself. Rolling over, she saw the clock, which read 1:15. She hadn't been asleep long. She rolled on her back. "What was she going to do? How could she see fix this?" She got up, threw on a robe, and went down stairs to the kitchen. She stopped and looked out on the deck. Against all odds, Hayden was still there. He had moved from one of the chairs to the lounge. Abigail wondered if he was asleep. At least he is still here. That was a good sign. She waited and then watched him sit up. She decided to make some tea and bring it out to him. Sort of a peace offering. She didn't know exactly what
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Chapter 36
Hayden decided that they should go out to dinner again. Same place, same time. Act as if last night didn't happen. Carol had already made plans to sleep over a friend's, so she wasn't going to be home. Abigail took her aside before she left."Hayden is going to ask me to marry him tonight, honey," Abigail said. "You're part of this, so I'm telling you I'm going to say yes. Is that ok with you?""What a silly question, Mom," Carol replied. "If you don't, then I will!" Both laughed.As Carol left, Hayden stopped her. "Carol, does your mom have the phone number of where you're staying?"Carol turned and looked at her mother."Go ahead. It's ok."Carol kissed her mom. "Bye, Dad."Abigail looked at Hayden. "What? Did I do something wrong?" he asked."We'll talk later. Now I have to get dressed if we're going to get there on time."The dinner was great. They sat in the same spot. The waiter gave them a quizzical look but didn't ask any questions. At least they ordered something different. B
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Chapter 37
"Make love to me, baby. Please, I want to feel you inside me," she pleaded.He pressed the head of his shaft into her folds. He slid between her moist lips and easily entered her. Hayden nibbled on her neck, raising goose bumps on her body. He could feel her warm breath on his neck. He began moving. Slowly at first, pulling almost completely out and then back in until their hips met. As Abigail responded, Hayden increased his speed. Her arms wrapped around him, and she clutched him tightly. Her hips lifted off the bed as other orgasms swept over her."Oh God, Hayden. I love you so much," she cried out.Abigail pushed him off her. Sitting up, she pulled her gown over her head, exposing her body. Hayden sighed at the vision. She moved down to his wet, hard shaft, tasting her juices on it. She wrapped her mouth around it, sucking him deep into her mouth. While her lips moved up and down his shaft, her hand caressed his balls. She increased her speed, sliding up and down his throbbing sha
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Chapter 38
Hayden pulled her hips towards him and buried his shaft deep inside her folds. He felt the walls of her folds contract as wave after wave of pleasure shot through her body. Hayden felt a sudden gush of liquid surround his shaft and run down their legs. He kept his shaft buried deep inside of her until the spasms began to subside. He began to move in and out of her again at a rapid pace. Her folds were soaked and felt so good against his shaft. Abigail turned and looked at him with a look of pleasure on her face."Cum inside me, baby, fill me up," she said in a hoarse whisper.He pushed his shaft deep inside her. He unloaded streams of cum deep inside her. As his orgasm subsided, he again began to move inside of her, feeling the lubrication his cum had provided. He felt their juices leaking out. Abigail began to move her hips back to meet the thrusts of his shaft. Sensing that perhaps she had yet another orgasm building, Hayden continued his movement inside of her. She began to moan so
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Chapter 39
While this was going on, Hayden turned to Jayson. "I guess I should have asked for your permission to marry your daughter. I want to let you know that I love her and will treat her right. I would like to make this clear. I'm going to marry her regardless."Again, the room got quiet as they awaited Jayson's answer. He answered slowly, as if he were choosing his words carefully. "I can see that my little girl... Yes, Abigail, you will always be my little girl, loves you too. I stood between her and her happiness before. I was wrong. I won't stand in her way again. All I asked is that you give her the love she deserves."With that, both Abigail and her mom came around the table. With tears in their eyes, they gave him a hug. Abigail then gave Hayden a kiss."Well, that's done. Hayden, let's watch the rest of the game." He stood up to leave."No, Dad, there is something else we need to tell you. Please sit down," Abigail said firmly.After Dad sat, Abigail began. She took out a folded pie
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Chapter 40
Hayden grabbed her hips with both hands and began to thrust his shaft in and out of her soaking wet folds. In a few seconds, he was pounding Abigail with everything he had. It took only a couple of minutes until she lost control."Oh baby, Oh," she groaned.He felt her erupt in a violent orgasm that sent fluid gushing out of her folds. Seconds later, his shaft twitched, sending cum deep inside of her throbbing folds. It lasted just a couple of seconds, but it was intense. They stayed there, against that wall, just holding each other tight.After letting themselves catch their breath, they walked to the master bedroom. They began undressing. Hayden walked into the bathroom and turned on the shower. He stepped into the hot shower to enjoy the powerful jets on his skin. A few seconds later, the door opened, and Abigail stepped in. Every time he looked at her, she seemed more beautiful. Hayden reached over and pulled her body to his, her breasts pressing against him. He softly kissed her
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