All Chapters of Wrong Night With Fated Mate: Chapter 11 - Chapter 20
125 Chapters
Chapter 11 That Feeling
(Nikolai’s POV)When I saw her again, it was as if time fell into a tiny speck of dust and was waiting to explode at lightning speed. That's what I felt inside my chest. It was as if for a moment, I had forgotten how to breathe.My heart was beating faster each second, erratically out of control, as I got closer to her.Looking deep into her mesmerizing blue eyes, I exhaled my breath. She was gorgeous, indeed. Even with her trying to change her looks, I knew it was her. My Ashley. My little Witch.At that closeness, I could hear her heart beating fast even when she tried to hide her fear for me. I could sense our connection getting stronger. Did she feel it too?It was magnetic. It was magical.As when the skin from the back of my hand touched her soft cheeks, I felt sparks fly. Electrifying. Seeing her eyes twitched a little, I knew she felt it too.She tried so hard to calm down. Perhaps, she had forgotten what I am.I was not just a Werewolf. I was more than that.Her heart wanted
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Chapter 12 The Masquerade
(Ashley’s POV).“That idiot!” I shouted to myself as he closed the door leaving me behind to fix the mistake that was clearly not my fault. “Stupid, Wolf man”Was he blind? Did he not see I had just proved to him about the different fingerprints?I was not sure if I was angry at his ignorance on what I had shown him or was it due to the fact that he did not recognise who I was. Did I not mean anything to him, five years ago?I then exhaled my breath. ‘Of course, he already moved on with that woman with the name Pamela. Sexy woman with big tits’I looked down to my chest. My boobs were not that bad.Urghh! That Wolf. Why must he be so handsome for me to hate him more?I was cursing him in many languages but my powers were not working anymore once he left the room. Annoying prick! I wished I could turn him into a frog and throw him out from the window of this building!Realising I had only until midnight to fix this mess, I stayed back for several minutes and planned to check on the su
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Chapter 13 A Little Jealousy
(Nikolai’s POV).Almost half an hour later, I stood outside the passenger door of my black Lamborghini. I have asked my bodyguards to leave me alone tonight with the woman they thought to be Tiana Winters.Soon, Pamela would hear me going out with another woman. I did not care.I never said I was in love with Pamela. She assumed too much.After exhaling the smoke from my cigarette, I recalled what Ashley had said to me. She too knew the consequences of us being together. That centuries old dispute between the Werewolves and Witches of the East were something that would make our bond almost impossible.I did not care a f*ck for it!If Ashley was indeed my Mate, which I could sense she was, I would defend her with my life. She should not worry about any Werewolf that would want to hurt her.Was that why she ran away from me? Was she afraid of being with me?I wondered about the possibility of this. I needed to fix it.She needed to know how important she was to my life.“Are you going
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Chapter 14 Those Evil Twins
(Ashley’s POV).I sniffled a tear quietly. I did not expect to feel so sad seeing Philip standing next to that b*tch Helen. When I saw his hands placed on Helen’s waist, I felt hurt like a thousand knives piercing through my already broken heart.Did he love her? I wondered for years hoping it was all just a bad dream.But, it seemed all hope was lost for Philip to love me back. How could he do such things to me? I loved him. We were happy once upon a time.Feeling Nikolai’s warmth next to me, I somehow felt a little better. For some reason, I felt some sense of bitterness in his eye, perhaps he saw me looking at another man. I hoped he would not ask me any more questions about Philip or Helen.I would not know how to answer him. Even after five years, my mind found it difficult to process what had happened to me five years ago when I lost all the things I loved in my life, to Helen Ross.It was all clearly over between me and Philip. He had moved on and so did Nikolai with his rumou
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Chapter 15 Dare
(Author’s POV).The Royal Masquerade party happened once a year and fully sponsored by the Royal family of Averna. A grand night of celebration with invitees from Royal families around the world including those who were qualified to enter the annual designing competition.Prestige, classy and extravagant. It was a dream come true for most to attend.An event where the citizen of Averna was looking forward to, every year.It was their chance to meet the Prince and Princesses, while having a good time, not caring of their status in society. A luxuriously decorated banquet table filled with delicious food and expensive drinks were provided for their indulgence. Unlimited supply with the finest delicacies to taste.A reason to why the designing competition was one of a kind.The winner would have the chance to design elegant dresses and suits for the Royal families. It would make them prosperous with money and fame. A good reputation that would last for a long time.The young and single
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Chapter 16 Unexplained Feelings
(Author’s POV).Back at the Hotel where the Masquerade party was happening, Philip was dancing with Helen. The party went on but it was no longer the same without the Werewolves. They were mostly the fun type, especially when they were drunk. Of course, that excludes the arrogant looking Nikolai Wulfgard.The Vampires were the quiet ones. Charming but reserved types. Their eyes were always watching over the Witches who could take away their gift of walking under sunlight, at any time. They have sworn to protect the Witches from the Werewolves. A pact made centuries ago.What happened between Nikolai and the Witch they knew as Tiana Winters, were indeed fascinating to them. An odd union. Something they have not seen for a long time. Something they thought would be a sign of a war coming. Wondering which side would their Vampire King choose.As for the Humans, even without special abilities, they were strong in numbers and weapons. Their strong allies with the Fairies would make them u
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Chapter 17 CH 20: Remember That Night
(Author’s POV).(Mature content ahead).Maybe time had stopped when his lips met her, but the flutters in their hearts intensified at each second of the kiss. It was addictive that had made them pulled each other closer to deepen the kiss.Neither of them could explain how it started. It happened fast. Unexpected.But, it was something they needed without realising it.Feeling his tongue in her mouth again was what she had been dreaming of late. At times, she took a peek to see if he was real or just a figment of her imagination.“Say my name” he whispered as he moved his lips to the sensitive spot on her neck. It sent shivers around her body making her tremble with excitement.“Nikolai” she whispered his name with her soft trembling voice as she felt his warm hands slipping under her dress. Her expensive dress that she knew would soon be ruined.He held her body close as he felt her pushing him back. Moving his lips crushing hers, Ashley could hear him growl in between kisses. It w
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Chapter 18 CH 21: That Call
(Ashley’s POV).I could hear that ringtone playing in my handphone. I knew who it was. A special tone set for the most important person in my life. My son, Teddy.And hell no, I was not letting Nikolai find out about my Teddy!Not yet. I needed to protect my son away from him.Trying to push the strong Nikolai back was not an easy task. He did not want to let me go, nor did I if it was not caused by my handphone ringing continuously. I knew my son. He was not going to stop calling until I answer his call.It had been always the two of us. He grew up feeling the need to protect me even when he was just a little boy. Teddy did not like me travelling without him by my side. My little protective son of mine knew he was special. The strength in him was getting bigger.It was getting difficult to hide the truth of who his father was.If only he knew that his father was not just an ordinary man. I wondered what would happen if anyone knew I gave birth to a son who had both Werewolf and Witc
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Chapter 19 CH 22: Thinking of Him
(Nikolai’s POV).She may have forgotten that I was a Werewolf. I could hear her conversation with a man I heard she mentioned to be Teddy. Such a childish name of a man that I hoped not to be her lover.I would crush that Teddy. No one can have my Ashley. She was mine. Always.I tried to calm myself as my mind was trying to figure out who could this Teddy be.Was I jealous? Maybe, I was. Most likely.What has this Witch done to me?At the mentioned of the name Teddy, I felt strange in my heart. A feeling that I never felt for so long was forming. For the past five years, I thought I could never feel my Wolf Blake again.‘Blake?’ I called to him in my mind hoping that he would finally talk to me. I sensed his presence. I sensed he had finally woken up.“I’m tired” Ashley said to me with her eyes staring at a blank space. I turned to my side and looked at her, wondering why she was looking a little nervous.It was just a while ago that she was yelling at me. This woman could change her
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Chapter 20 CH 23: The Next Level
(Ashley’s POV).The next day, I woke up early with a good mood. I was smiling to myself looking at my reflection in the mirror. Wearing another one of my gorgeous dress designs, it had accentuated my curves to look elegant and sexy. With a little spell, I put on colours to my face to make me look radiant and beautiful.Was it not good to be a Witch? Well, I guessed it had its benefits as well.Hearing my son’s voice in the morning had lift my spirits to be in such a good mood. My little Teddy wished me luck and hoped to hear from me soon with good news.How lucky I was to have such strong support group!As I got into Gina’s car, I sat down with a smile on my face.“You are looking weirdly happy today? Did you f*ck someone last night?” she teased me while driving her Mercedes. I saw her winked playfully at me thinking that I got laid last night.“No. I did not” I said while hiding my smile, “Almost got laid”My words got Gina opened her mouth and started to fan herself with her hand,
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