All Chapters of COLLECTION OF LUST AND LOVE: Chapter 71 - Chapter 80
149 Chapters
Chapter 11
He hated the sight of her defeat. Standing close to her, he leaned down kissing her head. “I’ll be back before you know it.”The desire to stay at home was strong. He’d cut the conversation short and knew he had no choice but to go in.“Amuse yourself while I’m gone.”Before he changed his mind, he spun on his heel and headed outside. The moment the door closed, all other doors and windows would shut. He’d designed the security for his own peace of mind. After being outlawed from all packs he’d been concerned for his safety. Some pack alphas would get it into their heads to hunt down an outlaw and remove him permanently.No one even tried to hunt him down. They must all know he’d kill anyone who tried.Climbing into his car, he waited for the gate to open then shut it before he was driving down the street heading toward the city to deal with his current problem. Getting a call from one of his security managers about Mason invading his offices had been a slight problem. Hearing from Ma
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Chapter 12
Drawing in air, she let out an ear-piercing scream. The noise echoed around the large house. Leaving her bedroom, she jumped up and down losing her mind as she ran up and down the corridor. Opening every door she came to she stuck her head inside, taking a quick glance.Back at home she wasn’t allowed to do anything or make too much noise. Finally letting go in the freedom of the large house, she ran up and down the corridor, charging downstairs making a lot of noise. She screamed, yelled, and cursed out, loving every second of not fearing a beating.Once she got out of breath and bored of running up and downstairs, she went into the kitchen.In the fridge she found a selection of chocolates along with plenty of fresh vegetables and fruit. Grabbing the chocolate along with the carton of juice she left the kitchen behind. She would spend more time exploring the kitchen later. Her love of cooking would send her there in no time. At home she wasn’t allowed to cook as her mother hated any
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Chapter 13
John grabbed his trousers tugging them on as he walked out of the pool. He’d forgotten all about the delivery of Christal’s clothes. Taking her hand they walked toward the front door. He left the gate open on his way inside.The moment he entered the pool seeing her naked all of his plans left his mind. The only plan he had was to get Christal wrapped around him. Fuck, his shaft was rock hard and causing him no end of trouble.He opened the door and ushered the people toward the sitting room. “I want you to pick out whatever you want,” he said.His money spoke volumes, and he had been able to get the woman who owned a boutique in town to bring plenty of outfits for Christal to try.“Where are you going?” she asked, nibbling her lip.Shit, she was going to be the death of him.“I’ve got to see a guy about an e-reader,” he said.Her smile was beautiful. Kissing her head, he ordered her to have fun. Going into his office, he dialed Dick’s number.“What can I do for you now?” he asked. “I
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Chapter 14
****John was going to make her say it. Christal folded her arms underneath her breasts aware the shirt she wore rode up her thighs. She had spent the last hour listening to the women laugh and giggle. Every noise made her aware of how she stood out like a sore thumb. He could have any woman he wanted. Instead he’d bought her.Why would anyone want anything to do with her? The women were gorgeous and didn’t have a single ounce of excess fat on them.“What are you trying to say?” he asked, repeating his question.“Why me? Why did you pick me?” She opened her arms wide feeling all the years of insecurity clawing up on her.His eyes looked up and down her body. “Whatever you’ve got to say, Christal, just come out and say it,” he said.She knew he was angry, but so was she.“I’m not like other women. I eat food, and I’ve got extra weight on my bones. I’m not beautiful at all. Why me? Why did you pick me?” she asked, glaring at him.When she finished, she was panting for breath.“You didn’
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Chapter 15
John stayed away from Christal after admitting the truth. For the next week he only saw her for breakfast and dinner. He left for work early only to return late at night to find his dinner keeping warm in the oven. The e-reader was in the top part of his desk. He still needed to give it to her.His reluctance to be near her was ridiculous. Staring at his phone on his office desk, John wondered if he should call her. At night he snuck into her bedroom to hold her throughout the night. Come morning, he left her alone. She never said a word about him staying with her.She tried to have conversations with him, but he cut her short, finding peace in another part of the house.“You know, buying a woman was supposed to mean you’d stop being so bloody moody,” Dick said, sitting opposite him.“What?” John asked, jerking up to look at the other man.“You’re moody. Your employees are afraid to enter your office in case you have a go at them.” Dick leaned forward taking one of the sweets, John le
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Chapter 16
****Christal kept mixing the potatoes even as she heard John enter the house. She had fucked up and hadn’t gotten the opportunity to apologize to him. There was only so much shouting she could deal with, so she tried to stay out of his way. She tried not to feel the hurt of being cut off from all contact. The last week with John had been the same as living with her parents. He didn’t talk to her, only accepted silence, and she spent most of her time trying to avoid him. The latest batch of cookies was cooling on the tray.The only consolation she found was him taking her baking into work. At least nothing went off. She found the cookbooks in one of the cupboards, and her days had been spent Masoning the pages of the recipes she wanted to cook. He never complained about what she cooked, nor did he voice happiness at the food she presented to him.The chicken and roast potatoes were keeping warm, and she tasted the mashed potatoes to see for their seasoning. Once they were done, she wa
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Chapter 17
Christal’s tense body didn’t go unnoticed to him. John finished paying for her purchases and stood to look outside of the window. He needed to put her at ease around him once more. His attitude over the past week would upset anyone even a fully grown man, and he’d directed it at Christal. She’d been the receiver of much unhappiness from her family, and all he’d done was add to it.He hated the feeling of causing her pain. After enough time had passed he went to the pool. She was walking up and down the pool. He saw the tightness of her body from where he stood.Hating every second she was nervous knowing he was the cause he removed his clothing. He left his boxer briefs on just in case. Christal no longer trusted him, and it was up to him to start to mend their fences. She’d tried and got her head bitten off for her attempt.“I like your swimsuit,” he said, drawing her attention toward him.“It was with all the clothes you bought.” She sank beneath the water hiding her body. Climbing
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Chapter 18
“Do you forgive me?”“Do you promise never to be a grouch again?”“Yes.” He claimed her lips, slamming his tongue inside her mouth. John trapped her against the wall, kissing her deeply, wanting her to moan and writhe against his touch.She held onto his shoulders with her nails digging into his flesh. He moaned, loving the small bite of pain her nails gave him.Opening her thighs, he got her to wrap her legs around his waist. Her folds pressed to his stomach, and he wished she’d not worn a one piece swimsuit. No matter, he’d have her naked in no time.Cupping her ass, he gripped the back of her head holding her in place to take his kiss.He broke the kiss first, going down her neck. Tearing the costume from her body, he exposed one full, rounded red nipple. Biting down into the harsh bud he heard her scream. The scent of her need wasn’t dulled by the water.John needed more. Walking toward the stairs at the far side of the pool he laid her on the cool ground.In two easy tugs he remo
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Chapter 19
“Yes,” she said, moaning.John slammed in deep, hitting her cervix. The pain had her jerking off the floor. He merely caught her, pulling out and doing the same again. He fucked her hard, making each thrust hurt but also drove her closer toward her orgasm.“Hold onto me.”She wrapped her arms around his neck, and he turned their positions so she was sitting on his lap. His shaft was in as deep as it could go from this new angle. “I want to hold you and watch you come apart in my arms.”Acting on instinct, she kissed his lips. His fingers tightened in her hair, pulling her head back to expose her neck.“There is so much I’m going to do to you,” he said. His gaze fell to her breasts. “I’m going to bring you nothing but pleasure, Christal. Every step you take, you’re going to be so sore and remember everything I do to you.” He leaned down, taking one of her nipples into his mouth. “I’m going to fill your body with my cum and surround you with my scent.”He circled her nipples with his to
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Chapter 20
“So juicy.”He leaned forward licking off the droplet of cream. “I agree, however, I know something else that is juicy.” John raised a brow so she knew what he was talking about.For the next twenty minutes he fed her fruit and cream as they finished off their hot chocolates. The bath water was cold by the time they were finished.John climbed out first, grabbing a towel to wrap around her. Lifting Christal into his arms he carried her through to his bedroom.“Am I going to my own room?” she asked.“Not a chance.” He couldn’t resist her any longer. Sinking his fingers into her wet red hair, he tugged her close. “You’re not going anywhere. This is your room from now on.”****John’s possessive attitude turned her on. The way he gripped her hair had Christal melting. She would have sunk to his feet begging for him to take her if he hadn’t taken control. With his free hand, he gripped her waist holding her close.In one quick move he spun her around so she faced away from him. His hands
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