All Chapters of COLLECTION OF LUST AND LOVE: Chapter 111 - Chapter 120
149 Chapters
Chapter 24
Dakota then crawled over and straddled Maxwell's lap, as Clara had done. He was spent, and she knew it. She leaned into him and kissed him lovingly on the lips. Their tongues romanced each other, while his hands cupped and massaged her breasts.Maxwell then whispered to Dakota, "Clara told me she wanted me to fuck her in the ass, and soon, she said. What do you think about that?"Dakota smiled and said, "As long as I get to watch."Dakota had never let a man do her in ass. She heard that it was painful. This is something that she will need to talk to Clara about later.After about ten minutes, Clara came out of the bathroom and sat down next to the couple."Guys, I'll tell you, that was the most excellent way to end the work day. Thank you both so very much."Maxwell then said, "Well, thank you too; I mean, none of this would have been possible without you and the fact that you have such a hot, sexy, sharing friend." Maxwell replied as he playfully slapped Dakota on the ass.He contin
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Chapter 25
They took a couple of hours and walked the rest of the property. They found the old homestead where his great-great grandfather, who fought in the Civil War for the Union, had lived. Of course, the house was long gone, but you could still make out where the buildings used to be. It was a rather nostalgic time for Maxwell to see where his ancestors used to live, walk, and work. Of course, back then, there was no lake. It was a recent creation of the state, built in the mid-sixties.They decided to go back to the clearing, spread their blanket, and have some lunch.Maxwell retrieved the lunch basket and blanket from the car and returned to Dakota, who was waiting in the clearing.Maxwell had the passing thought of christening the land with some nice outdoor sex, but wasn't so sure. There were too many unknowns, and I wasn't sure if Dakota would think it was a good idea.When he got back to the clearing, he found Dakota had removed all of her clothes, hung them on the limb of a tree, and
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Chapter 26
So Shaina and Clara made their way into the house and found Dakota in the kitchen.Dakota looked up and smiled, saying, "Hi Clara, glad you could make it, and my, don't you look delicious! Come give me a hug.""Thanks, Dakota," Clara responded. "I'm glad to be here!" "So what are we doing? Can I help?"Dakota replied, "No, I think we are just about ready. Shaina, would you go out and see if Maxwell needs any help? And take your time.""Sure, be glad to!"*****Once Shaina was gone, Dakota said, "Clara, come with me back here for a minute; I wanted to ask you something.""Okay, am I in trouble or something?" Clara asked."Oh no, girl, it's just that Maxwell told me that you said you wanted him to do you in the ass and soon, which, by the way, he can do tonight if you want," Dakota informed her."Sure, I was hoping to be able to do that, thanks," Clara replied with a smile.Dakota continued, "What I really wanted to
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Chapter 27
Maxwell then placed his mouth on her mound and began to lick in between her labia. Then he moved his mouth up to her clit and inserted a finger into her wet cunt. Shaina closed her eyes, began to moan, and whispered, "I love this game!"After a couple of minutes, Clara proclaimed, "Stop! Two minutes are up."Shaina said with frustration, "Damn it, I was just starting to really get wound up!"Maxwell stood up and returned to his chair. Clara dealt another round of the cards.Dakota high, Clara low. Without saying a word, Clara removed her halter, releasing her large breasts.Dakota dealt the next hand. Shaina high, Dakota low. Also without a word, Dakota removed her shirt, revealing her bare breasts.We now have two topless ladies and one bottomless lady. Things are going just as Maxwell had hoped.Shaina dealt the cards. Clara high, Maxwell low. Maxwell stood up and removed his jogging pants, revealing his erect cock to all the girls.Clara deals the cards. Dakota high, Maxwell low ag
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Chapter 28
Maxwell pulled his cock out of Shaina's mouth and murmured, "Damn rules!"Maxwell walked over and took his seat again, while Dakota dealt another hand.This time, Clara was high and Maxwell was low. Maxwell was asked the same question, "Clothes or dare?"He replied, "Dare."Clara thought for a moment and decided that the time had come to make her move.Clara spoke up, saying, "Maxwell, I dare you to fuck me in the ass until we both come."Maxwell looked over at Dakota, and she just smiled and winked at him, giving her approval.He stood up and said, "Well, how do you want to do this?"Clara smiled, jumped up, and said, "Good thing I came prepared!" She then walked over to her purse and pulled out a tube of lube. She continued, "Okay, now, Maxwell, come over and sit on the sofa."Clara walked over to the sofa, saying, "I just want you to know that I showered and cleaned myself exceptionally well in this area, just to set your mind at ease."Maxwell replied, "I wasn't worried about it a
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Chapter 29
With Clara vigorously rubbing her own clit, she said, "Me too! Me too!" Then Maxwell let out a groan and growl, followed by a yell of, "OH FUCK!" and shot stream after stream of his cum into Clara's ass."Oh sh*t, Maxwell, oh sh*t! Fuck me! Fuck me!" she screamed as she bounced her ass up and down on his cock, rubbing her clit with greater intensity. She then slowed her bouncing, and just sat still, rocking her body back and forth.Still impaled on his cock, Clara fell forward into his body, pressing her sweaty tits against his chest and laying her head on his shoulders. He wrapped his arms around her, gently kissing her cheeks, neck, and shoulders.Maxwell's cock seemed to deflate quickly, and she was pushed out of her ass along with some of his semen. Even though Maxwell was out of her now, Clara didn't move, clinging to him in a most intimate embrace.She then raised her head off his shoulders, leaned in, and kissed him on the lips with the passion of a thankful lover. He placed hi
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Chapter 30- END OF BOOK 4
Dakota, acting as though she was a bit put out, said, "Maxwell, what do you have to say for yourself?""Hey, she started it by cleaning my pecker, then she started sucking on it. I mean, what was a red-blooded American boy supposed to do?"Dakota then broke into a smile, saying, "Well, I guess so. However, mister, you'd better recover quickly, because you've filled every woman here except me!""I am looking forward to filling you, my dear," Maxwell replied with a smile.Maxwell continued, "Now, I think we should all get something to drink and sit out on the deck."Everybody agreed that it sounded wonderful.Maxwell stood up from the sofa and said, "You ladies, go on out, and I'll bring the drinks."The three women stepped through the sliding patio door and arranged some chairs in a semi-circle.After a few minutes, Maxwell appeared on the deck with a tray of glasses and a bottle of wine. He sat the tray down on a table, poured the drinks, and handed a glass to each lady. Then, taking
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BOOK FIVE- Chapter 1
Julia WhiteFireworks blossom above the lake, floating in the clear night air before drifting down in dazzling clouds to settle on the water.My father flinches at the first explosion. He dislikes things that are loud or surprising. Which is why I sometimes irritate him—I can be both of those things, even when I'm trying to be a good girl.His scowl is lit by the blue and gold lights. Yes, he has the same expression when he stares at me."Would you like to eat inside?" Donald asks.Because it's a warm night, we're all sitting on the deck. In New York, unlike in Sicily, you must take advantage of every opportunity to eat outdoors. Even yet, if you didn't hear the traffic below, you'd assume you were in an Italian vineyard. The table is set with primitive dinnerware imported from the old country three generations ago, and the pergola overhead is heavily clothed with shade-giving fox grapes planted by Father. Fox grapes cannot be made into wine, although they do make fantastic jam.My fa
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Chapter 2
He was able to get Dakota on the phone, and she seemed truly pleased that he had called her. Maxwell explained his situation to her and why he needed a change of scenery and venue. She told him that she totally understood.Dakota had been a widow for about four years now and knew exactly what Maxwell was going through. Her husband had also died of prostate cancer. She told him to let her look through her listings, and she would get back to him as soon as she thought she had something of interest.Later that afternoon, Maxwell's phone rang. "Hello.""Maxwell, it's Dakota, how are you?""I'm doing good. Did you find me something?""Well, I might have found just what you're looking for, but then, you will need to be the judge of that. What is your schedule like tomorrow?""As far as I know right now, I'm free. What did you have in mind?""Well, if you could meet me at my office, then I could show you a few houses and maybe find one you really like.""What time tomorrow?""Is about ten ok
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Chapter 3
"Wait until you see the inside!" Dakota smiled and winked at him.She parked the car in front of the house, grabbed her notebook, and said, "Shall we take a look?""Yes, by all means," Maxwell replied.As they stood at the front door, she bent down to punch in the combination to the realtor's box, which contained the door key. Once in the house, she began to explain the present situation to the house."The house at present is a corporate rental. What that means is that companies will rent the house for a weekend or longer for meetings or retreats. That's why it's furnished.""I see. What is the asking price?""Well, it is listed for 400,000, which is not a bad price itself. However, because of several factors, I think the owner would be willing to take less than that—actually, much less.""How much less is much less?""Well, because of my working relationship with the owner, I think if you made an offer around 300, she would entertain it. The owner is an older woman and she is having
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