All Chapters of Fated To My Cruel Step-Brother and His Enemy: Chapter 11 - Chapter 19
19 Chapters
The Psychic Vampire
Nadia scurried down a narrow flight of stairs, leading into the dimly illuminated bowels of the college. Dust motes danced in the single, blinking overhead bulb that did nothing but loom creepy shadows on the walls.Nadia practically dragged me down the creaky, cobweb-draped stairs leading to the school’s basement. My senses were already on high alert. Why in grief’s name were we heading to the school’s basement?Bruh, this was my first day at school!Luna, of course, was having a meltdown in my head. "Are you crazy, Nimue? Down here? It's the basement! Basements are for creepy crawlies and forgotten gym socks, not following weird vampires!"I was already fretting, really and Luna was just making matters worse!Umbra silenced her with a dry, "She's a vampire, Luna, not a sewer monster. Besides, she can't exactly drag Nimue to the rooftop for a heart-to-heart."Ignoring their bickering, I called after Nadia, "Hey, where are we going? This place gives me the heebie-jeebies!"She finall
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Pretty Boy
As we made our way back up the creaky stairs, Nadia cleared her throat hesitantly. "So, uh, Nimue?" she began, kicking a pebble down the steps."Yeah?""Do you think… we could be friends?" she blurted out in a rush, her cheeks flushing pink.I blinked, surprised by the question. "Why wouldn't we be?"Sure, Nadia seemed a little… quirky, but she was definitely more interesting than the human and other girls who spent their lunch breaks giggling over boys and makeup.Nadia bit her lip. "Well, you see, it's not exactly easy being me. No one really wants to hang out with the school loser, you know?""Loser?" I scoffed. "You're not a loser, Nadia. You're a psychic vampire with a secret stash of forbidden chocolate, what's not to love?"Nadia giggled, a hand over her mouth. "Forbidden chocolate? That's a good way to put it." Her smile faltered again. "Besides, my parents are super strict about who I hang out with. No vampires allowed, apparently because most of the vampires in th
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Let The Games Begin
Kieran~~I loved the look on her face when she saw my dick. Ah – I’d give anything to witness that look again. The way her confidence withered like a dead rose just when she met with the sight of my benevolent come monster.Aha! Arrogance had no place here, especially not after barging into my room.Such were the punishments befitting of erring little girls just like her. What guts she had to barge into my room unannounced. And why? Because she wanted to expose me and Lucille?Tch. She probably didn't know me. If she did, she would have feared me more. I was Kieran. The game master. No one could beat me at my game. There were so many things a lot of people would never find out about me - one of them was how fake my relationship with Lucille was.With Lucille’s mouth that was faster in transmitting gossip, the internet didn't come close, everyone was convinced that they were mates. It would be so much fun dumping the idiot when he found his real mate. Well, whoever his real mate was,
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The Petty Fight
The satisfying ‘whomp’ of my fist connecting with Jin's jaw boomed through the hallway like a thunderclap announcing the arrival of a comedic genius. The smug smirk he usually wore evaporated faster than a snowflake in a sauna. On his face was now a comical look of surprise that could launch a thousand memes. Only Keiran was capable of wiping the smugness away from people like that. I should be given an Oscar or something, bruh."Woah there, big guy," Jin mumbled, gingerly touching his jaw with the grace of a newborn giraffe learning to walk. "What the heck was that for?""That is for trespassing," I declared, rolling up my sleeve because I’d be damned if I didn't fight him today.It was all I had been yearning for. To punch some senses into his brain and show him why I was the Lycan. "That is what you get for fraternizing with the enemy. Don't forget, Lucille's my mate, and you, my dear Jin, were about to commit a very serious act of smooching."I could hear the stupid Nimue gaspin
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She Cares About Him?!
We slunk behind Chancellor Howlerton, the cheers, and jeers turning into tight-lipped whispers as the crowd parted for us like the Red Sea parting for a particularly grumpy Moses. Inside his wood-paneled office, the Chancellor began a lecture that would have made even Shakespeare himself bow, complete with enough growls that I found so annoying. Could he just let me go? I was the Alpha’s son and had no business being here! "You two are the Alpha son and Beta respectively!" he roared, his voice echoing off the stacks of detention slips lining the wall. "This kind of behavior is unbecoming! Do you have any idea what the vampires will think? Do you want them to call in the exterminators again, claiming there's a rogue… uh… badger problem on campus?" Jin, as the model student - or at least the model student who didn't get caught setting off stink bombs in the cafeteria, simply nodded in agreement with his face carefully schooled into an expression of remorse. Yeah, that was typica
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Only Gets Worse
I wasn't expecting the fight to escalate as such. Jin Kisaragi, the embodiment of calmness, fighting fist-to-fist with that bloody troublemaker called Kieran was something I wasn't expecting.I remember Nadia telling me about the enmity between them but I wasn't expecting it to be this heaty. Hell, they fought like high school boys. One wouldn't have thought grown-up college guys could fight like teenagers in the school’s hallway. Yet, knowing I started it by choosing to talk back at Lucille instead of just ignoring her was the cause of all of this. Perhaps, if I had taken Nadia’s hands, I wouldn't have been caught trying to get in between two hollering and fist-throwing guys right now, urging them to quit hitting each other.The worst thing was not Jin and Kieran tearing into each other, it was the comments from the students hanging around. “Is Kieran fighting for his sister or girlfriend?”“Look at her standing there after causing such trouble.”“I heard she's a gold digger.”Some
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Kieran is a Douchebag!
Jin and Kieran were in hot water. Although Jin and I were not so close and had not seen much of each other since the guy seemingly always had to work, he was still nice to me. So, I wasn't enthusiastic that he was being grilled in the Chancellor’s office but Kieran?Hell, I wished the man could return every punch the rascal had delivered on Jin back on him. But come to look at it, Jin seemed to have the upper hand in the fight.Did that mean Kieran was all talk and lesser power? Tch. Why was I not surprised?I grabbed Nadia's arm, proceeding forward urgently. "Come on, faster! We need to find out what's going on in there!"Nadia, however, dug her heels in with a frown creasing her brow. "Why do we need to find out anything, Nimue? Did you see how everyone else scattered like startled pigeons? Even Lucille hightailed it out of here.""So?" I scoffed. "They're scaredy-cats. Besides, wouldn't you want to know what the chancellor is currently doing to those two? Do you think he’ll make th
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Let Her Feed
The silence after Jin's departure was deafening. Kieran was still clutching his cheek as he glared at me like a cornered badger. My own hand throbbed from the slap, but the fading sting was nothing compared to the wildfire of emotions consuming me.Dude’s cheeks felt like it was made of steel and not flesh and bones."Well?" I spat, crossing my arms defiantly. "Anything else you'd like to say, Mr. Perfect-Brother? Or are you going to continue spewing your pathetic lies?"Kieran opened his mouth to retort, but upon seeing that we were no longer alone in the corridor, he huffed and puffed vigorously, hate burning in his eyes at me. He shut his mouth with a snap, his jaw clenching tight. Umbra practically vibrated inside me with a venomous hiss. "See that, Nimue? All bark and no bite. Boy’s a chihuahua with delusions of grandeur."Luna countered with a sigh. "Umbra, maybe this isn't the time. He looks like he might explode."Kieran, as if he could hear those silly wolves argue again too
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Two Gorgeous Hell
"So," Nadia said with mischief, "shall we grab some lunch and swap embarrassing childhood stories?"I grinned. "Sounds like a plan. Though, knowing me, my most embarrassing stories are probably from this very day."“Oh, I'm sure you can top anything I've got." She chuckled.As we rose from our seats, the bullies reappeared, swaggering down the aisle like they owned the place. Brock shot us a menacing glare. "Leaving so soon, pipsqueaks?" he sneered. "Just a friendly reminder to watch your backs." Nadia and I exchanged a speechless glance, then simultaneously winked at each other. This seemed to confuse the bullies, leaving them as they called us freaks from behind. Bloody humans.We exited the classroom, laughing at their empty threats. "So," I said, stepping out into the radiant afternoon sun, "where do you live? Maybe we can be neighbors." Nadia shook her head, her blonde ponytail bouncing. "Not a chance. Different creatures, different digs. Vampires tend to prefer the south s
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