All Chapters of Chosen By The Moon: Chapter 111 - Chapter 120
330 Chapters
Chapter 0111
Nick POVI stood and watched as the king purposefully walked to the front of the platform, leaving Dylan standing behind him, he stopped at the edge and held his hand up to quiet the already non existent noise. His position was the best place to stand so that every person present could hear him spea
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Chapter 0112
Dylan POVI trembled in fear when the Kings head shot to me after I had grabbed hold of him. His fist tightened around the large whip in his hand and a gulp left me. If this went wrong he could very well use that thing on me, and I knew I couldn't take another lashing. I really couldn't. "Your plan
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Chapter 0113
"Have you not learnt your lesson yet, mate?" The king seethed under his breath as he looked on at me. "KNEEL BEFORE YOUR KING!" His voice echoed over the crowds of people and shook me to my core, but I didn't back down. In fact I found the strength to chastise him. Once again, before I could stop my
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Chapter 0114
Adrian POV That girl had a death wish. It was official, Dylan really did want to die. Her words struck everyone as she stared at the king her voice was hard, when she struck the final verbal blow causing him to shift out of rage. A small smug grin played out on my lips at her words, she knew exactl
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Chapter 0115
The king shouldn't be calling himself a royal with the way he treats his subjects. More importantly with the way he treats his mate, he should be holding her in the highest regard and making sure she was safe and protected, not being the cause of her fear, or the reason for her pain. I was talking
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Chapter 0116
Nick POV If Adrian truly wanted to contact the rebellion, then he was right in the fact that he needed a laptop and an old cell phone. The only items that couldn't be traced were the ones made in the last century, and he had to be certain his efforts were untraceable. At the young alphas request I
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Chapter 0117
Nick POV"So... what can I help you with?" Sheila was obviously on edge at my presence, as we sat down at her dining table, it was a bit of a kick in the teeth really seeing this woman so frightened by me. It's not like I could actually do anything. "I need something smuggled in, and you are the on
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Chapter 0118
"How much of that did you hear?" He mumbled while still refusing to look me in the eye, I truly couldn't believe that I was invoking so much fear into someone. I hated it. "Do you honestly think that you are the first human teenager to seek protection?" I asked with a bemused smile, I was trying to
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Chapter 0119
Dylan POV I only found out this morning that the king never returned to the pack house after last night and that he had in fact, left the district entirely. Why he left me here alone was beyond me, however I was hardly complaining.I sat curled up on an armchair in the sitting room, waiting for the
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Chapter 0120
"Yeah, it's nice!" I really couldn't care less at the minute what he decided to wear, I had much bigger things on my mind. "I thought you'd be more excited for me." He quickly shut off the projection and cleared his throat. Taking a seat in front of me. Arya and Adrian were currently at their train
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