All Chapters of Reclaiming His Slave Mate: Chapter 81 - Chapter 89
89 Chapters
Chapter 81 Deal with Them
Third Person's PovLoraine took a deep breath and endured the nausea feeling. She looked at Aaron who exuded such a heavy aura and couldn't help but sigh.“Stop it, Aaron. I know that he didn't mean it. After all, he knows the Shaman since she was a friend of my parents but who was expecting the Shaman to be the one who manipulated this entire fight.” Loraine said as she tried to brush off the uncomfortable feeling that washed over her body and stood up.Kavier pursed his lips. He was still feeling guilty for what he had done. If it happened that he really killed Loraine, he would also kill himself. But if that happened, he didn't know how to face his parents and Loraine's parents when he had sworn to them that he would protect her and leave her to him.Yet, he almost killed Loraine.On the other hand, Aaron took a deep breath and closed his eyes, trying to suppress the anger in his heart. Then he looked at Loraine with worry.“Are you okay now? Did that Shaman do something to you?” H
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Chapter 82 The Shaman's Hatred
Third Person's Pov“Loraine!”Both Aaron and Kavier shouted her name when they saw her being hit by an arrow in her shoulder.Before they could run in her direction, Loraine was suddenly swallowed by the ground, making it impossible for them to catch up with her.Aaron's gaze darkened as his knuckles turned red. “Damn it!”Kavier gritted his teeth and his eyes revealed anxiousness and worries. He looked at Aaron and said, “Go on and find your mate! I'm sure that you can find her since you two have connections to each other! I'll take care of this shits here!”Hearing this, Aaron wasn't polite as he turned his back and ran towards a certain direction where his gut was telling him to go.His body exudes such a heavy murderous aura as if he would kill anyone right now if they dared to stop him—well, he would.His heart was churning with anger as he desperately tried to contact Loraine through their mind-link while feeling her bond. He knows that Loraine won't be able to get away from him
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Chapter 83 The Fool
Third Person's PovA woman's painful scream could be heard inside the basement and echoed her voice. Blood had fallen down from her body and dripped down on the ground, soiling the candles that served as lights for them.She couldn't move her body even though she wasn't being chained or tied down. Blooded tears had wetted her cheeks as she let out a painful scream as he watched Penelope who was stabbing her with a knife from her shoulders and her ankles.Her body had lost its strength. Her head was throbbing. She gritted her teeth and tried hard to remain conscious.“It's really amazing that you had the same ability as your mother.” the shaman grinned as she kept on stabbing her whenever her wounds healed. “However, let's see which one of us will give up. Your healing ability or me.”After she said that, she laughed out loud while stabbing her again, again, and again.Loraine couldn't even count nor remember how many times she had been stabbed.She didn't know if the shaman was doing
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Chapter 84 The Fall
Third Person's PovBefore the shaman could get her chance to come back, Loraine, who saw through her petty tricks, sneered as she grabbed the shaman's neck using her hands, choking her tightly as if she would snap necks of hers.Loraine coldly gazed at her and sneered. “You're too weak. The thing that made you strong was only your manipulative tactics and those petty tricks of yours.”The shaman, with her face slowly turning purple, glared at her with a hateful gaze and, despite that she was having a hard time breathing, she spoke with the corner of her lips raised.“So what? I managed to kill your parents... besides... cough...” she couldn't finish her words when the moment she mentioned Loraine's parents, Loraine had tightened the grip around the shaman's neck, making the shaman's eyes redden as she turned purple.Yet, when Loraine was about to snap the shaman's neck, the shaman's hands were, in fact, holding something and when she pressed it, a white smoke appeared to jolt both of
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Chapter 85 At Ease
Third Person's PovThe doctor, Nathan, was about to pack himself to go back to his hometown, when the door of his room had burst out, making him panic as he looked in that direction.He thought that he was under-attacked by the enemies, but the person who had attacked his door was none other than the Alpha King.Yet, upon seeing the Alpha King's expression and the heavy aura around him, he felt that it would be better to be attacked by the enemies instead.“A-Alpha...”Before he could finish his words, his eyes happened to fall at the person that the Alpha King was gently carrying.Upon seeing those familiar faces, his eyes deepened as he became serious. He looked at the Alpha King with a frown.“What happened to her? How could she become like this?! Didn't you promise to protect her?!” Nathan's fear had vanished instantly upon seeing Loraine's condition.He couldn't help but glare at the Alpha King instead, and the Alpha King didn't get angry when he got scolded.Instead, he stood st
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Chapter 86 She's Awake
Loraine's PovI was woken up by the constant growl of my stomach and the quenching thirst of my throat. I slowly opened my eyes and couldn't help but frown as I squinted my eyes, slowly adjusting to the light that had hit my face.I glanced outside the window and saw that winter had already passed. Just how long did I remain unconscious?“Oh? You're finally awake.”I slowly move my head, which is stiff from probably lying on the bed in the same position. I don't know how long I was asleep, but I guess that it took long enough for my body to become rigid.“How long...” I paused and was taken back at how hoarse my voice was, as if its saliva had dried off.Nathan sighed and poured water into the glass, and then gave it to me.I took it and, without hesitation, I gulped the water down to its last drop, then handed it to him again.“More?”I nodded my head, and he gave me a bottle of water and I took it and drank it again until the bottle was empty before I sighed in relief.I looked at h
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Chapter 87 The Kids
Loraine's PovAlthough I was hesitant at first, I nodded my head and let Aaron carry me, taking me to our home. I... I never imagined that I would have a child and those children are still alive despite the fact that the shaman had kicked my belly that time so hard, trying to kill my children.I thought that they were already... I shook my head and stopped thinking about those messy thoughts. What's important right now is that knowing that they are healthy, and although I gave birth to them through the cesarean method while I was in a coma, it was a good thing to know that I managed to bring them back alive.“What are you thinking?” He asked as he walked me down to our home, entering the newly built villa that he built for us.“You really didn't build this villa for your little mistress, right?” I jokingly asked while raising my brows, looking at him, who had a serious expression, but his aura was gentler.Although he looked fatigued and seemed to be lacking sleep, he was still vigoro
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Chapter 88 First Ending
THIRD PERSON'S POVNow that the two kids know how to read the room, especially upon seeing their father's restless emotions towards their mother, as if he couldn't wait to talk to her, so after they expressed how they missed her very much and how much they loved her, they gave their parents a space to talk and be honest with each other.Loraine found himself sitting in Aaron's lap while he was facing her back to him. She watched as those arms wrapped tightly around her waist as he buried his face in her neck.“Are you fine now? There's really nothing going on with your body that you aren't telling me, hm?” He softly asked.Loraine smiled and shook her head as she leaned her body on him. “No, I'm really fine now. After those long “rests”, I am fully healed and, other than feeling numb and being uncomfortable walking or standing, nothing else hurts now.”Aaron pursed his lips and closed his eyes as he exhaled her scent as if he couldn't get over it. He held her tightly and was trying to
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Chapter 89 Home, Family
Loraine's Pov“You're here.” I calmly said while looking in a certain direction. I chuckled and said with a tease. “I thought that you would only return once we announced my wedding with Aaron?”Kavier, who had now grown a beard and his features became even more prominent and matured, his wheat color made him look masculine, rolled his eyes and walked towards my direction, then sat down on the chair.“It's a bit shocking that your big dog isn't clinging to you?” Kavier sneered and added, “I've heard that ever since you woke up, he would always follow you and would bring you along wherever he goes?”I chuckled as I handed him the tea I had brewed. “Yeah, I was also taken back too, but I could guess that he was up to something behind my back.”Kavier rolled his eyes at me and took a sip of the tea. “Do you feel like you're being restrained by him? Especially that he is too protective and possessive when it comes to you? Who knows one day you will find it annoying. I would be delighted i
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