All Chapters of Reclaiming His Slave Mate: Chapter 31 - Chapter 40
89 Chapters
Chapter 31 Escape Loraine
Third-Person PovA dark figure, forming a muscular man who was currently waiting for Loraine to show up in her room. He was standing patiently and trying to minimize his presence.However, he suddenly grips his sharp knife tightly and his whole body emits such a heavy murderous aura. He had just received a message that two brothers had been beaten badly, and they had finally lost their lives just now. Someone had delivered the final blow to them.His gaze became darker and sharper, trying to minimize his presence, especially as he had felt Loraine’s presence walking back to her room.The moment that the door was open, the man watched as Loraine closed the door. Without waiting for her to turn her back, the man appeared behind her, and his hand reached out, locking the door and his other hand was pointing his sharp knife at her neck.“Don’t do anything and be a good girl.” The man coldly said with his lower voice.Loraine was about to open her mouth and when the man had seen this, he m
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Chapter 32 Run, Loraine, Run
Third Person’s PovLoraine ran as fastest as she could. This was the first time that she felt panic. Her whole body was trembling even though she felt calm in her heart, yet her body instinctively warned her about how dangerous it would be if she stayed in that place.She couldn’t help but curse when she still felt the man’s presence behind her, running persistently towards her.It was creepy.If she continued to run while using the path that they had taken earlier, this man would end up catching her, and she knew that it would be no good if the man would catch her, especially if she tried to escape this time.‘Loraine? Loraine? Can you hear me?’Loraine was slightly taken back when she heard Aaron’s voice, speaking to her directly to her mind.“Yes, I could hear you. What’s the matter?” Loraine tried to answer in the smoothest and calmer way, but Aaron still managed to catch her.‘I felt your troubles, so I was wondering what happened to you. Where are you now?’ Aaron calmly asked he
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Chapter 33 He Came
Loraine’s POVI calmly let this man hugged me from the back and acting as if I didn’t find out his identity. I already had some doubts about him the moment when he walked towards me behind my back and all of my doubts had become certain about the person who just hugged me from behind.In order not to startle the snake, I calmly went along with him.When I faced him, I couldn’t help but sneer secretly. No matter what kind of witchcraft they would do, they won’t be able to copy their target well.After all, the ‘Aaron’ in front of me had a distorted face, and this man probably hasn’t realized this yet and was confident that I haven’t found out about his act.However, when I saw his hand move, I had moved my hand immediately and wrapped his neck with my hand, coldly looking at the fake one in front of me, who was also looking at me in disbelief.“H-How…?”I coldly looked at him. “You must have been underestimating my bond with the Alpha King huh? You should have cloned a person who isn’t
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Chapter 34 Her Dream
Loraine’s Pov“Dear, stop running. You’ll get hurt!”When I looked back, I saw the same woman whom I had seen when I awakened. Wait… is she calling me?I was about to point my hand at myself while looking at the woman, trying to confirm if I was the one whom she was calling about, when I noticed something was wrong.What… how come my hands become smaller?When I touched my face, it still had some chubby cheeks and when I saw the woman walking towards me, she was taller than me, like a giant.I became a kid.What happened? What’s this? A dream?I watched as the woman, who had a gentle aura, kept on nagging at me, yet her voice was soft, and it was contained with helplessness. Her eyes when she was looking at me were doting and filled with love.Suddenly, I felt a warm liquid on my cheeks while tilting my head in look.I saw her squat down to match my face and her warm hand softly brushed my cheeks.“Why is my baby crying? I’m sorry if mama keeps on nagging you. She was just worried tha
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Chapter 35 The Bloodline
Loraine’s Pov“So, who was it? Tell me. I promise that I will only talk to him.” He calmly said with a soft voice while his hands were caressing my cheeks.Yeah, right. Who would believe that?Besides, I can’t reveal anything about Kavier, especially the fact that he was planning on rebellion, and if Aaron knew about it, then for sure Kavier would get executed on, spot. Not just that, although he couldn’t kill me, there are various ways to torture the allies of the one who plot for rebellion.Also, Kavier seemed not to plan on revealing that he knew me revealing anything related to our bloodlines.I looked at Aaron helplessly and got up, making him look at me.Without saying anything, I grabbed his collar and kissed him on the lips, making him look at me in surprise.I was about to move away and pull myself away from him, but his hand wrapped my waist, tightly pulling me over him and deepened the kiss.“Hmmp… stop…” I catched my breath after I managed to push him away.Aaron looked at
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Chapter 36 The Trouble
Loraine’s PovIt has been two days ever since I was in the clinic to recuperate my wound. Although, within two days of that time, my wound had already healed, yet Aaron, Anna, and even Kavier had insisted that I should stay there for the meantime to make sure that I was really healed, so I left with no other choice but to comply with their wishes.Anyway, if I keep on being stubborn, they might chain me to bed.“Are you okay with working now?” It was the head maid, Claire, who asked me the question.I smiled and looked at her with guilt. “Yeah, I’m fine now. I will go back to my assigned area.”The headmade was silent, and I saw her brows furrowed and the way she hesitated, making me look at her in confusion.“Is there something wrong?” I asked.However, Claire was about to shake her head but, as if remembering something, she looked at me in the eyes and nodded her head. “Yes, it was about Anna. She had been harassed about her new assigned job.”I looked at her with brows furrowed. “S
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Chapter 37 Paramour Whom?
Third Person's Pov“Where are you going, my lord?”Aaron looked back at his subordinate whose gaze was looking at his feet while speaking at him politely.“I'm going to take a stroll.” He answered with a nonchalant tone, as if he was really going to take a stroll.But his subordinate knew him already and didn't point out his words.“I will handle the affairs here, my lord.” He politely said.Aaron nodded his head in satisfaction. “I know I could trust you on this one. Also...” his gaze darkened, and his voice became colder. “Take care of that woman. She needs to be reminded about her position.”His subordinate shivered at the way his lord's mood changed in an instant.Yet, he respectfully obeyed his lord's order. “Without mercy, my lord.”Aaron nodded his head in satisfaction and left in a hurry to take his ‘stroll’.On the other hand, Loraine, whose hair was a mess with sweat, and she brushed it from her forehead to back while smirking at Jovan, who was battered by her, lying on the
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Chapter 38 You're in Love
Loraine’s PovI couldn’t help but glare at Aaron again, who kept on saying that it was Nathan, the clinic doctor I had kissed. Just why the hell can't he move on from that?“Shut it, Aaron. I already told you, didn’t I? If you don’t do it with others, you will also not do it with others. If I did, you should look at your behavior and what made me do it with others.” I calmly said while looking at him in the eye.And when I turned my head, I saw Nathan’s ears become large, and he looked like he was enjoying the tea that he had just sipped.This gossip king.I didn’t wait for Aaron’s response and went to the chair, looking at Nathan. “My wounds.”Aaron helplessly stood up. “I thought you were going to act like an immortal who can’t feel pain and won’t care if you have tons of wounds because you know to yourself that you are immortal.”Just before Nathan could touch my face, Aaron appeared in front of me, and he took the medicine kit that Nathan was holding.I looked at him in the eyes,
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Chapter 39 In Prison
Loraine’s PovSeeing that Aaron had left since he also had something to do, Anna and I were the only ones left in the clinic. She had been telling me that I had fallen for Aaron unconsciously.Did I really fall in love? Although, compared to before, I wasn’t that resistant to his presence anymore and always got the urge to run away from him. Is this because I got used to his presence and his persistence in making me angry?I did like him before, and I admit I had fallen for him before. But now, looking at my situation, our complicated situation, I honestly don’t know what to do nor what to feel towards him. Plus, the fact that I still don’t know the past situation of my pack, my parents and what happened to them.I’m afraid to fall for him. Afraid that I would know one day that he was the one who made my parent’s downfall, and was the one who killed my pack, my bloodline. Until there is no evidence about him that he wasn’t one of the people who had killed my parents, I would do my bes
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Chapter 40 The Cell
Loraine’s Pov“What the fuck, Klein? You want to work under this frail looking woman? Women like her only needed to lie down on the bed and serve us on the bed!” It was the man who was looking at me with those lustful gazes earlier on, as if he was planning to do something to me there, along with his three other companions who were looking like a beast there in heat.I coldly looked at him. I think his name was Andrei.Upon seeing me looking at me, he looked at me and sneered. “What are you looking at you? Aren’t you here to serve us?”I couldn’t help but laugh at his words. “Serve? What kind of service is it? Want me to bring a plate and put your head on it, is that what you mean?”“You know what I mean!”I looked at him innocently, tilting my head. “But that’s my definition of service that you were talking about. Isn’t that what you meant? I can serve you.”I can sever your head.I gritted my teeth and tried to stop myself from thinking too much. I could clearly feel that there was
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