All Chapters of The Unwanted Wife: Chapter 51 - Chapter 56
56 Chapters
Chapter 52: Who's Living In A Fantasy
“He says he hates you,” she continued, her voice dripping with venom. “That he’s sick of your presence.”I shrugged, forcing a nonchalant smile. “Really? I don’t care what you say. He’s still with me, and that doesn’t change the fact that I am his wife.”Zarina’s eyes flashed with anger. She stepped closer, her teeth gritted. “You’re thick-faced, aren’t you? Why don’t you just let him go?! He doesn’t love you!”“I don’t care. I expected as much when I married him. And honey I’ll decide when to let him go, and I don’t have any plans to do so anytime soon.”Her face twisted with rage. “You’re delusional,” she hissed. “You’re living in a fantasy.”“Maybe I am. But it’s my fantasy, and as long as I’m his wife, I’ll fight for it," I pointed at her. "While you will be stuck as his side piece. A woman he can never be proud of. A woman he will never show off to parties or show to his business partners."Tears formed in her eyes as she gl
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Chapter 51: Wife Vs. Mistress
"He'll be back, Anastasia. He will be back" I muttered to myself.Minutes passed, each one stretching longer than the last. I tried to calm my racing thoughts, focusing on the sounds of nature around me. The leaves rustling, the distant calls of birds, and the occasional snap of a twig underfoot. But the longer I stood there alone, the more the fear began to creep in. I glanced around, trying to catch a glimpse of Regan. I was now anxiously tapping my foot on the ground.Then, suddenly, another gunshot rang out, much closer this time. I jumped, my breath catching in my throat. Panic started to set in, and I had to force myself to stay calm. Regan had told me to wait, and I had to trust that he would come back for me.As the minutes dragged on, I hugged my arms around myself, trying to fend off the chill that seemed to seep into my bones. I sat on the root of the tree, waiting. Two hours had already passed, and my nerves were fraying as the shadows grew lon
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Chapter 53: I Didn't Do It
The forest felt eerily silent, the only sound was my ragged breathing. I tried to focus, to ground myself in the present, but the past and the present blurred together. It was almost suffocating. The pain, the fear, the helplessness—it was all suffocating until I could hear distant shouts now, voices growing nearer.Regan's voice cut through the haze, but I couldn't make out the words. I closed my eyes, trying to block out everything, but the images of my mother and Zarina's blood-stained figure were still on my mind.A hazy blur swam into focus as I registered the distant sound of Regan's voice calling Zarina's name. It echoed through the trees, distorted and faint as if I were underwater. My body felt numb, rooted to the spot where I had collapsed. Tears streamed down my face.Through my tear-filled eyes, I saw Regan materialize from the trees. He crouched beside Zarina, his face etched with fear as he cradled her head in his hands, calling her name with
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Chapter 54: Believe Me
The sobs eventually subsided, leaving behind a hollow ache in my chest and a numbness that spread through my limbs. Pulling away from Paul's embrace, I stood on shaky legs, his hand instinctively reaching out to steady me.My voice hoarse from crying, I managed a choked plea. "I... I need to go to her."Paul's brow furrowed in concern. "No, Anastasia. You can't. It's better for you to stay at the house and wait for Regan."I shook my head. Biting my lip, I wiped away the tears that still clung to my lashes. "Please, Paul. I just want to know if she's okay. And I need to explain myself.""Anastasia—""Please," I cut him off, my gaze meeting his. There was a desperation in my eyes that I couldn't hide.Paul hesitated, his eyes scanning my tear-streaked face. He seemed to be weighing the risks. With a sigh, he nods.......The car screeched to a halt in front of the hospital, pulling me back to the present momen
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Chapter 55: I Am Her Husband
Time seemed to lose all meaning. But eventually, with a shaky breath, I forced myself to my feet. My face was a tear-streaked mess, my body ached with a dull throb. Taking a deep breath, I wiped away the tears. Straightening my clothes, and brushing away the dust and grime, I walked out of the room.I needed to see Zarina. Needed to know she was okay, if there was even a remote chance of explaining myself. Each step towards the emergency room felt like trudging through mud. As I approached, the murmur of voices grew louder. Regan's family huddled around Zarina; their faces etched with concern. Lost in their worry, they didn't notice me linger at the edge of the group. Taking a bite of my lip, the metallic tang of blood filled my mouth. I had to speak up, and explain what truly happened. Just as I opened my mouth to speak, a nurse cut through the tense atmosphere. "Excuse me, Mr. Del Valle," she addressed Regan, "but is there any immediate family member f
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Chapter 56: Leaving
The sky had darkened considerably, the last rays of sunlight giving way to the inky blackness of night. A cold wind swept through the deserted road, sending chills down my spine. Despite the situation, an instinct for survival kicked in. I knew I couldn't stay there, exposed and vulnerable. Taking a shaky breath, I pushed myself to my feet and started walking. The road ahead was covered in darkness, but it was the only path I had. As I stumbled along, I raised a hand in a futile attempt to flag down passing cars, each one ignored. Night had completely fallen by the time I finally saw headlights way in the distance, getting bigger and brighter. Hope and fear battled each other in my chest. This had to work. I had to do something. Taking a deep breath, I clenched my fists and stepped right into the middle of the road, squeezing my eyes shut tight. This was it. Whatever happened next, I couldn't take it anymore. With all the strength I had left, I screame
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