All Chapters of COLLECTION OF LUST AND LOVE: Chapter 101 - Chapter 110
149 Chapters
Chapter 14
He shot several streams of his jizz into her mouth, which she swallowed immediately. After he was able to catch his breath, he leaned forward for her, kissing her on the mouth. He could taste his own semen—at least what was left over—mingling with her own saliva.He then stood up from the chair, his legs shaking a little, and pulled her up in front of him. They embraced for another long, wet kiss of passion and lust.She then took him by the hand and led him back to the couch, saying, "Let's sit down here for a minute."She looked at him and said, "Does that answer your question about how I feel about your pictures of naked, mature ladies?""I think that you made your point; thank you," he responded.Still holding his hand, she then said, "Okay, now that we are being honest with each other, I have something I need to tell you," he said as he thrust into her all at once, knowing it was wrong. Knowing it was a punishment, not a reward—a mixture of pleasure, agony, and guilt—he made his
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Chapter 15
The next morning, they packed his car with what he wanted to take, which was mostly his clothes and computer.They made the hour-long trip to Dakota's home and began to get things settled in.They were both excited about this new chapter in their lives. They were making a new home with each other.A kind of home that neither of them has had before.******Maxwell settled into Dakota's house in a matter of a couple of days. They brought in an extra desk from storage and placed it in her home office, which they would now share.Maxwell set up a video conference with his office via Skype on Tuesday, and informed them of what was going on. At least now they knew how to reach him if he was needed.Maxwell began considering selling his controlling interest in the company. There were several of his employees who had expressed an interest in buying into the company. So this was something that he would give some serious thought to. It would be nice to arrange an early retirement from the compa
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Chapter 16
She had known Maxwell for about a decade before Emma's passing and had a sense of the kind of man he was just from watching him with her. She knew that he wasn't a control freak, because Emma would not have put up with that, and she saw no hint of it when she saw them together.Dakota was the kind of woman that, if a man would let her be who she was, there was hardly anything she wouldn't do for him.*****About 4 p.m. on Thursday, Dakota was busy wrapping things up at the office when Shaina walked over to her desk and asked, "So when do I get to meet your future husband?"Dakota replied, "Technically, you already met him last Saturday."Shaina responded, "Yeah, but I didn't really get to meet him, as in to sit and talk with him. I want to see if he is right for you. You know, if he meets my approval."Dakota looked at Shaina with furrowed brows and said, "I didn't realise that he needed your approval.""Well, yes and no. I mean, you can do whatever you want, but as your friend, I wou
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Chapter 17
Once they had come to the end of their meal, Dakota decided to see what kind of fun she might be able to get started.She looked at Maxwell and asked, "Maxwell, do you think we should show Shaina the pictures you took of me last weekend?"Shaina immediately chimed in, "What pictures? Are they nudie pictures?"Dakota added, "Well, they are what Maxwell and I call erotica. So what do you think, Maxwell? Would that be all right with you?"Maxwell smiled, paused, and reached for his glass, wanting to draw this out. He took a long drink from his glass, set it back down, paused, and then replied, "Well, I don't know if it would be safe. It might get Shaina all worked up, and I'm not sure we need that."Dakota looked at Shaina, then back to Maxwell. "Oh, I don't think she could get much more worked up than she is already!"Shaina exclaimed, "Oh, I could definitely get worked up some more, so how about it, Maxwell? Can we?"Maxwell relented, "It's okay with me if Dakota doesn't mind.""If I m
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Chapter 18
With that, Maxwell left the bedroom to let the ladies change into the modelling outfits.About seven or eight minutes passed when they appeared, walking down the hallway to the living room, arm in arm. Maxwell watched them as they made their way down the hall and thought, Damn, they look so freaking sexy. He reached down to adjust his semi-erect cock that had been slowly growing with anticipation."Come and sit on the sofa in front of me," he instructed.The two erotica models walked over to the sofa and sat down, tucking a leg under them as they sat. Maxwell was seated directly in front of them, so that he could see everything from where he sat.He noticed that Shaina's legs were parted enough that he could see the shaved lips of her vagina. His shaft twitched in his pants, and he thought, shit, this is going to get good."Now, I would like for you two ladies to sit closer to each other." They adjusted their positions on the sofa so that they were sitting as close as they could witho
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Chapter 19
Maxwell began to moan loudly. He had never had two women at his shaft at the same time in his whole life. His wife had to be coaxed to take him into her mouth. It was wonderful to feel two hungry mouths giving his hardness such attention. He had never felt his cock being swallowed while having his balls sucked. He was afraid he might be dreaming or something, but he knew he wasn't.Dakota released one of his balls from her mouth and said, "Shaina, I wonder how his shaft would feel in your cunt?"Shaina replied, "Oh, I think it would feel wonderful. May I?""Yes, and while he's filling your cunt, I will let him taste mine."Not needing any further prodding, Shaina moved and straddled Maxwell's hard shaft, placing her wet cunt directly over the head. She grabbed the base of his shaft and slid herself fully down, until he was completely inside her.As Shaina was beginning her gyrations on his shaft, Dakota straddled his face, placing her cunt directly over his mouth.Maxwell looked up at
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Chapter 20
Maxwell spoke first, saying, "Well, Dakota, I think we just had our first PTAD meeting."Dakota laughed. "Yes, I guess we did!"Shaina had a look of confusion on her face and asked, "What the hell is PTAD?""That means cunts, tits, asses, and shafts. It is kind of a joke Maxwell and I made up."Shaina smiled. "Well, please count me as a member."Dakota replied, "Oh, you are our first inductee."Shaina replied, "I am honoured. While I'm thinking about it, Maxwell, do you think I could have some copies of the pictures you took tonight for my own private viewing and pleasure?""Sure, if Dakota doesn't mind."Dakota replied, "I don't mind; just make sure that they stay private. You know, for your eyes only, okay?"Shaina smiled. "Absolutely, my eyes only. Let me add, I have thoroughly enjoyed this evening. I want to thank you both for sharing with me. And Maxwell, I want you to know that I totally enjoyed riding your shaft. I haven't come so hard in a very long time.""Well," Maxwell answ
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Chapter 21
"You just couldn't wait to tell Clara about our time together the other night, could you?" Dakota scolded."I'm sorry, I didn't realise it was this big secret, especially from Clara! I just figured that she would find out sooner or later, and I wanted her to know what a good time I had and what I thought about Maxwell. I didn't mean to piss you off!""I'm sorry, Shaina; I guess I'm not really pissed off at you. The fact is, I'm just protective of our relationship, and I don't want the wrong people to stick their noses in. It is still very new to both of us, and I just don't want anything to screw it up." Dakota replied apologetically. "I only invited you in and will probably invite Clara in because you two are also very close, and it is important to me that the four of us get along. You know that gossip can kill a beautiful thing. Can you understand that?"Shaina replied, "Sure, I get it. I hope you know that I would never do anything to hurt you or Maxwell. I mean, you are like famil
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Chapter 22
Clara dried her hands quickly and walked over to him, extending her hand, saying, "Hi Maxwell, it's nice to finally meet you. I have heard some really good things about you from both Dakota and Shaina.""Well, I'm not sure you can believe everything you hear, but thanks anyway," Maxwell replied.Dakota had previously told him that Clara would give him an instant boner, and he could certainly see why.Dakota then spoke up from her chair, "Well, Maxwell, was I right? Did you get an instant boner when you saw her?"Maxwell smiled and replied, "Well, I'm a bit beyond getting instant boners these days, but I'm sure it wouldn't take me too long watching Clara bounce and jiggle herself around here!"Clara replied, "Maxwell, I'm flattered. Now that you are here, I am going to lock things up so that we are not disturbed."Clara went about the work of displaying the closed sign in the window, closing the drapes, locking the door, and turning the answering machine on."Now we won't be disturbed!
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Chapter 23
Maxwell then asked, "Can you concentrate enough on my hair while all of this is going on?"Clara said, "Fortunately, I'm almost done."Dakota was still fingering herself and rubbing her clit watching the two of them. She then noticed the obvious motion going on under Maxwell's cape. She knew he was jerking himself while he was fingering Clara. This made her rub her clit with even more force, bringing her to a quick but mild orgasm.Having satisfied herself to some degree, Dakota stood up, walked over to Maxwell's chair, and slipped her hand under his cape. Feeling his hardness in her hands, she began to stroke him.Clara then said, "Okay, all done." She moved herself off of Maxwell's finger and removed his cape, revealing his erect cock in Dakota's hand.Clara saw his hard member for the first time and said, "Oh my, that looks awesome, Dakota! Shaina was right!"Dakota said, "Maxwell, stand up and take your pants off!"Maxwell did so in record time."Now," Dakota continued, "sit back
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