All Chapters of TRAPPED BY THE MAFIA: Chapter 21 - Chapter 28
28 Chapters
Chapter 020
Mirabella's PovThirty six hours; that’s how long it has been since I performed a successful surgery on Matteo. Successful because he woke up a few hours later and was responsive to touch and everything in between. However, he went back to sleep after that and hasn’t woken up until now.It doesn’t bother me. He’s as stable as can be and his blood work came back clean.I’ve been by his side the last twenty four hours, unable to shut my eyes or take my hands off him. I know he’s stable but there’s an intense feeling to hold on to him just to be sure.“Matteo?” I call out his name in a questioning manner when he let out a groan in his sleep. He whimpers as a tear rolls down the side of his face. I clean it off with my thumb. Matteo’s grip on my hand tightens and I wince as I get off my seat, leaning down so that my face is inches away from his.“Are you okay?” I pat his hair and his body somewhat convulses as he mumbles a few words under his breath.“No, no, no. What did I do? Bianca!” H
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Chapter 021
Mirabella's Pov I jerk awake with a wince. Slowly but steadily, my eyes begin adjusting to the environment and I find myself completely naked, hands bound to the headboard of a bed. I pull on the cuffs but It's tightly secured against the headboard. I pull harder and harder until the cuffs scrape my skin, causing me to cry out in pain. "You're pathetic," a voice mocks from the shadows and I halt my movement, waiting for someone to appear. A minute turns into two then into three but there's still no movement; anticipation almost causes my blood pressure to reach its all time high. “So fucking pathetic.” The light in the room is turned on revealing my father and sister; naked. Jesus. "Annabella, what are you doing?" My heart begins pounding so hard that I hear its rhythm. I choke at the sight before me. Why am I naked? In the same room where my sister and father are naked? My mind turns into a madhouse. "Oh my. . .did you?" I look down at my bare body and back to my father and si
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Chapter 022
Mirabella's PovAnnabella gets up from the side of the bed and massages her temple. "What is it about you, huh? Tell me, Mirabella! How do you get them to choose you? How do you get all the good people by your corner? How are you still alive? After everything you've been through, how are you still standing!" My sister begins fidgeting with her fingers which are obviously trembling.But not in fear, in anger.My tears are spewing uncontrollably in realization that my sister is envious of me. This same me that has always envied her growing up, the irony of life."I'm sorry, Anna, I'll make it right, sorella, I promise. I'll get us out and far away from here if you could just help me escape. Please Annabella, just do this with me."A hearty laughter wracks through her and she throws herself on the cushion. "You're such a fool, Mirabella," she trails off into her dark demeanor. "Do you really think you're in father's custody? I’ll make one thing clear, sister, you're my hostage and you're
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Chapter 023
Mirabella's PovTwo weeks.I claw at my face, smash my head into the hard surface of the wall, and punch my fist into the same wall over and over again. A new kind of sorrow engulfs me and the urgent need to mourn my mother all over again surfaces.In all the two weeks I’ve been locked up in this room and tortured mentally, I punished myself day after day and night after night, because I couldn’t do anything else to help myself. I mourned myself like a dead person while I’m still very much alive; And my sister and father watched me in amusement as I broke myself inch after inch.Today is another dreadful day, a day to be faced by another well thought out mental and emotional torture.I’m sitting on the cold floor, with my knees bent upward and my head in between my thighs. My arms wrap around my legs to help hold them together as I cry myself to shit. The injury inflicted on me by Annabella might have stopped stinging so much, but my heart is still broken into unrecoverable pieces.Th
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Chapter 024
Matteo's PovWhen you find yourself drowning in your own mistakes, when the gut wrenching nightmares don’t leave you alone, when all you’ve done is struggle to remain mentally sane, the weight of your trauma at some point swallows you up until you loose touch with everything.That was what happened two weeks ago when I woke up from a terrible nightmare and sent my wife packing. I woke up from the same nightmare that has always plagued me, only this time, it wasn’t just Bianca that I’d killed. I ripped Mirabella’s heart out of her in my dream and when I finally woke up, I found that I’d already done some damage to her physically.I panicked and had to tell myself the truth, the truth that I was a danger to her.I sent her away only to protect her from my monsters and I regret it.Her fragrance still lingers in the part of the mansion where she stayed, I still think about how she touched herself in my office while calling out my name, how I buried my face into her beautiful, heavenly cu
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Chapter 025
Mirabella's PovIf someone had told me that three days was enough time for this level of improvement I’d have literally strangled them, but it’s true. I’m glowing, my skin has come alive and my scars are almost non-existent because Matteo made sure to make available the best dermatologist and nutritionist just so they can help get me up and going.Get my skin healthy and everything in between.I’m so grateful for him, because throughout today, I’ve been in a good place. For the first time, I don’t actually regret being married to him but I fear for him. It’s been three days since he left here in anger and he hasn’t shown up nor has he called to say that he’s okay.Although there’s been a few rumors around the estate today that he attacked the consigliere’s mansion, still, I doubt the authenticity of that information.Matteo cannot put his position on the line at least not for me.It’s almost nine p.m and since I can no longer sit around, waiting for someone who might not want to come
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Chapter 026
Matteo's PovI’m kneeling between Mirabella’s thighs as I drink up her naked body. The naked body that has me imagining animalistic things, the naked body that has me about to make a mistake I’m sure will regret in no distant time.But for this perfect body, I’m willing to make mistakes for the rest of my life.Her wetness is glistening and making her little rosy pussy shine incredibly. Fuck. Like I said, it gets better and better. Her feel on my fingers was amazing and her taste was immaculate.She was right when she said her pussy feels like a portal, because I’m definitely being sucked in and I’ve just been in her with my fingers.“Matteo?” She calls out to me in a questioning manner as she attempts taking off her blindfold but I can’t let her do that. She has me fumbling already and if I’m to look into those dangerous orbs of hers whilst I fuck her, I know I’ll be finished.They’ll be no going back.“Leave it!” I command. I lean down, holding my weight off with my elbows. My cock
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Chapter 027
Mirabella's PovAm I dreaming?Just a few minutes after that amazing session with my husband and his bulge is pushing into me from behind. He’s throbbing and I’m left to wonder how much stamina this man has.“Are you good to go again?” He asks breathily and my body stiffens. I want to go again but I’m scared that I’ll be too sore by the time he’s done with me because this man is huge through and through and it’s a miracle that I’m not passed out at this point.“What?” I murmur my question.“Are you good to go again?” This time it feels more like a statement than a question and I gulp.The sudden need to satisfy him engulfs me.“B-but you just came.”“I’m not a one and done kind of man.” He blows out hot breaths against my back and his hips buckle into me. “It’s not a difficult question, Mirabella, it’s either a yes or a no. No pressure,” he quickly adds.“I-I. . .”“Are you sore?” He questions.“A little.”Whom am I deceiving?“Do you want me to go again? because believe me, Mirabella
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