All Chapters of COLLECTION OF LUST AND LOVE: Chapter 21 - Chapter 30
144 Chapters
Chapter 21
Abigail had ridden all her life. She found the big animals relaxing to be around. She could just lose herself and her cares as she rode.It was only a short ride when they halted near a stream that was at the back of the farm. Here, the stream widened out to form a pond. There were flat rocks right along the edge, and the trees made it a very secluded place. They dismounted and tied up the horses. Abigail unpacked the saddle bags. She brought a large blanket, which she spread on the rocks. She then brought out some cold chicken and fresh-cut veggies from yesterday. From the other bag, she produced a chilled bottle of wine and two plastic glasses."You thought of everything," Hayden said, shaking his head."I used to come here a lot, just to get away. Jessica and I would swim here when we were teenagers. Afterwards we just lay in the sun and talk about many things." Here Jessica and she would share secrets.As they ate, Abigail told Hayden she and Carol had stayed up late last night ta
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Chapter 22
Hayden had lost both his parents and his sister so far away, so he missed family. Here, he could have one. With Abigail's sister having children and Joeymy with one and another on the way, it made Hayden think about having kids of his own. Susan never really wanted any, and in the long run, it was a good thing. Carol was a great chance for him to be a dad,, and he hoped he would have the chance to be one to her.After supper, Hayden packed the car as Abigail said good-bye to her parents. Hayden looked at the scene on the porch, and it made him feel good. Abigail kissed her mom, hugged her dad, and walked to the car. Hayden watched her come closer in the fading sunlight. She was dressed in a light summer dress and sandals. The sunlight shone through her dress, outlining her legs. Her auburn hair seemed to shimmer in the light. She flashed her smile at him, and he melted. Until that moment, he didn't realise how special she was to him. He held the door open for her."What?" she asked qu
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Chapter 23
She took him by the shaft and led him to the den. She pushed him down onto the sofa and sat down next to him. She gave him a deep kiss."Since I came for you, I want you to come for me."Hayden wasn't prepared for that. He had never jerked off in front of anyone, not even Susan. He began to shake his head."Oh, no," she said. "I want to enjoy watching you, like you watched me. It's only fair."He couldn't argue with her. As much as he was feeling nervous about performing in front of her, he was excited about it. He reached down with his right hand, wrapped his fingers around the base with a firm grip, and began to stroke slowly up and down. He looked over, and Abigail's eyes were glued to his shaft. He moved his hand up so only the head was visible. He began stroking faster.Abigail leaned back onto the sofa. The sight of Hayden stroking his shaft made her feel the need to play with her folds. Once again, she plunged her fingers into her folds and rubbed her clitoral area.The sight o
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Chapter 24
The next stop was the grocery store. Abigail said she needed a few things since it was only going to be the two of them until Friday. As they walked through the store, Hayden started adding extras to the cart. Abigail kept telling him they didn't need all the things he was buying. Hayden explained that he was going to cook something special for them and that he would pay for the extras. She became very curious when he bought some champagne, but not the expensive kind.They grabbed a quick bite to eat on the way home. As they put away the groceries, Abigail suddenly hugged Hayden. "I love you," she whispered."What brought that on?""I don't know. It just seemed right. Doing simple things like shopping and putting away groceries—you know, everyday routine stuff—I could really enjoy this." Abigail smiled and kissed him. She left the kitchen to do something, leaving Hayden alone.She reappeared in the doorway. She was dressed in a white bikini. It contrasted well with her tan skin. "I th
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Chapter 25
He allowed Abigail to draw his finger into her mouth, then pulled it slowly out. In and out, mimicking the motion they had experienced so often. The rhythm was primitive and deeply sexual. Hayden pressed the tip of his tongue into her ear, echoing the rhythm the two had established.Abigail had never imagined that such simple things could be so sensual. She was sucking her lover's finger as he fucked her ear.Hayden looked down. "Your nipples are so swollen; do you want me to suck them?""Oh God, yes," Abigail moaned.Hayden leaned over and took one nipple in his teeth. "Such beautiful breasts, baby." He cupped one of her breasts. "Heavy and full. And hungry, needing my touch." He drew his finger from the outside of her breast to the pink centre, pulling at the nipple. He repeated the motion over and over until Abigail thought she would go crazy.Hayden licked the erect nipple with the flat of his tongue. Then he drew back and blew on the wet tip. Alternately, he wet the tip and then
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Chapter 26
She took a quick shower and put on a bathing suit. This one covered her a little more than yesterday's did, but not much. She bought these suits when she came back from DC. She really didn't expect to wear them in front of anyone except Hayden. She covered herself up with Hayden's shirt. She finished dressing as soon as the doorbell rang.Abigail opened the door, and Jessica gave her a big hug. "Thanks for letting me come over. Is Hayden here?"Abigail explained that Hayden was away and shouldn't be back until 4. She told Jessica that it was a business meeting. Together, they walked to the kitchen. Along the way, Abigail asked how the girls were getting along. Jessica said everything was going fine with them. Carol and Katy, Jessica's middle child and the same age, always got along fine. The oldest, Lindsay, was now seventeen, and she was watching them today for her. They were going to the movies.Abigail asked if Jessica wanted some lunch. "Hayden made champagne chicken last night. Y
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Chapter 27
Hayden was feeling pretty good about things. The job interview went well. It seemed that all it was going to take was a formal vote by the board, and the job was his. They said he would know in about two weeks. If he got the job, then it would clear the way for Abigail and him. Abigail could keep her job and the house. Carol wouldn't have to change schools. The new job would mean a pay cut and not be the same as working in DC, but Hayden was willing to make the change.Jessica stood in the kitchen, sipping her wine, still in her bikini. She really needed to change, but she was in no hurry. She came to visit Abigail, upset and confused about her feelings. She was angry at Abigail, but it wasn't really Abigail. It was her and her life. Now she realised that, and in some way, it made her feel better.When Abigail and she were growing up, they did everything together. Being three years older, Jessica took care of her little sister and protected her. They also shared everything. Being olde
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Chapter 28
The two sisters sat at the table, and as they ate, Jessica explained that Hayden asked some questions, and she told him everything."Carol?" Abigail had a horrified look on her face."No, not that. That's between you and Hayden," Jessica reassured her.Abigail looked out at Hayden on the deck. "Let's go." Abigail stood up and headed to the deck. She walked over to Hayden and kissed him. "I love you.""Hey you two, cut it out!" Jessica said as she came onto the deck. "Seriously, my sister is a very lucky man to have you, but I also think that you're pretty lucky to have her." She gave Abigail a kiss. "Look, I really should be going. Call me Sis." As she left, she waved to Abigail. In her hand was a little bikini.After Jessica left, Abigail turned to Hayden. "So, how did it go?""Abigail, we need to talk, you know, about us. Our future," Hayden said suddenly.Abigail didn't want to talk about the future. She was living right now, in this moment. The last time she thought about a future
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Chapter 29
She leaned forward and squeezed his shaft between her breasts. She moved back and forth. "Do you like this?" she purred. She did. As she moved, her nipples rubbed on his skin. They became hard and erect as they became excited. Abigail felt like her whole body was excited. She tingled from head to toe. She thought she would be just praising Hayden, but she was enjoying it too. Maybe it was the control.The pre-cum was leaking in a stream from Hayden, making it easier for his shaft to slide between her breasts. She took her hand and grasped it hard as she sat back up. "Do you want to come, baby?""Oh yes," Hayden pleaded.Instead of helping him, Abigail let go. Again, she moved so her folds were over his shaft. She spread her lips and slid up the length. They were warm and moist and added more pleasure to Hayden's agony.Abigail flashed a wicked smile. "You need to come, don't you?""Yes, please, yes." Hayden would do anything for release."Not yet. Just a little longer."Abigail was en
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Chapter 30
In the middle of the night, Abigail awoke to see Hayden standing at the window, looking at the neighbours and the lights in the distance. She went to the window and kissed him. Hayden kissed her, then turned her around, bending her against the window frame. She braced herself on either side as he rubbed her asshole with oil. It felt cold compared to the heat of his shaft. Before her neighbours, he eased into her ass. In and out, until she cried out, "Hayden, fuck me. Fuck my ass!"They went back to the bed and cleansed each other with soft, soapy cloths and kisses until they slept again.As the sun rose, she felt his tongue on her, licking and nibbling, and she moved herself until she was on top of him, his shaft against her lips. From there, she traced the soft side of his underbelly and reached the flatness between his asshole and his balls. She took his balls into her mouth and sucked and pulled until his breath heightened. She glided her tongue along the vein on his shaft until he
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