All Chapters of TRAPPED BY THE MAFIA: Chapter 11 - Chapter 20
28 Chapters
Chapter 011
Mirabella’s Pov "Tell me something about you; something I don't already know." Matteo questions in a soft voice as he wraps the cuff of the sphygmomanometer around my upper arm. I blink a few times from the unexpectedness of his question. He raises an eyebrow nudging me to answer as he continues taking my blood pressure and I scoff. "Bold of you to think you know even a thing about me." "You have no idea, Annabella. . ." His voice is laced with mischief. I narrow my eyes at him. Something in my gut telling me that Matteo knows something about me; something that might jeopardize me. My identity perhaps. "So, what's your story, you know with the consistent nightmares." Matteo calls back my attention and I bite down on my bottom lip. "I don't know, Matteo, you tell me. After all you're the one who has dedicated your time to making sure you traumatize me with your horrific punishments," I answer in one breath making sure my sarcasm doesn't go unnoticed. "So? I'm responsible
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Chapter 012
Matteo’s Pov "Get over here! Come here and prove to me that you're worthy of this empire!" Grandfather commands and I fall on my knees. I'm shaking my head vigorously, tears running down my face uncontrollably as I sob. "Please pa don't make me do this," I plead. I am now at Grandfather's feet, at his fucking mercy and I grasp both his ankles as I continue to beg him. My father being held down by a few men in a corner, my mother hugging my five year old sister in another corner. My life flashing before my own eyes. I can't bring myself to do what grandfather is asking of me. Never. The butt of a gun slams against my forehead over and over again until my blood is spewing uncontrollably but I do not quit begging. With each slam to my forehead, my plea becomes louder. "Matteo, fratellino; it's okay, I understand. Go ahead and do it," my eldest sister says in between her sobs and I shake my head 'no'. Her voice keeps taunting me and I can no longer take it. "Stai zitto per l'amor d
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Chapter 013
Mirabella’s Pov I'm home alone, I might as well put a call across to my associate and handle my own business. Exactly three days ago, about two hours after my very thoughtful husband violated me with his eyes and walked out of the room, I decided to go to the kitchen and help myself with something to calm my nerves. While I made my way down the hall, my ears picked up on some inaudible chatter and being a curious personality that I am, I decided to listen in. The closer I got to where the sound was coming from, the clearer I could hear what was being talked about. Matteo and his father seemed to have been in a heated argument about me? "Father, I already told you many times before that I do not trust her father. This marriage is just an illusion; he's playing a game with us and we don't even know it." Well, I didn't think I'd ever say this but my husband is a smart man. "She's your wife regardless," Matteo's father had voiced. "Only on paper!" Matteo snapped and silence ensued
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Chapter 014
Matteo’s Pov The last seventy two hours has been the most excruciatingly painful hours to say the least. After my takeover was announced, I had to travel to all the warehouses owned by the Denaro's. After that was done, I had to meet up with very prominent men and business partners and those fuckers couldn't keep their mouths shut about my wife. Lately, it seems to be her face and name everywhere. I've made every attempt to avoid her as much as I can which seemed to be working until she flashed me with her tits. Fuck. That fucking bitch. First, she lies and now she's invading my thoughts in the most unholy ways. I was supposed to return a day before but made a decision to visit my underground fighting ring. I had to go get myself involved in an extremely physical activity in hopes that it helps me forget my wife whom I'm not supposed to be thinking of. But the thoughts of her still remain. Jesus Fucking Christ. Now back in Sicily, I decide to go home fingers crossed t
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Chapter 015
Mirabella's PovFor a moment there, I was beginning to think that Matteo felt any sort of attraction towards me but all of it; that night was a lie.I wonder why I allowed myself get carried away.Exactly one week since he walked into my room and touched me in ways that lit a certain kind of fire in my soul, Matteo has put in extra effort in making certain we don't cross path.Such an asshole.He instructed that my personal guard makes certain I remain on my own side of the mansion at all times. Went as far as instructing my maid to make sure every meal of the day is served to me in my room.All this effort and rules just so he's unable to see my face.First, he leaves me high and dry, and now he's making sure to rub his rejection of me all over my face.I hate my fucking self.Today has been exceptionally quiet and peaceful around the estate. Peace and quiet that gets me thinking about the possibility of Matteo not being present.I smile at the thought of it. Finally, I can move arou
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Chapter 016
Matteo's Pov There's been a lot of changes. Changes that I do not desire. My wife. . .she's something; something that'd ruin me if I'm not careful enough. I've done everything humanly possible to keep my distance from her, still there's no running away from her. She's my shadow and I can no longer deny the fact. But like I said, I'm not a fool. And eyes don't lie. I know and I see it in Mirabella's eyes that she's tired. Tired of keeping up her act, tired of the lies and everything in between. She wants to open up to me but she seems scared of what my reaction might be. Nonetheless, I wanted her to come to me. I want her to come to me. I must be a fool, expecting that she'd come clean to me. But no, my wife decides that the only way out of her devious ways is to seduce me. Like I said, Marcelo and everything related to him are one in the same. Fucking lying, deceitful piece of shits. Instead of telling the truth, she decides to let me touch her in very unholy ways. And for wha
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Chapter 017
Matteo's Pov That feeling of dread. The knowing that things are about to change drastically and there's no way out of it except embracing that change even if it would cost your life. That's what I feel as I board the yacht with the boys. The crew members welcome us on board and lead us straight to the cabin where we'd meet with the Colombians to talk business. The smoke from their burning cigarette sticks fills the room as we walk in, naked girls walking around and taking whatever disgusting treatment those fuckers dish them. Strippers sliding up and down the strip poles and a good number of the men and women drugging themselves up to a point of unconsciousness. What the fuck. I clench my jaw and manage to remain as polite as I can be as I greet their Capo. "I hope this isn't the reason I was invited out for this meeting; getting drugged up and cruising around the Mediterranean." Irresponsible fuckers. If I wasn't so taken by my wife's body, I'd be more than happy to have some
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Chapter 018
Mirabella's PovTwenty four hours.Forty eight hours.Seventy two hours.I should be named as an accurate time keeper by now.Fuck!I heave out a sigh of distress as I pace back and forth in my room.Nerve racking.That is the only description I have for how the last few days has been. Seventy two hours since Matteo walked out the front door and he's not walked back in.There's no explanation to how I'm feeling but I'm feeling it. Every form of discomfort and worry, like a lump caught up in my throat, like my heart is unable to beat at its normal rhythm. Like a strong conviction that something has gone terribly wrong.Thinking about it, what business meeting takes this long to conclude?It’s stupid. I’m stupid. But somehow, I’m worried sick for my husband and I’ve cursed myself out more times than I can count for it but my worries are not just going away.My feet slap against the floor as I make my way out to my balcony. I pull the double door wide open and take a long calming breath
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Chapter 019
Mirabella's PovThe last few minutes was me getting ready to commence surgery. I scrubbed, put on my gloves, sterilized the surgical tools I’ll be needing, checked Matteo’s blood pressure and Airway to be certain that I’m on the green side.Pretty decent, and it’s time to go big or go home.I clean Matteo up and disinfect the areas around his wound. “Hey,” I lean down and speak in a hushed tone and he grunts in response. “You’ve held your ground so far but I need you to do this with me. In no time, we’ll get that little shit out of you, okay? Just breathe and stay awake; you stay in control of the pace at which you breathe, hmm? You can do that, can you not?” I ask and he slightly nods his head and muffles a ‘yes’.Good.“I need O Negative blood available; we need to commence blood transfusion. He’s obviously lost a lot,” I say to no one in particular but Pablo speedily leaves the room to go grab as many blood bags as he can.“Matteo, make sure to stay awake, talk to me if you have to
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Chapter 020
Mirabella's PovThirty six hours; that’s how long it has been since I performed a successful surgery on Matteo. Successful because he woke up a few hours later and was responsive to touch and everything in between. However, he went back to sleep after that and hasn’t woken up until now.It doesn’t bother me. He’s as stable as can be and his blood work came back clean.I’ve been by his side the last twenty four hours, unable to shut my eyes or take my hands off him. I know he’s stable but there’s an intense feeling to hold on to him just to be sure.“Matteo?” I call out his name in a questioning manner when he let out a groan in his sleep. He whimpers as a tear rolls down the side of his face. I clean it off with my thumb. Matteo’s grip on my hand tightens and I wince as I get off my seat, leaning down so that my face is inches away from his.“Are you okay?” I pat his hair and his body somewhat convulses as he mumbles a few words under his breath.“No, no, no. What did I do? Bianca!” H
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