All Chapters of Chosen By The Moon: Chapter 101 - Chapter 110
330 Chapters
Chapter 0101
As soon as we got through the door all the chatter died down and every single head turned to my direction. "Welcome back to class, Queen Dylan. Please take a seat." I nodded to Mrs Mathews and walked over to where my old seat was only to find a boy named Peter sat in it. I frowned at him, I'd sat i
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Chapter 0102
Dylan POVMy day was extremely difficult. I had to not only tackle some pretty difficult school work, which I hadn't done in months by the way, but I also had to deal with both humans and lycans alike, asking me questions left, right and centre about the king and palace life.Every single question r
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Chapter 0103
Dylan POVI just stood in the foyer staring back at the hundreds of eyes now staring at me. Every wolf that was creating the loud overlapping chatter I could hear from outside had stopped dead in their tracks to look at me, the lack of noise was deafening, the slightest sound would be able to be hea
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Chapter 0104
Dylan POVI'd never actually seen the pack house before, so the fact that I was sat, basically at the head of the table next to the king was insane. I was relatively quiet, as I ate my soup, only talking whenever someone asked me a question. It was an awkward atmosphere for me as I glanced around t
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Chapter 0105
"And how exactly can we trust you? All I see is one human sticking up for another." The newly appointed Gamma was quick to question my motives. I had to be smart about my answer. "There's no way in hell I'd help her willing. I don't particularly go around aiding traitors to our kind." Gasps we're h
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Chapter 0106
Dylan POV The pain that shot through me at King Josh's anger was intense, and the entire room went silent because of it. Blood quickly began to trickle from my hand onto the table cloth, and my breath halted completely as I tried not to scream out. My right fist slammed onto the table loudly, and
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Chapter 0107
Dylan POV. I stared at the districts soon to be beta and frowned, I was unable to read him, however I know for a fact the same couldn't be said about me. My facial expressions were giving away everything. He slowly lifted his hand up and reached it out in front of him silently asking for a hand sha
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Chapter 0108
Nick POV Dylan had been back for three days, she had been going to school with me, Arya, Adrien and his mate, Jana for the entirety of those three days, much to her confusion. In fact no one knew why she was spending her days in the classrooms with everyone else, it was unfair really, if she actual
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Chapter 0109
She slowly unwrapped her arms from her head and looked at her left arm in shock, tiny drops of blood began to gather down the length of her appendage, and she quickly began to pick the little imbedded transparent pieces out of her flesh. "You are trying my last nerve, mate. One more outburst from y
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Chapter 0110
Nick POVIt was a bit awkward as we waited for the girls to join us. I was stood next to both Adrian and the king who was barking orders at people as they past, and checking the time on his watch. He was constantly on edge, I'd noticed that about him. Everything was a rush, he never gave Dylan any
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