All Chapters of COLLECTION OF LUST AND LOVE: Chapter 91 - Chapter 100
149 Chapters
Chapter 4
Looking out the kitchen window, he watched her pull out of the driveway and disappear into the woods.Maxwell spent most of the afternoon walking through each room of the house, imagining himself living there. He would then walk outside to get a feel for the layout of the property. He also couldn't get Dakota or the peck on the lips out of his mind.After only about two hours, he knew that he wanted it. Actually, he knew it long before Dakota left. The whole 'I want to see it at night', was just a ploy so he could arrange some more private time with Dakota.Since Emma's passing, Maxwell hasn't dated. He didn't even try, mostly because he found no one who sparked his interest. However, now, his interest was not just sparked but was fully engulfing him.Sitting at her desk, Dakota was having a very difficult time organising her thoughts about what she had to do. Fortunately for her, the list of things to do for the day was pretty short. She would find herself looking out the window, thi
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Chapter 5
As she reached up to take her drink, Maxwell bent down and kissed an exposed part of her shoulder. That's it, she thought; I can't hold this any longer.She then turned around, attempting to set her glass of wine on the deck railing, but actually knocked both drinks off the rail, and the sound of crashing glass on the ground below filled the air for a moment.Without either of them acknowledging what she had just done, she turned to face Maxwell and said, "I want you to know something. No matter what happens the rest of this evening, it has nothing to do with selling or buying a house. Right now, I don't care if you buy it or not."Maxwell pulled her into him, his hand now firmly on the small of her back, "Oh, I'm buying it. There is no doubt about it."He then pulled her up to his lips, and they began to kiss with great passion and heat. Their mouths were hungry, and their tongues were rapidly exploring each other.After a minute or so, the kissing went from feverishly passionate to
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Chapter 6
He then bent over and began to kiss her from the neck down to the small of her back, then back up to her neck. His tongue was cool, and he tasted mint, man, and coffee and escaped—and Dakota didn’t at that point question it. All she did was feel it. The bliss of firm lips and the scent that had always made itself known captivated her as they intensified in their close proximity.His body to touch was everything her eyes had promised—lean and powerful beneath her hands and against her own body.Maxwell had a thing for the naked back of a woman. He felt it was one of the most sensual things about her. His arms pulled her in, and his mouth was pressing on hers.Wrapping her in his embrace and crushing her with his mouth. Maxwell cupped her through her moist haven and she whimpered, “Oh God!” her body arching against the wall behind her. "You are mine, Dakota. Condom or no condom." His thumb found her clit and dug its way through the fabric, pressing hard and massaging it in lazy circles.
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Chapter 7
"Me either! I want something lasting, something I can depend on.""Exactly! When I first saw you today at your office, it was like we hadn't missed a step. I instantly felt at ease with you, at home if you will. I was a little shocked by that, but I knew it was true. You felt like home to me.""Maxwell, you feel like home to me also. Having spent a good portion of the day with you, it felt like we had been together for a long time. I was totally at ease with you too. So what's the problem?""I never said there was a problem, I just wanted you to understand that if I buy this house and then, of course, move here, I want to spend as much time as I can with you. I want to spend as many days and as many nights with you as I can. That's not desperation talking; it's just a flat-out desire for someone I care deeply about.""I feel the same way. I want to spend as much time, day or night, with you also. I mean, we could even take it to the next level and go steady. But if we go steady, you'l
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Chapter 8
Dakota responded, "I told you that I felt the same way, you feel like my home, and I don't want to lose that; I don't . . ."Dakota paused, then looked into his eyes and said, "I don't want to lose you."Maxwell then took her in his arms, pulled her into him, and said, "Well, I guess there is nothing left to do then, except to buy my steady girl a ring, and not to hang on a chain, but to wear on her finger. I don't mean some friendship ring, but an engagement ring. I want to make what we have tonight permanent at some point. What do you think about that?"She paused and then replied, "Are you asking me to marry you?""I told you earlier today that when I see something I want, I go after it, and I want you. So, yes, I am asking you to marry me. Now, not today or tomorrow, but when we both feel the time is right."Dakota bowed her head down and rested it on Maxwell's chest. He could hear her sobbing quietly.Maxwell raised her head up by her chin, wiping the tears away from her cheeks.
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Chapter 9
As they disengaged their lips, she said, "I can't express how nice it is to wake up with you next to me. I hope you feel the same way about having me here with you?""I truly do, Dakota. When I woke up this morning, I was afraid that last night was just a dream. Then I saw you laying next to me and realised it was all real. I am so very happy right now.""Me too! The coffee?""Gee, okay, the coffee." Maxwell pulled the sheets back and climbed out of bed. Dakota watched him as his naked frame made its way across the room and out the door.She thought to herself, For a man of 52, he is still quite the hunk.She lay there in bed for a few moments, running her hands across her body, massaging her breasts, and remembering the passion she had experienced just a few hours earlier.She moved her hand down to her vagina and realised she was a little sore. It had been awhile since she had been given such a workout. She lay in the bed, running her hands over the folds of her labia, thinking that
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Chapter 10
Dakota had always loved the feel of her man's shaft in her mouth. It actually gave her a sense of power. For her, having a shaft in her cunt was an act of submission, but having a shaft in her mouth was power. Maybe other women didn't feel like that, but she did.She moved her right hand from Maxwell's ass cheek and began to cup and massage his balls. She could feel he was getting close to exploding.He began to breathe rapidly and thrust into her mouth forcefully. The harder he thrust, the harder she sucked.Maxwell could not hold on any longer and said, "Dakota, I'm ready to blow!"She then felt a sudden blast of cum into her mouth, quickly followed by several more. She swallowed the man's juice as quickly as he shot it into her mouth.His moans and breathing began to return to normal. He placed his hand on her head and let his shaft slide slowly in and out of her mouth as he watched. Maxwell loved the sight of his shaft sliding between her lips. He noticed some of his semen leaking
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Chapter 11
"Yes, it does. One thing we have even discussed is your work. How would you deal with that?"Maxwell smiled proudly, "Well, I'm glad to say that I have my business to the point where I can do most things online. I can video conference with the office if need be. I would need to be in the office probably no more than once a week. I have people in there I trust to keep things running, so that is not an issue.""Great! It looks like our food is here."After enjoying their lunch, Maxwell took Dakota by the hand, leaned over the table, and kissed her lovingly on the lips. He then added, "Well, if you could take me back to my car, I can then head to my house and begin to pack up some of the things that I will need. That is, if the offer still stands?""Absolutely! Do you need some help? Want me to go with you? I don't mind, and I have the time.""Are you sure?"Dakota smiled and replied, "Yes, I'm sure. You're my main squeeze now, and I want to help you with anything I can."Maxwell got a m
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Chapter 12
Maxwell then commented, "After dinner, I would like for us to get comfortable and have a talk. There are some things I would like to speak with you about. Nothing bad, but things that I need to get out, okay?"Dakota responded with a bit of apprehension, "Sure, Max, and I guess there are some things that I need to get out to."Dinner was rather quiet. They were both caught up in their thoughts about what the other might have to say.As they both were finishing, Maxwell said, "Let me refill our glasses, and let's sit on the couch.""Sure," Dakota responded.Maxwell came over with their glasses and set them down on the coffee table in front of the couch.He sat down next to Dakota, put his arm around her, and began, "Dakota, I first just want you to know how very happy I am to have you in my life. These last couple of days have been life-changing for me."Dakota snugged into him and replied, "For me too! I am happier right now than I have been in a very long time.""Good, and I would li
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Chapter 13
Dakota slowly opened her legs, spreading them wide, then ran her hand down to her crotch and began to rub it through her slacks.Maxwell exclaimed, "Shit!" Snap, snap, snap.She then leaned forward, cupping each breast, holding them out to him, and said, "I hear that you like real tits. Mine are real. Would you like to suck my tits, mister?"Snap, snap, snap.Maxwell, breathing faster now, says, "Shit, you are definitely giving me a hard time right now!"Dakota then started pinching her nipples, and with an expression of lust on her face, she said, "Maybe I'll have to blow you, mister. Would you like for me to give you a blowjob?"Snap, snap.Maxwell was about to cream in his pants. He said, "Okay, we are getting way ahead of ourselves here. I have more pictures of you to take. Stand up, remove your shirt, turn around, and slowly pull your pants down."Dakota stood up from the chair, removing her shirt, and turned with her back to him. She then looked over her shoulders at him and beg
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